Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Did I call it?


Yes, I did.

Uh huh. So the Trump dick sucker (that would be you) that "likes" every racist post posted by the feeble klan of Trump-trolls actually supports Bernie.

Yeah, we are buying that. Sure we are. Well, the dumbest of us might. She'll probably be along to like your post or PM you soon.
$50 says there was a PM too. Was there @schuylaar? I gots to know.
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Well-Known Member
and like magic the polls have to right themselves just prior to contests- it's a miracle!:clap:
Would that be the same polls that you have said repeatedly don't matter and are rigged?

Maybe you should ask for a citation.

And while you are at it, does it bother you to like (love, actually) posts written by users who support every pro-trump post consistently? Do you realize what a pawn you are?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Bernie Sanders is truly special. He never held a job until he was finally elected mayor at age 53.

What kind of a person never holds a job until they are 53?
an annoying person no one can tolerate.

He lived off of welfare and four different women, had a child out-of-wedlock with one and the three marriages did not work out.
Meanwhile he has millions stashed somewhere else.

In all his years in the Senate, he has introduced 364 bills. 3 passed. Two of those were to name post offices.

He needs to stay where he is and work on naming a Post office after Charles Bukowski.

Crazy Bernie, he really knows how to work the system.



Well-Known Member
Bernie Sanders is truly special. He never held a job until he was finally elected mayor at age 53.

What kind of a person never holds a job until they are 53?
an annoying person no one can tolerate.

He lived off of welfare and four different women, had a child out-of-wedlock with one and the three marriages did not work out.
Meanwhile he has millions stashed somewhere else.

In all his years in the Senate, he has introduced 364 bills. 3 passed. Two of those were to name post offices.

He needs to stay where he is and work on naming a Post office after Charles Bukowski.

Crazy Bernie, he really knows how to work the system.

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You can't reason with cult members.


Well-Known Member
Bernie is gonna win. I can't wait to see all the neoliberal losers on this sub cry about it for the next few years.

He's leading Iowa, he's tied or leading in new Hampshire, he's got a strong chance in Arizona, Nevada and he's leading California.

The palpable anger I see tossed his direction by people who stan for Warren is amazing.

She isn't going to win, I like her but she lacks the loyalty/enthusiasm required by her base, and Bernie is successfully chipping away at her support.

Don't worry folks I stop by every few months to confirm my prior hypothesis. Everyone who's upset about the warmongers like Hillary losing, they're in need to sate their bloodlust, and so they linger on these forums hoping to hurt the feelings of socdems and demsocs.

2020 is going to be fun. Uncle sniffer ain't got this.


Well-Known Member
Keep slitting your wrists folks, you all seem totally healthy with your obsession.

The Kamala losers watched her fall, the Beto O'Dork fans witness him skateboard in traffic, and soon, the buttchuggers too will watch Mr McKinsey fall.



Well-Known Member
Bernie is gonna win. I can't wait to see all the neoliberal losers on this sub cry about it for the next few years.

He's leading Iowa, he's tied or leading in new Hampshire, he's got a strong chance in Arizona, Nevada and he's leading California.

The palpable anger I see tossed his direction by people who stan for Warren is amazing.

She isn't going to win, I like her but she lacks the loyalty/enthusiasm required by her base, and Bernie is successfully chipping away at her support.

Don't worry folks I stop by every few months to confirm my prior hypothesis. Everyone who's upset about the warmongers like Hillary losing, they're in need to sate their bloodlust, and so they linger on these forums hoping to hurt the feelings of socdems and demsocs.

2020 is going to be fun. Uncle sniffer ain't got this.
Hey look, a berntard