What is the absolute best 4 x 4 grow tent?

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That Mars for $149 I saw and liked, Sad. I also like the Zazzy. Still looking

The Mars has 1680D fabric, which might help insulate the inside from my cold cellar air when lights go out. If its got strong support rods Im leaning that way.
I plan on grabbing one myself. Heard a lot of good things saying they were well built etc. I don't know how strong they are though.
Hold up on buying that Mars, bud. I've been researching fabric and found this:

When both the 600D and the 1680D nylon are stretched, the nylon fibers elongate more than the polyester and still maintain their strength. The reason for more elongation is because nylon fibers partly absorb water, unlike polyester fabric. Though they both have the same strength to size ratio, i.e. 1680 D, nylon is way stronger than polyester. When 500 D nylon is compared to 600D polyester, it`s still 1.4 times stronger. This makes real w`hat weve suspected all along from experience, that nylon is more durable.

2.Colorfastness and stretchability
Nylon fabric partially absorbs water, and the color may fade faster as compared to the water-resistant polyester. Also, polyester has higher color fastness ability to absorb the color. When dyed, the polyester fibers bond correctly with the dye while eliminating water at the same time. For this reason, polyester is suitable for outdoor materials.
In terms of stretchability, nylon fibers elongate more and are prone to piling, where they form fuzzy balls at the seams. Polyester will not stretch when exposed to higher temperatures hence suitable for outdoor gear.

1680D is stretchier, it ABSORBS water (lowers humidity I bet), prone to piling and fuzzy balls at seams!!!

Better off with 600D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The clincher for me was shipping weight and product weight. Green Hut brand is the heaviest, so its not thin lightweight garbage.
LOL, better half thought that Green Hut was gaudy af, went with the Zazzy to keep the peace.
:P another amazon cancellation, my 3rd in 5 yrs buying there

It's a woman's prerogative to make a man change his mind ..or something like that.

Speaking of cancelling Amazon, I got Amazon Prime free for a month by signing up for it in order to get free shipping on an order. Once the package arrived, I immediately cancelled the AP but they let you keep it for the month at no charge. I couldn't find anything worth watching on that channel but you and your better half might. Oh, and they allow a person to do this once a year. Just thought you might like to know.
It's a woman's prerogative to make a man change his mind ..or something like that.

Speaking of cancelling Amazon, I got Amazon Prime free for a month by signing up for it in order to get free shipping on an order. Once the package arrived, I immediately cancelled the AP but they let you keep it for the month at no charge. I couldn't find anything worth watching on that channel but you and your better half might. Oh, and they allow a person to do this once a year. Just thought you might like to know.
Last 2 Decembers I joined Amazon Prime free for a month, many orders, cancel day 28 or 29.
:hump: The tv/movie selection is shit tho, ur right.
I have a gorilla grow tent 5x5, i also have two smaller secret jardins 4x4 and a shorty mother tent. Gorilla is the best quality i have seen personally. Jardins are good as well, but my gorilla is great quality very thick material and sturdy as hell.
The reg Gorilla looked worth the money, the LITE didn't.
Lites are on par with the thinner more conventional tents you see. The originals stand out because of quality. I run hard negative pressure through mine without worries and no smell seepage. I think anyone that buys them will be impressed if they have dealt with any other tent on the market. The con is the pricepoint. If i could throw money at the problem all my tents would be gorilla. Think i spent 600ish on mine 5-6yrs ago and it hasnt failed me yet. They are THICK
Just build one. Especially if you need to support that much weight. Gorilla tents are good but I used 1/2 inch pvc and 5.5 mil panda film but I also had a very specific space it needed to fit and they don’t make tents in that size (3 feet deep, 8 feet long and 6 and a half high).
Budbox, green qube, anyone with the best materials, best construction and most experience will do better rhan great.

Actually prefer the cheap amazon ones myself but just because i dont need any extra and less ropes ports and flaps everywhere - most come with far too many and wtf do.i need a viewing window for when its easier to just pull the zip.
I bought a package deal from Home Depot last August. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Hydro-C...tion-System-Daylight-TKLED-HLG-4848/310783188

The HLG Rspec, a 4 x 4 and a shitty 4" inline fan. Basically the tent and fan cost me about $40, light was full price.

This tent is a HydroCrunch "second".......1000 pin holes, flimsy front zipper, and 300D canvas (thin).....Velcro is in places where it shouldn't be.......Port holes are not in same positions as my original HydroCrunch tent........first time Ive had trouble maintaining a stable RH.........I'm in cold country, need a well sealed unit.......with strong poles.

Any suggestions? From online reviews they all say Vivosun's 4 x 4 is the best. I am having a hard time believing this.

What say you all?
Gorilla is the best for sure but the reflective sides degrade alot after a couple years. Best thing to do is get some 2x3 boards and some drywall or foam insulation an build your own room it's really easy and cheap plus with the tent the walls get sucked in from the fans so you lose like 6" all around

Edit: you can build a 4x4 for like $150 maybe less depending on lumber prices where you are home depot will cut the wood for you it would only take like 2-3 cuts they usually do it for free
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