I come off as pro mccain?oops.


New Member
To be honest, you and Dave and Dianne and Red all come off as bitter, hate filled assholes. You never seem to have a single positive thing to say about anything. Your posts are all filled with rage and negativity.
I'm positive that Barak Hussein Obama, together with a Democrat congress and senate majority, will lead the country down the road to serfdom much faster than McCain would. bongsmilie



New Member
and why do you think such a thing? just because is not a good answer either
I think such a thing because if Barak Hussein Obama is elected there will be no opposition to the Democrats in the congress and senate in their desire to pass socialist legislation of the proportions not seen since FDR's administration. McCain will block excessive spending on the Democrat Party's anti-capitalism, high taxation, socialist schemes and pipe dreams.



New Member
mccain was all for the bail out so i think you hypothesis is flawed
Yes, you make an excellent point, and I must admit, I was taken aback quite a bit when McCain voted for the bailout. That's why I'm seriously considering voting a straight Libertarian ticket again this year, as I've done for the past 25 years, with the exception of voting for Ronald Reagan both times he ran for president. Voted with Reagan for governor too.

I went to a lecture the other night given by Wayne Root, the Libertarian candidate for VP. Quite an impressive guy. I'm not really sold on Bob Barr though.

What are your thoughts on the issue, AC? Is your vote going to be cast for more economic slavery and less liberty, or more economic liberty and less slavery? bongsmilie
