The Australian Bush Fire TRUTH

Not the ones I work with, they smash it
Australian troops in A-stan had booze. They only did sentry duty in Khandahar when I was there. We were assured that at least one person was sober on every tower at all times and we weren't allowed to go toss cards with them. The drinking didn't make the airfield any less safe. Later, in my work as a diving instructor in several parts of the world, I have often had to tell the bogans to take it easy on the booze before diving and even on the dive boat.

Maybe it speaks to the way people drink. Bogans drink when they travel, this is something I have always noticed. Micks seem to take a break from it when they travel. A close friend of mine is from Ireland and she definitely drinks, but I have noticed that when she is working, she is saving up her energy to survive the parties when she's not working; "resting up for the weekend" as she puts it. Other travelers, from what I have seen follow these patterns. All of the Irish divers who I have qualified seemed cool with showing up sober for class.

Pero soy Mexicano y creo que los Mexicanos son mas borracho que los dos. Mexican women can drink a 6 pack of Tecate during a lunch break. These are all just generalizations though and ymmv. I'm not saying that what you have seen isn't true, just pointing what I have seen.
Hot thread, Literally.

You can't blame recent actions by the 'Greenies' for all the fires. Like here in N. America, (Smokey the Bear anyone?), natural fires have been repressed more and more as man invaded the wilderness. A century of windfall and natural decay has allowed massive amounts of fuel primed for wildfire to build up on the forest floors.

Climate change is real and tho I think that a lot of it is natural I also believe that our continued abuse of the planet's ability to heal itself is pushing things along much faster than nature alone would. I studied a lot of this stuff when I went back to school in my 30s for a diploma in Environmental Chemistry.

One decent supervolcano like the one at Yellowstone blows and the whole deck of cards gets re-shuffled and we could quickly be into a little ice age. The fact that half the US will disappear under a mountain of ash is irrelevant when we're talking about a global disaster. ;)

Interesting times.

Good luck to all!
The Camp fire was started by PG&E high power line going down when the Santa Ana winds came up and knocked down a tree that took out the line. PG&E is, of course, denying that and is coming up with excuses as to how the fire started. It's too bad that they don't just tell the truth, and let people know that it's the environmentalists that created the situation that made the fire so deadly. At trial, they probably will.
Never heard it called the Santa Ana winds up here before.
Actually there was two fires to the Camp Fire. Their high voltage tower(not knocked down from a fallen tree) is what sparked the main fire, which was actually on federal land. Too bad Trump doesn’t do anything about it rite?
And there was a secondary fire in Concow, started by a tree taking down a power line.
Actually there was two fires to the Camp Fire. Their high voltage tower(not knocked down from a fallen tree) is what sparked the main fire, which was actually on federal land. Too bad Trump doesn’t do anything about it rite?
Trump can't do anything in Cali. What CAN Trump do?
He can't get Governor "Any-twosome-Newsome" to address the homeless problem. And even if he wanted to, Feninstein won't let him. Why?
The Commies have complete control over California.
Common sense and thoughtfulness is not 'woke'.

These people are out of their fucking minds.
Seriously. I'm not kidding. Look at me .. I'm not smiling.
This is California.
An insane asylum.
Trump can't do anything in Cali. What CAN Trump do?
He can't get Governor "Any-twosome-Newsome" to address the homeless problem. And even if he wanted to, Feninstein won't let him. Why?
The Commies have complete control over California.
Common sense and thoughtfulness is not 'woke'.

These people are out of their fucking minds.
Seriously. I'm not kidding. Look at me .. I'm not smiling.
This is California.
An insane asylum.
Trump can't do anything in Cali. What CAN Trump do?
He can't get Governor "Any-twosome-Newsome" to address the homeless problem. And even if he wanted to, Feninstein won't let him. Why?
The Commies have complete control over California.
Common sense and thoughtfulness is not 'woke'.

These people are out of their fucking minds.
Seriously. I'm not kidding. Look at me .. I'm not smiling.
This is California.
An insane asylum.
California is capitalist you stupid old drunk