The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Wouldn't surprise me at all, if it was Putin's grand plan all along imvho.

Rig the Presidency with a disposable asset. Start conflict in the Middle East and commit war crimes, to have the whole world spite the USA for it and be forced to leave. Potentially sanctions as well.
Russia / China gain strategic position and back Iran / Iraq.

Economic sabotage on the USA and Trump the fall guy.

See in the coming days/weeks/months/years what the truth is, but it wouldn't at all surprise me.
He doesn't obey the law or the constitution, a treaty is a worthless piece of paper to Trump. Donald needs a big distraction right now and a war would drive the price of oil up for Vlad and would help to clear America out of the middle east for the Russians.
^ this....he had a conversation with putin, then suddenly decides to do something that cannot have a good political result for America, and cannot have a bad result for putin. trump is so easily led around by the nose, by anyone who he thinks is "powerful".....putin could talk him into annexing Alaska to Russia, after all, it's closer to Siberia than it is to D.C., and it's hard to heat
^ this....he had a conversation with putin, then suddenly decides to do something that cannot have a good political result for America, and cannot have a bad result for putin. trump is so easily led around by the nose, by anyone who he thinks is "powerful".....putin could talk him into annexing Alaska to Russia, after all, it's closer to Siberia than it is to D.C., and it's hard to heat

Seeing how they control 10% of the metals market here, corp takeovers continue.

Trump's one-on-one meeting with Dunleavy—who has supported the copper and gold Pebble Mine project in Bristol Bay despite the opposition of conservationists, Indigenous groups, salmon fisheries experts, and others.

The EPA told staff scientists that it was no longer opposing a controversial Alaska mining project that could devastate one of the world's most valuable wild salmon fisheries, just one day after President Trump met with Alaska's governor, CNN has learned

These are the clowns that control our children's future.

^ this....he had a conversation with putin, then suddenly decides to do something that cannot have a good political result for America, and cannot have a bad result for putin. trump is so easily led around by the nose, by anyone who he thinks is "powerful".....putin could talk him into annexing Alaska to Russia, after all, it's closer to Siberia than it is to D.C., and it's hard to heat

Because of rabbit holes..

From 2014
many Russians consider to be “nashe”, “ours”. And “ours” can be anything from Ukraine to the Baltic countries, Finland, Poland and even Alaska. The claims in social media or voiced by brazen Russian politicians and diplomats encompass an ever larger part of the world map. One thing is clear; what we see is for many Russians the “Russian spring”, the rebirth of Russia as a power to be reckoned with.
If Trump gets tossed out of office or loses in 2020, this is just one of a host of scandals that will keep legions of FBI agents and dozens of grand juries running, government investigations of all kinds and hundreds of criminal cases will sprout from this pile of shit like mushrooms. For Donald and his main minions everything is on the line, if they lose, there's a very good chance they will go to prison for a long time, along with Donald!

Mitch is between a rock and a very hard place in this situation with over 20 GOP senators up for reelection this cycle, Donald guilty as Hell with absolutely no defence and a ton of evidence. They also have a rabid base who clearly don't give a fuck if Donald is owned by Vlad, they don't care about facts, the rule of law, or the constitution either, they believe Donald, not the "fake" mainstream media that follow transnational journalistic standards and practices. Mitch wants to maintain his senate majority above all else when the SS Trumptanic goes ass up and takes the deep dive, he will need to get rid of Donald before election day or own him unitil it. The case against Trump is a slam dunk in any properly conducted trial and the investigation will continue with witnesses and documents after the GOP senate acquits Trump. If the GOP senate acquits Trump it will go very badly for them in the 2020 elections, the Donald's actions and the democrats will make sure of that.
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If Trump gets tossed out of office or loses in 2020, this is just one on a host of scandals that will keep legions of FBI agents and dozens of grand juries running, government investigations of all kinds and hundreds of criminal cases will sprout from this pile of shit like mushrooms. For Donald and his main minions everything is on the line, if they lose, there's a very good chance they will go to prison for a long time, along with Donald!

Mitch is between a rock and a very hard place in this situation with over 20 GOP senators up for reelection this cycle, Donald guilty as Hell with absolutely no defence and a ton of evidence. They also have a rabid base who clearly don't give a fuck if Donald is owned by Vlad, they don't care about facts, the rule of law, or the constitution either, they believe Donald, not the "fake" mainstream media that follow transnational journalistic standards and practices. Mitch wants to maintain his senate majority above all else when the SS Trumptanic goes ass up and takes the deep dive, he will need to get rid of Donald before election day or own him unitil it. The case against Trump is a slam dunk in any properly conducted trial and the investigation will continue with witnesses and documents after the GOP senate acquits Trump. If the GOP senate acquits Trump it will go very badly for them in the 2020 elections, the Donald's actions and the democrats will make sure of that.

Trump will resign on January 19th, 2021. Pence will become 46 for a day and pardon him for all federal crimes. The previous day Trump will have pardoned everyone else.

Trump will leave DC and not attend the swearing in of the elected 47 and will settle with the civil and state cases with the money he stole the previous 4 years.

Once gone, people will be thrilled and will try to keep him as far away from the news cycle as possible. Part of the settlements could be no social media or books.

And Pence really wants his picture on those restaurant presidential placemats so he'll pretty much do anything.

You heard it here first, right from the crystal ball.

Trump will resign on January 19th, 2021. Pence will become 46 for a day and pardon him for all federal crimes. The previous day Trump will have pardoned everyone else.

Trump will leave DC and not attend the swearing in of the elected 47 and will settle with the civil and state cases with the money he stole the previous 4 years.

Once gone, people will be thrilled and will try to keep him as far away from the news cycle as possible. Part of the settlements could be no social media or books.

And Pence really wants his picture on those restaurant presidential placemats so he'll pretty much do anything.

You heard it here first, right from the crystal ball.

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Who will pardon Pence? No way will he pardon Trump, too much to account for, besides, he'd be the only one left holding the bag. Pence might be able to arrange a pardon for himself through Nancy Pelosi who could put in a good word with the next democratic POTUS, if he does what he's told.

I think Donald might get fucked at the senate trial by a secret vote, noway does Mitch wanna carry that fucker on his back into 2020, Trump left him out in the open with no case and no cover. Donald dumped the whole hot mess in Mitch's lap (couldn't have happened to a nicer guy) right before an election and said, "fix it"! Mitch will have a lot of shit to clean up with all those TV confessions by Donald, Mulveny and Rudy, also Lev is eager to testify and he's got documents, pictures, recordings and even videos! Mitch must be having the time of his fucking life.