The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

More witness are really needed.
The media want you to believe this Because the stock market is going to crash and they don’t want you pulling your money out. Only the insiders know when to sell. The rest of us are fucked. When a president is impeached the market crashes. That’s just what happens..
Hey @eddy600, a whole lot of accounts liked this post but so few of them are around (excepting the retarded Rob Roy) I am forced to ask this question of you... I have listened to 12 hours of presentations supporting the Articles of Impeachment about the Orange Fucktard also know as Donald Jenius Trump, and they have done a pretty good job building a case against him, especially considering the fact that Trump has blocked them from the supporting evidence that would provide the smoking gun.

When are they going to get to the part about "cuz I hate him"?

Not even @Bugeye is dumb enough answer this, so a lot depends on you.
Trump Impeachment Trial Slogs On

An earthquake hit outside LA, The Senate pulled an all-nighter for the Trump impeachment trial, Adam Schiff spoke for two and a half hours on behalf of the Democrats, Donald Trump elaborated on his criticism of Ken Starr from 1999, celebrated his 15th wedding anniversary with Melania, and congressional hopeful and Trump supporter Robert Hyde sat down to explain himself on Chris Cuomo's show on CNN.
I'm really looking forward to today's Republican Presidential. It should read as a primer to the pathetic idiocy of their supporters. Highlightes will be arguments that if there was no law broken, impeachment cannot occur. That one is kinda funny since Lindsey Graham, Ken Starr, Alan Dershowitz and others have argued the exact opposite prior to this.

But the biggest "Derp" will occur if they start talking about the whistleblower. This is a person who is specifically protected by law and whose account has been fully proven by many witnesses and the actual so called "transcript" of the phone call that the (impeached) President released and considers "perfect". If these imbeciles actually mention anything about the whistleblower not being exposed while also arguing that no further witnesses need be brought forward (talking about you and your white trash ilk here, @Bugeye), it is a sure sign that they are playing to the most ignorant, most under-educated and least qualified people in the entire electorate.
I'm really looking forward to today's Republican Presidential. It should read as a primer to the pathetic idiocy of their supporters. Highlightes will be arguments that if there was no law broken, impeachment cannot occur. That one is kinda funny since Lindsey Graham, Ken Starr, Alan Dershowitz and others have argued the exact opposite prior to this.

But the biggest "Derp" will occur if they start talking about the whistleblower. This is a person who is specifically protected by law and whose account has been fully proven by many witnesses and the actual so called "transcript" of the phone call that the (impeached) President released and considers "perfect". If these imbeciles actually mention anything about the whistleblower not being exposed while also arguing that no further witnesses need be brought forward (talking about you and your white trash ilk here, @Bugeye), it is a sure sign that they are playing to the most ignorant, most under-educated and least qualified people in the entire electorate.

The fact we have a brain surgeon working on the homeless problem, proves it cant be "cured".
I'm really looking forward to today's Republican Presidential. It should read as a primer to the pathetic idiocy of their supporters. Highlightes will be arguments that if there was no law broken, impeachment cannot occur. That one is kinda funny since Lindsey Graham, Ken Starr, Alan Dershowitz and others have argued the exact opposite prior to this.

But the biggest "Derp" will occur if they start talking about the whistleblower. This is a person who is specifically protected by law and whose account has been fully proven by many witnesses and the actual so called "transcript" of the phone call that the (impeached) President released and considers "perfect". If these imbeciles actually mention anything about the whistleblower not being exposed while also arguing that no further witnesses need be brought forward (talking about you and your white trash ilk here, @Bugeye), it is a sure sign that they are playing to the most ignorant, most under-educated and least qualified people in the entire electorate.

It should be interesting to watch them try to change their spots.