What would happen if everyone suddenly grows and have a stand?


New Member
Has anyone called the news crews yet? That's worth a shot.

it fuckin sucks and u think the law would be in our favor but if we are here wednesday we're tresspassing, if this goes through they will shut of the water, not the cable, not the electricity, just the water and we have to get the hell out.

and i fuckin hate how the people who make this country are overlooked 4 the people who manipulate it

i'm about to move back to england cuz of bullshit like this, or canada, but right now i'm just planning 2 get back 2 the bronx


Active Member
I agree! I live in a small town U.S.A and sum people are starting to rebel rediculously! Growing everywhere! The people in high places are getn old and losing out! soon me and my generation will take over and if they cut funding towards the war on plants than we will all start the opening of smoke shops everywhere like canada! This will cause an evolution OUT OF THE WOODWORK (((((fuckn beautiful)))))))))) The way i figure: last one standing is a rich mofo! (prolly be the first dude arrested that got out first and is to stubborn to give up! haha who joins ME:


New Member
There used to be a hemp farm near me, it's crap now, but it was the stuff urban legends were made of back in high school. I've not seen it myself.


New Member
without a reform of the gov and the federal reserve we will always hav eto deal with this shit and even if you manage to get reforms you have to ever be vigilant or they will enslave again