The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Trump’s Impeachment Trial Isn’t His Biggest Legal Risk
Can campaign-finance violations bring down a president?

President Donald Trump’s sprawling corruption may never be brought under lawful control, especially with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell acting as inside man in Trump’s impeachment trial. But if Trump is ever to be punished for his many abuses of power, it just might be for his disregard of the nation’s ineffectual and much-maligned body of campaign-finance law.

True, it’s unlikely. Campaign-finance violations are often treated as clerical errors. The Federal Election Commission is a punchline in Washington, incapable of even voting on enforcement measures, since it lacks a quorum. (Both the White House and the Senate appear to like it that way.) Even when the commission did function, the most blatant disregard of campaign-finance law sometimes resulted in only weak fines administered many years late.

Yet the rule of law sometimes has a roundabout way of making the guilty pay. Al Capone went to prison for tax evasion. Richard Nixon was forced from the presidency over a botched burglary. And amid the thuggish efforts to insulate Trump from the democratic accountability of fair elections, campaign-finance laws are proving stubbornly relevant.

The laws include a “broad prohibition on foreign national activity” in U.S. elections. Foreigners are prohibited from contributing money or any “thing of value” to a campaign. They are also prohibited from spending money “in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States.” Thus Russian President Vladimir Putin’s sabotage in 2016 was not just a crime against democracy — it was an illegal in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller acknowledged in his report that Donald Trump Jr.’s eager embrace of Russian government assistance to his father’s campaign in 2016 (“if it’s what you say I love it”) “implicates” U.S. campaign finance law. But Mueller chose not to charge Trump Jr., explaining that it would be difficult to prove that he had “willfully” violated the law.

Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman were not cut a similar break. Instead, federal prosecutors charged the two Soviet-born Trump supporters with funneling foreign money into U.S. political committees, along with a $325,000 donation from the pair’s largely imaginary energy company, which lacked income or assets, to the pro-Trump SuperPAC America First Action.

After laying low following their October arrest, Parnas has been quite a noisy fellow lately, appearing for interviews on television. Claiming that he fears that he’s been set up as the fall guy, Parnas has further implicated the president and others in a scheme for which there was already ample evidence: Trump’s effort to extort foreign assistance to his re-election campaign in the form of a Ukrainian investigation designed to smear former Vice President Joe Biden. The Ukraine scheme, Parnas told CNN, “was all about 2020.”

Parnas has been sharing photos of himself in intimate settings with the president, along with texts and other carefully curated details of his whirlwind romance with the MAGA crowd, including Rudolph Giuliani. Efforts to distance the White House from Parnas are complicated by an October letter to Congress from Trump’s former lawyer John Dowd, which asserts that “Parnas and Fruman assisted Mr. Giuliani in connection with his representation of President Trump.” There are lots of questions and surely more to the story, including the possibility that Giuliani and his friends were hoping to make a play for Ukrainian gas business. But there is no doubt about what inspired Parnas to sing: campaign-finance charges.

Attorney General William Barr, who buried the whistle-blower complaint about Trump’s Ukraine scheme when it arrived at the Justice Department last summer, seems to recognize the potential of campaign-finance violations to trip up a president focused on committing heftier offenses. At a Senate hearing last May, he dodged rudimentary questions about foreign interference in presidential elections, calling it “a slippery area.” He went to bizarre lengths to avoid labeling obviously illegal behavior out of bounds. Democratic Senator Chis Coons and Republican Senator Ben Sasse both appeared confounded by his testimony.
Crimea, Ukraine, Democracy. Putin doesn't like democracy unless it can be controlled. (see mitch)
This doesnt really answer my question but ok. Its all controlled or out of control? I mean our democracy...
I think we can agree on the russians and ukraine corruption. I know someone from Ukraine and 2 from russia..we have an idea how bad it is but they live it. Its nothing lile america. Nor will it ever be.
What makes you say hes not competent in war? You dont agree with what he did in Iran? Explain
Bernie wants everyone to pay for everyones healthcare and then their will be no private ins companies( thats millions of jobs lost?)Also we will be payng to the tune of 35trillion.
@tangerinegreen555 ( sorry my cursor is jumping all over lol)

How much Oil does the US have left? 10 yrs, 20?

Enough to place a $250 tarrif on each panel here so this guy can meet his goal in Saudi.??

GTM Research, a Wood Mackenzie company, is now forecasting residential PV will experience its first down year ever. The U.S. home solar segment is expected to shrink by 3 percent this year. GTM previously forecast flat or limited growth in 2017.

What does he know that you don't.


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How much Oil does the US have left? 10 yrs, 20?

Enough to place a $250 tarrif on each panel here so this guy can meet his goal in Saudi.??

GTM Research, a Wood Mackenzie company, is now forecasting residential PV will experience its first down year ever. The U.S. home solar segment is expected to shrink by 3 percent this year. GTM previously forecast flat or limited growth in 2017.

What does he know that you don't.
Get it while its hot! Then we can move on to the other oil. Down 3% is not huge. Tarrifs on solar, dont know much about that tbh. I just read i can get 75% back if i install solar. Lookimg into a 10k$ system for my new land. Ill have to read into that more to see what youre saying
This doesnt really answer my question but ok. Its all controlled or out of control? I mean our democracy...
I think we can agree on the russians and ukraine corruption. I know someone from Ukraine and 2 from russia..we have an idea how bad it is but they live it. Its nothing lile america. Nor will it ever be.

It really comes down to a $500 Billion between Russia and Exxon to fuel GM operations in China, (and over 3000 US corps) into the next decade. no gas no cars sales.

Exxon doesn't care if your husband beats you every night.

Any other Country and we would have turned them into wasteland.
How much Oil does the US have left? 10 yrs, 20?

Enough to place a $250 tarrif on each panel here so this guy can meet his goal in Saudi.??

GTM Research, a Wood Mackenzie company, is now forecasting residential PV will experience its first down year ever. The U.S. home solar segment is expected to shrink by 3 percent this year. GTM previously forecast flat or limited growth in 2017.

What does he know that you don't.
It was to promote american manufacturing and jobs is what i just read was Trumos intentions on the solar tarrifs. Solar companies struggled for 2 yrs since the tarrifs but are now kicking ass again. Is this wrong?
What makes you say hes not competent in war? You dont agree with what he did in Iran? Explain
Bernie wants everyone to pay for everyones healthcare and then their will be no private ins companies( thats millions of jobs lost?)Also we will be payng to the tune of 35trillion.
@tangerinegreen555 ( sorry my cursor is jumping all over lol)
First, Bernie's shit would never pass.

BUT, if it ever would those insurance companies would kind of be taken over by gov't. and the people who work for them would now work for the gov't.

The gov't. couldn't start from scratch, they would use those insurance companies records and people who work there. Health professionals all believe that.

I don't trust a guy as commander in chief who goes to North Korea for photo ops while they continue building nukes. Our own intelligence people say they (North Korea) are building nukes faster than anybody on the planet.

And for what? They could never beat anybody, they would just kill people like terrorists. Trump uses North Korea for photo ops and political gain.

He fucking knows they haven't changed over there.
Deep down i think we all want that tbh. They are pretty cocky. Thats the nicest thing i can say about them.

Thanks again for the real content!
Gotta run ill catch up later if i dont get a ban
Theocracies suck. Trump wants to be able to hack your cell phone. Which companies can already do. He's a liar and a cheat. He's trying to bankrupt the government. And doing a wonderful job. He's a military coward. I could go on but why? Obviously we are wired quite differently. It goes in one ear and out the other. Knock yourself out. I'm too old to give a shit.
Saudi Arabia: Bezos phone hack claim is ‘absurd’ - BBC News

Saudi Arabia has denied that its crown prince was responsible for hacking Amazon boss Jeff Bezos' phone.

A message from a phone number used by the prince has been implicated in the data breach, according to reports.

The kingdom's US embassy said the stories were "absurd" and called for an investigation into them.

It was previously claimed the alleged hack was linked to the murder of Washington Post writer Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

As well as being the founder of online retail giant Amazon, Mr Bezos owns the Washington Post.

Mr Bezos' phone was hacked after receiving a WhatsApp message sent from Mohammed bin Salman's personal account, according to the Guardian newspaper.
DOJ Says FBI Cracked Lev Parnas's iPhone 11 in Two Months Even as It Demands Apple Backdoor

The U.S. Department of Justice claimed in a letter to a federal judge this week that it took almost two months for the FBI to break into an iPhone 11 owned by Lev Parnas, a former associate of Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who has been sucked into the sprawling impeachment mess facing the White House, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday. That the FBI managed to unlock the device at all may raise eyebrows, given that the DOJ and FBI have both recently ramped up pressure campaigns claiming they desperately need Apple’s assistance to unlock its devices and demanding Apple build backdoors into its encryption.

Parnas claims he acted as a fixer in Trump’s scheme to coerce the Ukrainian government into launching a sham investigation of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden by withholding nearly $400 million in defense aid—the matter at the center of the ongoing impeachment trial Trump now faces in the Senate. Parnas, who told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow last week that Trump and numerous other high-ranking White House officials had full knowledge of the plan, was indicted on separate charges of funneling foreign money into U.S. elections in October 2019. He is currently out on bail.

According to a House Intelligence Committee letter, the iPhone and other devices were seized by federal authorities upon the arrest of Parnas in October. They’re still being held by the feds, but Parnas later agreed to cooperate, and his defense team began seeking permission to obtain whatever data the FBI had extracted from the devices and share some of it with House investigators. Parnas’s attorney, Joseph A. Bondy, tweeted that the DOJ had successfully extracted data from the iPhone 11 in question on December 3, 2019, but claimed it deliberately did not turn over the documents until New Years’ Eve. (The documents have since been transferred).
Evertone has a right to a fair trial. Why is he guilty before he goes to trial. You would be appalled if this was you. How are you people american?!?
He is not on trial for his freedom, he is on trial for fucking up at his job of upholding our laws because he broke them repeatedly.
Why do you want him out so bad? Hes said and done things no other presidents have done in 40yrs. The economy is good ( allthough i hear from dems its tanking) . Why is reality so hard for some people. Every politic has used their power to benefit, and also the rich do this. Now you will tell me about how he walked into a teen locker room and how hes a smartass on stage?
Obama's last 3 years were economically better than Trump's first three. This is not about how well we all are doing, it is about him breaking the laws he is supposed to protect.
Oh man russia. Has nothing to do with us. I swear they are 40 yrs behind still maybe more.
I firgot the term they used but they would just go take a woman like a caveman would and keep her and marry her. Its a tradition of toxic masculentity. I have nothing good to say about russia tbh. Chernobyl,kgb, their laws all crazy to me, quality if life? Russians have no clue
Russia is attacking our citizens everyday and he is allowing it because it helps him get elected.
What makes you say hes not competent in war? You dont agree with what he did in Iran? Explain
Bernie wants everyone to pay for everyones healthcare and then their will be no private ins companies( thats millions of jobs lost?)Also we will be payng to the tune of 35trillion.
@tangerinegreen555 ( sorry my cursor is jumping all over lol)
I am not a expert by any means in war so don't know how his actions are helping or hurting us much. But I find him abandoning the fragile Kurdish democracy so that Russia could take over control of the region inexcusable.