First grow..male and female which one is better??


Active Member
this's the first time try to but some beans,i want to buy 10 seeds or

thereabouts.But i have no idea to choose a kind of gender,i dont know

which one has heavy yield or gets much high. Please tell me how to judge

or choose it when you want to buy some.....

thx everyone:lol:


Well-Known Member

Female is allllllwaaays better.
More potent and higher yield.
Only males if you are breeding.
Good luck on this one man.
I suggest much more research.


Well-Known Member
u can make hash with male plants, u can dominate other strains and create new one with male plants, and u can also get high as fuck on certain strains of male plants but ,NO, U want strictly females, male plants pollinate females which in turn comes seeds, once ur buds are pollinated they stop making thc, which is what makes the grow world go round