The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

The Senate is not going to remove Trump, they need 67 votes and from what I understand only 4 gop senators are in districts that may cost them in November if they vote no. Most gop senators actually believe they will be voted out of office if they vote to impeach Trump. The only chance of getting rid of Trump is in November. Some people in this thread are not living in reality.

This is why I asked if it was a closed or open vote. I would think that if the vote is open, the Senators who will vote based on their own selfish re-election prospects will vote to keep Trump in power. If the vote is closed and it's a secret ballot, more may opt to do the right thing and vote to remove him from office.
Conservatives have been working on redistricting for 40 years. It's red in my state. They beat the lawsuits.
What has it got them? A bunch of tea party assholes who they can't control or deal with and an even bigger loss of seats in the house in 2020. Gerrymandering has made problems for the GOP too, look at all the wingnuts from those districts.
This is why I asked if it was a closed or open vote. I would think that if the vote is open, the Senators who will vote based on their own selfish re-election prospects will vote to keep Trump in power. If the vote is closed and it's a secret ballot, more may opt to do the right thing and vote to remove him from office.
That's the key thing to watch for, will the vote be secret or public, a secret vote would give a lot air cover to the GOP from Trump and if he was removed, he would be quickly muzzled by the courts. That's why I think Mitch and Lindsay got ahead of their oaths and said they' wouldn't be fair and impartial, they were covering their asses, they are running in red states this year and need the base vote, not to mention being primaried out, so they gotta stay on side. If they are gonna do Donald, it's gotta be good and convincing to the public and base.
And now that trump has addressed the abortion issue it's the religious groups that will love him even more. The redistricting in my state will again decide the president.
I don't think that the odds of Donald being removed by the Senate are even measurable. For me, the question is all about what happens if he doesn't get re-elected or (shudder) if he does. I still think the last possibility is quite possible, even probable. That orange bitch could lose the popular vote by up to 6% and still win the EC.
If he wins, I think a lot of Americans will split the vote and give the Democrats the House and Senate. I am not as worried about Trump outside of his conspiracy theory bullhorn, and he has shouted on that about as loud as he can and I think it is diminishing in its effectiveness as more and more people start waking up to it.

And if. IF. he wins a second term, he will just get impeached again at that point.
What has it got them? A bunch of tea party assholes who they can't control or deal with and an even bigger loss of seats in the house in 2020. Gerrymandering has made problems for the GOP too, look at all the wingnuts from those districts.
But the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda doesn't need anything to be passed in the Senate to get what they want, which is nothing to change so they can hold onto as much power as possible for as long as possible.
The religious are well organized. Chic Fila and what not. The left is a bit less organized......
Its a lot easier when you really only have to focus on 3 groups of voters, and one (the racists) are not going to vote for Democrats no matter what. The next easiest is the religious people, just have to convince them Democrats eat babies and let them dumb down the education system so their kids stick to their cult. The rest of what is now the Republican party is fully in the Trump cult at this point.

The Democrats having to legislate for everyone in the country is a lot harder, especially because as soon as anyone is for something, it just gets trolled.
I don't think that the odds of Donald being removed by the Senate are even measurable. For me, the question is all about what happens if he doesn't get re-elected or (shudder) if he does. I still think the last possibility is quite possible, even probable. That orange bitch could lose the popular vote by up to 6% and still win the EC.
We won't have too long to wait about the fate of Donald, though the longer the trial the better. An acquittal will seal the fate of the GOP in november and hopefully Trump will lead them to disaster, both for himself and the party. There's gonna be shit dropping from the sky right up until election day and the house hearings will grind on, I'll bet the democrats are preparing a response to an acquittal right now. The timing of all this was up to Nancy Pelosi and she is looking for a total victory in november, whatever way the GOP squirms, Nancy has got Mitch by the balls.
But the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda doesn't need anything to be passed in the Senate to get what they want, which is nothing to change so they can hold onto as much power as possible for as long as possible.

Its a lot easier when you really only have to focus on 3 groups of voters, and one (the racists) are not going to vote for Democrats no matter what. The next easiest is the religious people, just have to convince them Democrats eat babies and let them dumb down the education system so their kids stick to their cult. The rest of what is now the Republican party is fully in the Trump cult at this point.

The Democrats having to legislate for everyone in the country is a lot harder, especially because as soon as anyone is for something, it just gets trolled.

Exactly it. All that boomer white male Republikkkans have to do to achieve elite status is maintain status quo. That is all they need to do until 2024, when demographics will start to swamp their majority status. It's clear that they intend to hold power beyond then through voter suppression and other means of defeating majority rule.
This next election is going to be close. Inevitably, it will hinge on one or two states. I expect that the disinformation will be thick with much of it impersonating the Trump opposition. Whereas right now, only the exceptionally stupid think that actual vote totals were changed in 2016, claims of actual vote rigging in November are virtually guaranteed. If Trump loses, he will contest the election and may well refuse to go. Marches in Washington will form to oust him. Armed rednecks will be too.

It'll end in tears.
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This next election is going to be close. Inevitably, it will hinge on one or two states. I expect that the disinformation will be thick with much of it impersonating the Trump opposition. Whereas right now, only the exceptionally stupid think that actual vote totals were changed in 2016, claims of actual vote rigging in November are virtually guaranteed. If Trump loses, he will contest the election and may well refuse to go. Marches in Washington will form to oust him. Armed rednecks will be too.

It'll end in years.
It will more likely end at 12:01 PM on Jan. 20, 2021 when the secret service remove an ex-president turned intruder from the White House and offer him a ride in a nice helicopter to where ever he wants to go.

"You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.
Now get the hell out."
It will more likely end at 12:01 PM on Jan. 20, 2021 when the secret service remove an ex-president turned intruder from the White House and offer him a ride in a nice helicopter to where ever he wants to go.

"You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.
Now get the hell out."
I meant to type "it'll end in tears", but it came out 'years' in type. Crowds will be mobilized. I'll pick you up on my way out there.
It will more likely end at 12:01 PM on Jan. 20, 2021 when the secret service remove an ex-president turned intruder from the White House and offer him a ride in a nice helicopter to where ever he wants to go.

"You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.
Now get the hell out."
Hopefully the WH will be under new management, they should fumigate the place first though, Trump has a reputation (charges too) for cockroaches and bed bugs. The next democratic POTUS won't want him around and I don't think he'll show up for the inauguration either. Hopefully he'll be in jail by then for violating a court gag order after being removed and indicted.
We won't have too long to wait about the fate of Donald, though the longer the trial the better. An acquittal will seal the fate of the GOP in november and hopefully Trump will lead them to disaster, both for himself and the party. There's gonna be shit dropping from the sky right up until election day and the house hearings will grind on, I'll bet the democrats are preparing a response to an acquittal right now. The timing of all this was up to Nancy Pelosi and she is looking for a total victory in november, whatever way the GOP squirms, Nancy has got Mitch by the balls.
Very few states are even in play right now. Let's make a list. Possibly in play, AZ, CO, MN, PA, VA. The ones that really matter are probably going to be WI, MI, FL. What am I missing?

Maybe NV, ME, OH is lost. Hail Mary for TX. NC ain't switching.
I can see it now, Donald dismissed the secret service and and barricades himself in the WH while surrounding the place with MAGA hatted supporters.

That sounds like an imminent threat; a White House takeover. We all now know what happens when there's an "imminent threat" on a US asset.
Very few states are even in play right now. Let's make a list. Possibly in play, AZ, CO, MN, PA, VA. The ones that really matter are probably going to be WI, MI, FL. What am I missing?

Maybe NV, ME, OH is lost. Hail Mary for TX. NC ain't switching.
CO and VA are not in play anymore
Very few states are even in play right now. Let's make a list. Possibly in play, AZ, CO, MN, PA, VA. The ones that really matter are probably going to be WI, MI, FL. What am I missing?
Georgia and perhaps Texas all ya need are a majority in the EC and Trump hasn't picked up any support since 2016, in fact millions more are gonna vote against him and drag GOP senators down too. Mitch McConnell has a 29% approval rating in back home in TN. There are also gonna be millions of people (the young mostly ) who don't normally vote, who are gonna vote in 2020, Trump has motivated folks! Many GOP supporters might stay home this time around too and the investigations are ongoing as well. I figure a large majority of the public is and will be aroused by all this bullshit and will speak with a loud voice in november.