Like your grow, and your plants look healthy...
I guess when the 2nd set of leaves come out ill transplant..
Thanks for the help guys
hah ty, but once the 2nd leaves get the same size area as the 1st then i should be fine to transplant, go into a 3 gallon or something like you said above, thats what i did, and then a 5 gallon later down the road..
i dont know if its bad but try to avoid touching the roots with your hands, thats what i did and i noticed 0 transplant shock..
idk u should be fine, let em doo ther thang
but if u are compelled to give them neuts do what you got todo, id just say no to it.. until they are 3-4 weeks..
did that with mine, and water each plant 300ml every 3 days