Canadian Seed Law


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how Tweed produced(s) its feminized seeds?

Are these the only "legal" seeds available in Canada? I was going to break down and buy them but they were sold out.

Are there actual legal seeds anywhere else in the world? Federal law makes them illegal in the US. Netherlands tolerates, but its still illegal.

I am trying to be 100% legal. Is that possible?
You can do what you want but if you found a seed in a bag would you grow it?

Bakerstreet....i am pretty sure all of Canada is growing something else.

who gives a shit. get seeds man...get some good genetics and start growing.

Lots of seedbanks out there...hydro stores often sell seeds.
Sorry. I may have made that sound like sound like I am not growing my own. Ive grown "legally" for a couple years now.

Doing first scrog. Enjoying the learning curve.

IMG_0214.JPG Black Hammer and. .IMG_0215.JPG Blissful Wizard

AND...I really do give a shit.

My first question is because CS and STS are not legal in Canada for use on cannabis by LPs, so how are the seeds made?

I understand you can grow legally from seeds found in LP purchases. Who supplied the LPs?

How the fuck can the law be written so that it makes all the personal cannabis grown in Canada, illegal?
Does anyone know how Tweed produced(s) its feminized seeds?

Are these the only "legal" seeds available in Canada? I was going to break down and buy them but they were sold out.

Are there actual legal seeds anywhere else in the world? Federal law makes them illegal in the US. Netherlands tolerates, but its still illegal.

I am trying to be 100% legal. Is that possible?
Try Jordan of the island ( JOTI ) they are in BC very easy to order.
JOTI have some very good strains lot of choices never had any issues with them the seeds are usually to your door within a week and you can start grow your own.
Sorry. I may have made that sound like sound like I am not growing my own. Ive grown "legally" for a couple years now.

Doing first scrog. Enjoying the learning curve.

View attachment 4461896 Black Hammer and. .View attachment 4461897 Blissful Wizard

AND...I really do give a shit.

My first question is because CS and STS are not legal in Canada for use on cannabis by LPs, so how are the seeds made?

I understand you can grow legally from seeds found in LP purchases. Who supplied the LPs?

How the fuck can the law be written so that it makes all the personal cannabis grown in Canada, illegal?

Because they had no idea what they were doing and then some nice lobbiests showed up with a bunch of brilliant ideas so they went with those.

Just say fuck it and get seeds from where ever, no way they are.enforcing that had to come from a LP bullshit. The police were plenty sick of dealing with bullshit pot charges, they ain't coming looking at your little otherwise legal home grow now that it's legal.
Does anyone know how Tweed produced(s) its feminized seeds?

Are these the only "legal" seeds available in Canada? I was going to break down and buy them but they were sold out.

Are there actual legal seeds anywhere else in the world? Federal law makes them illegal in the US. Netherlands tolerates, but its still illegal.

I am trying to be 100% legal. Is that possible?
You are legal. Don't you remember? That nice licensed medical cannabis patient you met gifted you some of his seeds, which he is permitted to do. :blsmoke:
The LPs started with the same seeds you and I can buy online then changed the names to blatantly rip off the breeders that put their hearts and souls into making those strains. And our gov't let them do it as pot seeds have no legal status and can't be copy protected . . . until the LPs decide to pull that BS.

Without paperwork from the legal entity you get your seeds from, LP or med patient, you are technically breaking the law but it's not going to be enforced unless it's an extreme case.

Watch you don't get caught making oils from flammable solvents tho. Max 14 years in the greybar hotel for that now. Not going to get the max for something you're doing for yourself but shit will hit the fan if you blow up or set fire to your house in the process.

Prohibition 2.0 is alive and well!

Does anyone know how Tweed produced(s) its feminized seeds?

Are these the only "legal" seeds available in Canada? I was going to break down and buy them but they were sold out.

Are there actual legal seeds anywhere else in the world? Federal law makes them illegal in the US. Netherlands tolerates, but its still illegal.

I am trying to be 100% legal. Is that possible?

The intensely hypocritical U.S. Federal Government has been growing shitty marijuana for years and providing it to a dwindling handful of people under the "Compassionate Investigational Drug Program". Wonder where they got the seeds?

Tell the Canadian cops Uncle Sam gave you the seeds and if they bitch, Uncle Sam will drone them and Donald Trump will grab Trudeau by the pussy.
OK..... So there arent really any legal seeds but not to worry because trump has my pussy. I had already read health canada telling me not to blow up my house and to mix my extra weed with kitty litter before I throw it away. So Ive really done all my homework. I feel ease creep into my mind and calm envelop my soul. Pick up my feet and let forces above my pay grade carry me along. Mmmmm zen.

I sent Tweed an email asking what method of rodelization they used. Not helpful. I guess Im gonna have to call and ask. Also if anything new and exciting will be coming to my local nslc any time soon.
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Like that there. ↑
So Tweed did send me an email.

"We use a standard industry method, however, due to the nature of our industry, we must keep our practices guarded.

As for restocking, that would be dependant of the NSLC store, their management, and if they are willing to reorder. Double-check with the store manager and express your concern. We have seeds available, so hopefully, the store will restock for you!

As for new strains, I haven't heard anything yet, but keep an eye out on social media or for any other announcements."

Thankfully google told me there are only a few secret sauce ingredients and none are approved by health canada.

2) Can I legally create cannabis seeds using the colloidal silver method?
I ran this question by Health Canada, and the answer is no.

As far as Health Canada is concerned, colloidal silver counts as a "plant growth regulator," which are strictly controlled under both the federal Fertilizers Act and the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA).

Even though colloidal silver isn't used for pest control, Health Canada said it would still have to be registered for use on cannabis under the PCPA in order to be used. (Here is the list of all 26 registered cannabis pest control products in Canada. The Leaf News also wrote about Health Canada's approach to pesticides for cannabis last year.)

I have come to the conclusion that this is all rather silly. Hydro shops, vape and bong stores all sell seeds here. I guess nobody really cares. I found it bizarre the only legal seeds were illegal. Anyway, there are some clouds outside I need to go yell at.
So Tweed did send me an email.

"We use a standard industry method, however, due to the nature of our industry, we must keep our practices guarded.

As for restocking, that would be dependant of the NSLC store, their management, and if they are willing to reorder. Double-check with the store manager and express your concern. We have seeds available, so hopefully, the store will restock for you!

As for new strains, I haven't heard anything yet, but keep an eye out on social media or for any other announcements."

Thankfully google told me there are only a few secret sauce ingredients and none are approved by health canada.

2) Can I legally create cannabis seeds using the colloidal silver method?
I ran this question by Health Canada, and the answer is no.

As far as Health Canada is concerned, colloidal silver counts as a "plant growth regulator," which are strictly controlled under both the federal Fertilizers Act and the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA).

Even though colloidal silver isn't used for pest control, Health Canada said it would still have to be registered for use on cannabis under the PCPA in order to be used. (Here is the list of all 26 registered cannabis pest control products in Canada. The Leaf News also wrote about Health Canada's approach to pesticides for cannabis last year.)

I have come to the conclusion that this is all rather silly. Hydro shops, vape and bong stores all sell seeds here. I guess nobody really cares. I found it bizarre the only legal seeds were illegal. Anyway, there are some clouds outside I need to go yell at.

I haven't heard of anyone being charged for growing any plants with illegal seeds yet. Originally the argument was brought forth successfully that Health Canada's supply of medical pot was inadequate and that paved the way for dispensaries to operate in the 'Grey' market and for med patients to be allowed to grow their own supplies then morphed into the MMAR. From that sprang up doctors cashing in selling outrageously high g/day limits to pot dealers for outrageous amounts of money. That should have been stomped on immediately by Hellth Canaduh as it is totally illegal.

The same argument could be put forth in the courts regarding the limited availability of seeds. There are a few good pot lawyers that would likely take on such a case pro-bono and very likely win tho I doubt it would even go to court. You may be charged, lose your plants and maybe your gear but most prosecutors wouldn't go to court for a case that has little likelihood of getting a conviction. Then you'd probably have to sue to get your gear back and compensation for the plants you lost. Not to mention court costs and the monies you had to cough up for a lawyer. Big hassle.

I wonder what HC's stance is on using STS to get female pollen. That's what I'm doing and damn the laws! :)

So Tweed did send me an email.

"We use a standard industry method, however, due to the nature of our industry, we must keep our practices guarded.

As for restocking, that would be dependant of the NSLC store, their management, and if they are willing to reorder. Double-check with the store manager and express your concern. We have seeds available, so hopefully, the store will restock for you!

As for new strains, I haven't heard anything yet, but keep an eye out on social media or for any other announcements."

Thankfully google told me there are only a few secret sauce ingredients and none are approved by health canada.

2) Can I legally create cannabis seeds using the colloidal silver method?
I ran this question by Health Canada, and the answer is no.

As far as Health Canada is concerned, colloidal silver counts as a "plant growth regulator," which are strictly controlled under both the federal Fertilizers Act and the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA).

Even though colloidal silver isn't used for pest control, Health Canada said it would still have to be registered for use on cannabis under the PCPA in order to be used. (Here is the list of all 26 registered cannabis pest control products in Canada. The Leaf News also wrote about Health Canada's approach to pesticides for cannabis last year.)

I have come to the conclusion that this is all rather silly. Hydro shops, vape and bong stores all sell seeds here. I guess nobody really cares. I found it bizarre the only legal seeds were illegal. Anyway, there are some clouds outside I need to go yell at.
There is another way to get seeds. Absolutely stress the shit out of your plants in flower (light leaks are a big one) and run them until they herm on you. The plants tendency to self-pollinate will appear. Good luck

PS Unfortunately they will all be female. I'd consider ordering from a seed co or just making clones. But you will find different phenotypes in female seeds so there is that.
There is another way to get seeds. Absolutely stress the shit out of your plants in flower (light leaks are a big one) and run them until they herm on you. The plants tendency to self-pollinate will appear. Good luck

PS Unfortunately they will all be female. I'd consider ordering from a seed co or just making clones. But you will find different phenotypes in female seeds so there is that.
I have dozens of packs of seeds. I dont have the room to store moms for clones. I would love to have a ready stash of on demand favorites. The exact plant I found and liked. I am going to do a CS, STS sideXside comparison to see if I can achieve this.
So Tweed did send me an email.

2) Can I legally create cannabis seeds using the colloidal silver method?
I ran this question by Health Canada, and the answer is no.

As far as Health Canada is concerned, colloidal silver counts as a "plant growth regulator," which are strictly controlled under both the federal Fertilizers Act and the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA).

Even though colloidal silver isn't used for pest control, Health Canada said it would still have to be registered for use on cannabis under the PCPA in order to be used. (Here is the list of all 26 registered cannabis pest control products in Canada. The Leaf News also wrote about Health Canada's approach to pesticides for cannabis last year.)

That is extremely false and misleading. The products are required to be registered only if you sell it to the public or if used on food items that are to be sold to the public. It’s no guarantee of warm and cozy hand held public safety either, there is all kinds of toxic shit that is registered.

Tweed can go fuck themselves for lying about it, too!

If I make silver colloid and use it as I see fit for whatever uses I see fit, that is fine, just don’t try to sell it as an Ag product unless you want to pay lots of money to play a game.