Possibility of WW3?

Do you believe that ww3 is a real possibility?

  • Not these days, maybe in the future

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • We are more intelligent than that now, we have learned from the past

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • ww3 is imminent

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • No you will never see a world war again

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • It is inconceivable but still possible

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • ww3 is bound to happen at some point just can't say when

    Votes: 17 54.8%

  • Total voters
The guy who calls black people by racial slurs is worried about manners

Actually I said, "mulatto" in reference to Obama's racial mix, when you insisted on saying he was
"black". Are you denying his dad was black and his mom was white now?

While I don't care for the pompous prohibitionist enforcing Obama, who also shit on due process when he drone killed that American citizen teenager, his mixed race is no issue to me.
Actually I said, "mulatto" in reference to Obama's racial mix, when you insisted on saying he was
"black". Are you denying his dad was black and his mom was white now?

While I don't care for the pompous prohibitionist enforcing Obama, who also shit on due process when he drone killed that American citizen teenager, his mixed race is no issue to me.
If his skin color weren’t an issue then you wouldn’t be calling him by racial slurs repeatedly you pedophile
The only way I can see that happening is if we just close our borders completely. Then we fight it out with ourselves. Only once we can achieve peace and learn not to screw with each other like in the novel "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress," by Robert Heinlen, should we have the right to mingle with the rest of the world. The US is still an infant, who cries, and isn't ready to move out. But I worry by the time we do become adults, the world will have passed us by. Or maybe the rest of the world will become a utopia, and it won't matter how backward we are. Sort of like that one Star Trek TNG episode where this rich guy froze himself, and was surprised the concept of stocks didn't exist anymore.
I suggest reading "Ecotopia'.....The book is set in 1999 and consists of diary entries and reports of journalist William Weston, who is the first American mainstream media reporter to investigate Ecotopia, a small country that broke away from the United States in 1980. Prior to Weston's reporting, most Americans had been barred from entering the new country, which is depicted as being on continual guard against revanchism. The new nation of Ecotopia consists of Northern California, Oregon, and Washington; it is hinted that Southern California is a lost cause. The novel takes its form as a narrative from Weston's diary in combination with dispatches that he transmits to his publication, the fictional Times-Post.
Yes nice recommend on read indeed the western staes are quite capable of succession the have functional health care and Government.
Yes nice recommend on read indeed the western staes are quite capable of succession the have functional health care and Government.
Russian heterosexual men beat gay men to death for fun.

Just wondering if that's your bag.