OK then. Biden 2020.

Thanks, why do you think it is his fault?
I had to click back through the posts to get to where you were talking about him, I think it is his fault for not being more upfront about having a stutter for so long. Pride can be a mother fucker.

tbh I thought you were talking about the racist 'Apu' type shit he said back in 2013? and not his stutter stuff so I am glad I double checked. For the racist shit I would have said it was his fault for saying it, even if he didn't understand it at the time being racist.
I had to click back through the posts to get to where you were talking about him, I think it is his fault for not being more upfront about having a stutter for so long. Pride can be a mother fucker.

tbh I thought you were talking about the racist 'Apu' type shit he said back in 2013? and not his stutter stuff so I am glad I double checked. For the racist shit I would have said it was his fault for saying it, even if he didn't understand it at the time being racist.
You seem confused, you implied that Biden is not at fault for being racially insensitive because he has white privilege. I am asking why you think he is not at fault when he has spent a lifetime in politics.
You seem confused, you implied that Biden is not at fault for being racially insensitive because he has white privilege. I am asking why you think he is not at fault when he has spent a lifetime in politics.
I think it would be like finding fault with someone that needs to use a walker slowing, there is shit that people can't change no matter how much they may went to.

'Find him at fault for what' is my question now, I thought you meant for being racially insensitive and saying racist shit, but the post you pointed to turned out to be about the stutter stuff that gets taken out of context. I am not trying to be evasive, I just really am not sure what you want me to answer.
He penned a crime bill that the overwhelming majority of black congressmen and women voted for

thus he’s a racist

thus spake putin
He was an author of the bill. This fact is in the Congressional Record. Biden hasn't even apologized for nor walked back from his positions the he held at the time of that bill.

Your logical fallacy -- they did it so what he did is OK -- is a classic bad debating tactic. Sure, I've let your using this fake logic slide when you use it against Trumpers, mostly because they use it more and justify all kinds of shitty actions by Trump.

But really dude, find a better argument. Lawmakers should be held accountable for what they do or don't do. Right or left.
What information deficit are you referring to, he’s been in politics forever and a day.
What do you make of this?

“ Well, they have to deal with the — look, there’s institutional segregation in this country. And from the time I got involved, I started dealing with that. Redlining, banks, making sure we are in a position where — look, you talk about education. I propose that what we take the very poor schools, the Title I schools, triple the amount of money we spend from $15 to $45 billion a year. Give every single teacher a raise to the $60,000 level.

Number two, make sure that we bring in to help the teachers deal with the problems that come from home. The problems that come from home. We have one school psychologist for every 1,500 kids in America today. It’s crazy. The teachers are — I’m married to a teacher, my deceased wife is a teacher. They have every problem coming to them. Make sure that every single child does, does in fact, have 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds go to school. Not day care, school.

We bring social workers into homes of parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. It’s not that they don’t want to help, they don’t want — they don’t know quite what to do. Play the radio, make sure the television — excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, the phone — make sure that kids hear words. A kid coming from a very poor school — a very poor background — will hear 4 million words fewer spoken by the time they get there.”
Yeah, I want that kind of logic broadcast to me every morning when I'm listening to the news :roll:. Biden is a very stable genius.
He was an author of the bill. This fact is in the Congressional Record. Biden hasn't even apologized for nor walked back from his positions the he held at the time of that bill.

Your logical fallacy -- they did it so what he did is OK -- is a classic bad debating tactic. Sure, I've let your using this fake logic slide when you use it against Trumpers, mostly because they use it more and justify all kinds of shitty actions by Trump.

But really dude, find a better argument. Lawmakers should be held accountable for what they do or don't do. Right or left.
It’s stupid to say Biden is racist for writing a bill that2/3 of the congressional black caucus voted for

moreover it stinks like russian retardation

I hear a lot blame being thrown around for the crime bill, and I'd previously written a lengthy posts about but decided to nix it because I know this is very very personal to many people and I was too damn tired to kick another hornets nest.
Let me try again and maybe it'll help bring some common ground.

Nearly 30yrs ago...
"The House passed the final bill 235-195, with nearly three times as many Democrats supporting it as opposing it. The legislation was aimed at addressing rising crime in the country and contained a host of policing and crime prevention provisions — including “three-strikes” mandatory life sentences for repeat violent offenders, funding for community policing and prisons, an assault weapons ban and the Violence Against Women Act"

So can we at least take a step back and look the origins and the timeline? Because a few things need to be pointed out.
Violent crime was on the rise and in the 90s drugs (crack) was destroying communities at an unsettling rate.
Americans wanted drastic measures taken but we lacked the info we have today.

Stigmas still exist but 30yrs ago it was widely accepted that addiction was due to a neglectful upbringing and/or a moral deficit. In fact, the majority of the research for that bill came from LEOs and prosecutors rather than health care specialists. Now I'm not saying every person pinched for procession with intent is an addict, I'm just saying it was/is a complex issue and it needed to be addressed from multiple angles not just punitive. Most logical thinking people can agree with that.
Drug Court for example (which Biden wrote) has saved countless addicts and help put them on a better path.
But the Republicans opposed it. They opposed it then, they oppose it now.

They viewed rehabilitative services like community prevention efforts, community basketball programs, job training, and Drug Court as "wasteful."
And it was none other than MitchTheBitch

McConnell, now the Senate majority leader, did vote against the final version of the bill in August 1994, as did all but eight Republican senators. However, months earlier, in November 1993, the original bill had garnered near universal support in the Senate, with McConnell on the “yes” ledger.

Why did McConnell switch his vote by the time the House-Senate conference bill had been negotiated? Biden has a point that Republicans thought the bill had grown too “soft”; they objected to additional spending in the final bill, calling it “pork.” McConnell told CNN on Aug. 15, 1994, 10 days before the final Senate vote: “The Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police this weekend came out against this crime bill. … because they thought it was porked up, that it was going to be a bill basically about social workers and not police officers.”

Now I'm not saying Biden is likeable or doesn't have flaws. He has some big ones. I'm not dismissing the effects some of those provisions had on minority communities and I'm not challenging anyone or telling anyone how to vote. I'm just saying that the timeline and the "intent" is being overlooked when debating this bill. Especially when five seconds later we're in another thread talking about "rule of law republicans".

*zips up flame suit*
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It’s stupid to say Biden is racist for writing a bill that2/3 of the congressional black caucus voted for

moreover it stinks like russian retardation
You said racist not me. I'm saying that because other people voted for the bill doesn't make Biden's role OK. That's shitty logic. In fact, it's not even logic.

Biden's crime bill had terrible effects on the black community. I never supported three strikes bills in my state or that bill. Me: I hold Biden accountable. You: not so much. I'm not calling you racist, I simply disagree. I'm not voting for Biden. Not in the primary. I will in the general. I think he will be the nominee when this is all said and done.

He'll be leagues better as president than Trump. Also a better political leader for civil rights than Bernie. I think that Warren would make a better president than Biden and my reasons don't even include this issue.
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You said racist not me. I'm saying that because other people voted for the bill doesn't make Biden's role OK. That's shitty logic. In fact, it's not even logic.

Biden's crime bill had terrible effects on the black community. I never supported three strikes bills in my state or that bill. Me: I hold Biden accountable. You: not so much. I'm not calling you racist, I simply disagree. I'm not voting for Biden. Not in the primary. I will in the general. I think he will be the nominee when this is all said and done.

He'll be leagues better as president than Trump. Also a better political leader for civil rights than Bernie. I think that Warren would make a better president than Biden and my reasons don't even include this issue.
This stupid shit is the new Hillary’s emails
He was an author of the bill. This fact is in the Congressional Record. Biden hasn't even apologized for nor walked back from his positions the he held at the time of that bill.

Your logical fallacy -- they did it so what he did is OK -- is a classic bad debating tactic. Sure, I've let your using this fake logic slide when you use it against Trumpers, mostly because they use it more and justify all kinds of shitty actions by Trump.

But really dude, find a better argument. Lawmakers should be held accountable for what they do or don't do. Right or left.
now you making me proud. We will get you another dog
I think it would be like finding fault with someone that needs to use a walker slowing, there is shit that people can't change no matter how much they may went to.

'Find him at fault for what' is my question now, I thought you meant for being racially insensitive and saying racist shit, but the post you pointed to turned out to be about the stutter stuff that gets taken out of context. I am not trying to be evasive, I just really am not sure what you want me to answer.
Oh ffs if you can’t keep up with responses to your own arguments why bother posting unless you are on the ropes, and being disingenuous is your out.
Oh ffs if you can’t keep up with responses to your own arguments why bother posting unless you are on the ropes, and being disingenuous is your out.
You are the one that first linked to the wrong statement, then now I don't even know what the fuck are on about. So sure, what ever you say.

Maybe next time instead of being a dick though, you could just say it again. Or I guess maybe instead of trying to be polite to you, I could just act like you and call you out on anything I pull out of my ass.
You are the one that first linked to the wrong statement, then now I don't even know what the fuck are on about. So sure, what ever you say.

Maybe next time instead of being a dick though, you could just say it again. Or I guess maybe instead of trying to be polite to you, I could just act like you and call you out on anything I pull out of my ass.
Nice deflection angry man, you are making shit up, Biden boy