OK then. Biden 2020.

I don’t like any of the top 4 and don’t care who wins, they’ll all get my free volunteer time and vote

But the hypocrisy and lies and venom from the shitty bernouts is such a turnoff
The leader sets the tone. Nobody should be surprised after hearing Bernie spend so much time tearing down people who have only ever helped him.
Here he is, supporting the Republican balanced budget amendment in 1995

Spin this one spin doctor

You should look for more knowledge than just watching edited clips.

Biden starts his time at 2:18:30.

I actually have to thank you @Padawanbater2 if it wasn't for your 30 second edited clip with attached Bernie ad at the end I wouldn't have watched the entire speech Biden gave. And I would not have realized how smart he is. So thank you.

Not only did you mischaracterize what his stance was (the Amendment at the time of that video he opposed). Like how he was in support of a balanced budget, but wasn't of this amendment for many reasons, one of which was that it would hurt programs he cared about. He even made a point of how a PTA group asking for funding vs a industry with a lot of money to donate would be very unfair, same with mental health care, etc.

But then he actually went on to describe how important it is for congress to keep the power of the purse, and how a rouge President in the future could just reappropriate funding and tax money to their pet projects, and how devistating that would be. I wonder why the Republicans tried to insert that into the bill? They have been playing the long game since the 80's and it is a good thing we had people like Biden pushing back on it.

Joe Biden totally predicted what a future President like Trump would try to pull off, imagine if the Republicans would have passed that Amendment, Trump would have the ability to do anything he wanted. On the border and any state he wanted to punish he could have moved funding unchecked if that version of the bill passed.

You should watch/listen to the entire speech he gave and draw your own conclusions and not just act like a baby bird swallowing whatever people chew up and spit in your mouth.

Screen Shot 2020-01-28 at 10.48.03 AM.png

With Trump trying to rally support for Bernie and the impeachment trial strategy of the Republicans to make the impeachment of Biden their goal (instead of trying to defend Trump), it is pretty obvious that they are scared shitless of losing the House, Senate, and Presidency if Biden wins the Democratic nomination.
You should look for more knowledge than just watching edited clips.

Biden starts his time at 2:18:30.

I actually have to thank you @Padawanbater2 if it wasn't for your 30 second edited clip with attached Bernie ad at the end I wouldn't have watched the entire speech Biden gave. And I would not have realized how smart he is. So thank you.

Not only did you mischaracterize what his stance was (the Amendment at the time of that video he opposed). Like how he was in support of a balanced budget, but wasn't of this amendment for many reasons, one of which was that it would hurt programs he cared about. He even made a point of how a PTA group asking for funding vs a industry with a lot of money to donate would be very unfair, same with mental health care, etc.

But then he actually went on to describe how important it is for congress to keep the power of the purse, and how a rouge President in the future could just reappropriate funding and tax money to their pet projects, and how devistating that would be. I wonder why the Republicans tried to insert that into the bill? They have been playing the long game since the 80's and it is a good thing we had people like Biden pushing back on it.

Joe Biden totally predicted what a future President like Trump would try to pull off, imagine if the Republicans would have passed that Amendment, Trump would have the ability to do anything he wanted. On the border and any state he wanted to punish he could have moved funding unchecked if that version of the bill passed.

You should watch/listen to the entire speech he gave and draw your own conclusions and not just act like a baby bird swallowing whatever people chew up and spit in your mouth.
It's beginning to look like fewer and fewer people are buying what Biden is selling

Amid Social Security fight, Joe Biden is losing ground among middle-aged and older voters

AMID AN ONGOING debate over Joe Biden’s record on Social Security, the former vice president’s support among middle-aged and older Americans is eroding, as his chief rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, is seeing the first gains among this demographic since he announced his run for president, according to a review of six recently released surveys.

Voters over the age of 65 have long formed the bulk of Biden’s support, while he has done poorly with voters under the age of 30, who lean toward Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Though Biden continues to be older voters’ candidate of choice, that support is beginning to wane. The most recent Siena College/New York Times survey of likely Iowa caucus-goers found a 17-point swing away from Biden and toward Sanders among those age 45 to 64. Emerson’s survey, meanwhile, found an 11-point swing among voters over 50. The new Fox poll found a 10-point swing nationally to Sanders among voters over 45, and the Monmouth survey found a swing of 9 among voters over 50. WBUR, in New Hampshire, found a 5-point swing toward Sanders with voters over 50 there. A new poll in California, by the LA Times and the University of California, Berkeley, found Biden flat at 22 percent among those 65 and up, but Sanders jumped from 6 to 14 percent since December.

In each individual survey, the sample sizes in such subgroups are small and unreliable, but the consistency and extent of the swings suggests that pollsters are catching something real. The Social Security conversation — in which Biden has repeatedly lied and said that he did not support cuts to the program, despite years of evidence to the contrary — has been so damaging to Biden that his allies in Iowa urged him to move past it at the end of last week. But Biden continued the feud in an interview in New Hampshire this weekend. The New York Times weighed in on Sunday, dubbing Biden’s Social Security claims “false.”
Trump speaking to a room full of supporters candidly tells them he believes Sanders is his biggest threat because his agenda is popular with voters and would be hard to defeat is apparently bullshit, but Ernst speaking to reporters on the record about the impact of the impeachment trial on Biden's electability in Iowa shows Trump is afraid to face Biden in the general. Brilliant

You heard it from the horse's mouth itself when he didn't know he was being recorded; Trump knows his biggest threat is Sanders. He'd be happy to face Biden, just like he was happy to face Clinton, because he knows he can spin it anyway he wants to and control the narrative. He knows he won't be able to do that with Sanders because Sanders doesn't deviate from policy. It's the same reason Trump backed out of a debate against Sanders last primary.
Trump literally asked a foreign head of state to interfere in our election process against Joe Biden and threatened to cut aid as a goad.

Trump also recently tweeted about "Bernie getting cheated". You can just keep trying to make up your own reality though.
Trump literally asked a foreign head of state to interfere in our election process against Joe Biden and threatened to cut aid as a goad.

Trump also recently tweeted about "Bernie getting cheated". You can just keep trying to make up your own reality though.
He did the same thing to Hillary Clinton "Russia, if you're listening..", and now he's the president

Trump's tweets about Sanders is an attempt to continue to fracture the party, to turn people off of voting for Sanders because he knows people like you will eat it up and make posts on social media and public forums about how much Trump loves Sanders when the reality is the complete opposite. He's feeding you bullshit and you're eating it up because of your personal hatred towards Sanders and his supporters.