What sex is my plant

Its a boy !!.jpgCongrats its a girl.jpg

Looks like a male to me. but you may give it time if you have no others. Could be a Hermi

Female on Right Male on left
Probably a good idea to take it out, You may notice that Males grow much faster and taller than females, Just to give you another Idea of what to look for.
Those are looking great keep up the good work.

What is this the plant has not shown anything but these for sex all my others have hairs View attachment 4474603

It's a bit hard to see, But I see no Balls there, are those white hairs ? if so A Okay then. but if you see little balls then she may be a hermaphrodite. I had a few at one time and I just kept a close eye on her and picked any balls or nanners I seen, But if you do that make sure you check it really good because it only take a very small amount of Pollen to give all your plants Seeds.

Water neutralizes it, (POLLEN) I sprayed mine before touching them right before lights go out then I looked very closely at all picked off anything and was able to keep it in Check, It took a lot too, Remember that cuz it can get tedious.

Good Luck Bear420