Hope you don't mind if I post what I found here, re: Jacks.
There are two different websites, jrpeters.com, and jacksnutrients.com, the second being the new(er) one.
Here's an article from a link at jacksnutrients.com that kinda explains this "new line", "Jack's Nutrients". The last three paragraphs.
On the jacknutrients.com homepage, scroll down past the cannabis image, the link to above article, to the bottom; you can see the "new line" of products (Jack's Nutrients line). On the right is the 5-12-26 (Part A) and the 15-0-0 (Part B, Cal-Nit). On the left, looks like some of those at least are "new formulations"; 7-15-30 sounds pretty similar to 5-12-26.
(Edit: Durp. Didn't see the 7-15-30 in your calculator there).
What my main question is, is has the actual 5-12-26 (Part A) formula/ratios/etc. changed at all? Some of the things I read make it sound like they have changed it a little (or "improved" it a little or something?).
At the jrpeters.com homepage, it now has four "categories"; "Controlled Environment" used to be the one that contained "Jacks Hydroponic 5-12-26" if I remember right. But now, if you go to "Controlled Environment" there's a blurb and a "link" (click the image) and you're taken to "jacksnutrients.com", lol. The "Jack's Professional" category has about sixty different products - all of them in the "old"(?) Jacks/JR Peters packaging - yet not one of them is the 5-12-26... Weird.
The only way I could find "5-12-26" on the jrpeters.com website was to use the search function. Top result (note, it's in new jacks nutrients line packaging):
I couldn't find any pictures of the old package label % numbers that weren't blurry to compare with new packaging, hah.
Haven't looked at the charts yet.
That's what I'd have thought. It would be odd to have two "5-12-26" formulas with just slightly different micro ratio or something, from a companies viewpoint, wouldn't it? But "stores"/resellers of it should run out of the "older packaging" at some point...
"Jacks V2 - CannaSpec" is what they shoulda called this, make it real clear. Lol.