Clone transplant


Hey all, I just bought this pineapple haze clone today, should I transplant it into the 5 gallon now or let it grow a little more?
And the best way of transplanting it


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give it 5-7 days after this all check the roots gently on the clone, flip it and remove the pot gently, (even tho its hard to miss things up), if roots are all over then its time to transplant,

For transplant,
place an empty smaller pot inside the big pot,
Water the big pot
wait for it to drain well.
then u can charge it with some organic ferts MYCO, recharge, any beneficials, earthworm casting,
after 1 day remove the small empty pot and wait for it 48 hours for it to to get some fresh air and build soil food webs,
cover the pot always with a tshirt as the benificial fungi and bacteria die off light.
the place for the empty pot will be the hole for the clone to go in.
wish this helps.
Hey all, I just bought this pineapple haze clone today, should I transplant it into the 5 gallon now or let it grow a little more?
And the best way of transplanting it

That looks like it got put in that small pot recently so I'd wait until it's twice that size before repotting so it has a good root network so you have a rootball when you move it. Repot when it's pretty dry or the ball will just fall apart when you take it out.

I fill the new pot up to the level I need so the top of the soil in the old pot is even with the top of the new pot. The soil you are using should be moist enough to form a ball when you squeeze some together but not so wet it's pissing out water when squeezed. I spray some water on the top of the fresh soil then sit the plant on that and fill the sides tamping it down firmly but not too hard. The soil in the bottom should be tamped down a bit too.

If real soil then just water the pot well so it's saturated with good pHed water. If a soilless mix then use 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes to soak it in but do not add nutes for likely the next two or three waterings or you'll get build up of nutes that the plant hasn't grown enough roots to reach yet. that depends a lot on how fast your plant is growing and how fast it's roots are growing. A few roots sticking out of the drain holes does not mean that the plant's roots are everywhere in the pot yet not indicate the pot is rootbound. To check the roots pull the plant out when the soil is dry or the ball will fall apart. Wait for a couple weeks in a new pot before trying that.

When I repot I saw the bottom of the rootball off with a breadknife so the roots branch out with thousands of fine feeder roots that form a mesh thru the ball and hold it together really well. When I finish a plant in a 4gal pot you can't hardly see any roots but can kick the dry ball around for while before it starts to fall apart. Lots of long stringy roots around the bottom is not so good.

That plant looks dry so make sure you soak it good then let it dry out good between waterings. None of that nOOby crap only giving it a little bit twice a day or some such BS.

If it's an auto then it should go into it's biggest pot and be left there. Photos can be repotted in stages if you want.

As it is a clone it's obviously not an auto so that was for the auto growing lurkers. :)

Good luck!

Whoa. Hold up just a minute. All the advice you've received is spot on, but did you quarantine that clone or at least scope it top to bottom, including the roots?
You didn't say where you acquired it (not that it matters) but you've got to be more diligent when bringing anything into your grow space, even if its the only plant in there.

Next time, dunk/treat immediately upon receiving. Then let it spend some time acclimating to its new home in quarantine.
Then and only then, do you move forward with everything else.

Not trying to be preachy or snarky, but I've read some nightmarish threads that no grower should ever have to face.
Whoa. Hold up just a minute. All the advice you've received is spot on, but did you quarantine that clone or at least scope it top to bottom, including the roots?
You didn't say where you acquired it (not that it matters) but you've got to be more diligent when bringing anything into your grow space, even if its the only plant in there.

Next time, dunk/treat immediately upon receiving. Then let it spend some time acclimating to its new home in quarantine.
Then and only then, do you move forward with everything else.

Not trying to be preachy or snarky, but I've read some nightmarish threads that no grower should ever have to face.
Care to explain a bit more? It’s the only plant in there and I’m not trying to get the highest quality bud there is and know several people who have bought clones and just brought them in with no problem?
Whoa. Hold up just a minute. All the advice you've received is spot on, but did you quarantine that clone or at least scope it top to bottom, including the roots?
You didn't say where you acquired it (not that it matters) but you've got to be more diligent when bringing anything into your grow space, even if its the only plant in there.

Next time, dunk/treat immediately upon receiving. Then let it spend some time acclimating to its new home in quarantine.
Then and only then, do you move forward with everything else.

Not trying to be preachy or snarky, but I've read some nightmarish threads that no grower should ever have to face.
So true my boy just got screwed so hard bringing a clone in w pm ! Worst possible timing for it too
Care to explain a bit more? It’s the only plant in there and I’m not trying to get the highest quality bud there is and know several people who have bought clones and just brought them in with no problem?
Its not about the quality my friend. Your genetic selection is probably fine and will produce some nice smoke. But anytime you bring in outside plants you run the risk of bringing pests and pathogens into your space. Some are an absolute nightmare to fully eradicate even with harmful pesticides. Just dont want to see you posting in the infirmary half way thru flower struggling with powder mold or root aphids. Those two seem to be the most common pest/pathogen passed from dispo clones.
Not trying to put a downer on your thread, really I'm not. Just encouraging a safer path to harvest.

Edited because I'm overtired, really burnt and a little yappy. My apologies.
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With only one plant to worry about there's not much to worry about.

Definitely quarantine new additions before introducing them to the general population but with only one plant, it's already effictively in quarantine. LOL

Grow that girl!

With only one plant to worry about there's not much to worry about.

Definitely quarantine new additions before introducing them to the general population but with only one plant, it's already effictively in quarantine. LOL

Grow that girl!

Root aphids can overwinter and will stay in grow spaces long after all plants have been removed. I guess we all have a different level of risks we're willing to accept.
No way in hell would I bring a single outside plant into my primary grow room without treatment and quarantine. I even treat house plants, lol.
Never had it , any precaution I can take ?
I dunk everything in Regalia followed by a Botanigard drench. But that shit is pricey for just a single plant.
For PM you can dunk in milk though. Milk is one the best things you can use to block viral vectoring. (breaks the telomeres)
No way in hell would I bring a single outside plant into my primary grow room without treatment and quarantine. I even treat house plants, lol.

The OP just has the one so no imminent disasters on the horizon.

The wife had tomato plants in pots and wanted me to put them in the grow room to stay warm. No f'n way I said and rigged up my 8 tube T-12 rig in the shop. Got my magnifying glass and showed her the mites and other things like thrips on them. I stayed the fug away from them and never got any bugs in my grow.

Hate bugs inside except for the black widow spiders in the grow room. Take care of anything that manages to get in there. I keep blue and yellow stickies in there as an early warning device too.
The OP just has the one so no imminent disasters on the horizon.

The wife had tomato plants in pots and wanted me to put them in the grow room to stay warm. No f'n way I said and rigged up my 8 tube T-12 rig in the shop. Got my magnifying glass and showed her the mites and other things like thrips on them. I stayed the fug away from them and never got any bugs in my grow.

Hate bugs inside except for the black widow spiders in the grow room. Take care of anything that manages to get in there. I keep blue and yellow stickies in there as an early warning device too.
Ahh the bane of growing, lol.
My fear is RAs. They get into equipment or any crack or crevice and lay eggs that can lay dormant for months. There's a video on another grow forum of a RAs giving live births IN a pool neem oil. I swear I saw one doing the backstroke flipping the us the bird.
Had 2 beautiful plants just starting in flower, brought in new clone from same dispensary I got the first 2 from, flash forward 4-5 weeks, all 3 plants fully infested with russets. Took me months to get the courage to try again after that disaster. But lesson learned. I did buy clones to start new run, but ONLY after using my magnifier on every plant I looked at. 3/4 stores I went to had russet mites, spider mites, or both. You have to be very, very cautious with clones.