Trim....what's it worth?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Had a discussion with a buddy the other day on the value of trim. We were discussing top shelf trim from hand trimming. No big leaves or crap. Just good frosty trim from buds. And small larf buds in the mix as well. About as good as it gets in other words. So guys, what's your opinion on a pound of that in dollars $.
Is there a demand as well? I did see some for sale on various sites. Wonder if it goes?
I usually freeze my trim and make bubble. I’ve been lazy lately and have been just throwing it in a box and letting it dry.
Anyone suggest a use for it? I have plenty of butter made from AVB...
I have a guy that will pay $50 per z that runs a closed loop but I prefer to keif it and make rosin anymore for my friends.
Trim that has already been processed $4-9/lb I know guys that buy it it and still make things out of it, other wise anywhere from $300-500/lb
Seems fair imo...300-500
Already processed???

Yah stuff that has been used blasted/used for shatter. You'd be surprised what some guys can come up with from balsted left overs and sell it for $1000/kg of weird hash/hamburger product lol. Still gets you pretty high.
Yah stuff that has been used blasted/used for shatter. You'd be surprised what some guys can come up with from balsted left overs and sell it for $1000/kg of weird hash/hamburger product lol. Still gets you pretty high.
Ok...learn something new everyday. I figured processed was garbage.
Ok...learn something new everyday. I figured processed was garbage.

Its mostly turned in hashlike product and hamburger meat like thing lol suprisingly still pretty strong. Its processed with ISO but don't know the exact details. A few online dispensaries sell it. It costs about $600-700 to make it and sells for about $1000-1100 (wholesale)
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if its like you say it is with some small stuff in there i could say 30-50$/oz is fair. But you may make more $ with edibles from them