How they lookin?


Took the babes out for a flush yesterday as they didn’t like open seasame too much. Little bit of nute burn on the tips. Also don’t mind the droopy girl too much it was close to lights out and she was thirsty.

Other than that what you guys think? I’m really happy but all recommendations welcomed to beef up yields! Switched to 12/12 on 12/30. They are photos, In ocean forest, using fox farm trio, GH calmag, open seasame (going to drop open seasame after nute burn) now waiting to use beastie bloomz and cha ching. Usually feed around 1/2 strength for everything but calmag using the full tsp/gal as recommended.


Not bad .... kinda interested in the specs like what light your using , genetics, etc
Genetics are platinum jack, seeds were given to me by a friend in CA after loving the flower. Look really different from each other when they were out, I was told they both were the same so not sure if it’s a pheno thing or if they’re actually different strains.

Light is a spider farmer sf2000 and a bloomspect 1200. Space is a little more than 3x3 usually chilling between 81-83, Daytime Rh 45%, spikes up to about 55-60% at night. Already have a bigger dehumidifier on the way to get that nighttime Rh down.