The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

I think Justice Roberts will be issuing a subpoena for John Bolton before the week is out.

Trump will go ballistic. A Constitutional crisis is at hand.
I wonder about the impact a sham trial would have on Roberts and the SCOTUS, he does not want to preside over a kangaroo court. If he orders a subpoena for witnesses and documents it will be up to Mitch and the GOP to vote it down and that would look very bad indeed. There is a limit to how much the chief justice will participate in injustice and he does not want to taint the courts like the senate. Trials mean witnesses and Trump publicly contested the facts and Boltons assertions. You're right, if Roberts takes more control and calls witnesses, I don't think Mitch would want to challenge that and Donald will lose his mind. Like I said if Mitch wants to secretly do Donald, he will go along with Roberts and might even have his fingers crossed hoping Roberts does subpoena witnesses and documents, this would make it much easier for Mitch to escape blame for Donald's doing.
I wonder about the impact a sham trial would have on Roberts and the SCOTUS, he does not want to preside over a kangaroo court. If he orders a subpoena for witnesses and documents it will be up to Mitch and the GOP to vote it down and that would look very bad indeed. There is a limit to how much the chief justice will participate in injustice and he does not want to taint the courts like the senate. Trials mean witnesses and Trump publicly contested the facts and Boltons assertions. You're right, if Roberts takes more control and calls witnesses, I don't think Mitch would want to challenge that and Donald will lose his mind. Like I said if Mitch wants to secretly do Donald, he will go along with Roberts and might even have his fingers crossed hoping Roberts does subpoena witnesses and documents, this would make it much easier for Mitch to escape blame for Donald's doing.
They need 2/3 of the Senate to overrule him.
Lindsey sez we're going to call the bidens... Maybe call Hillary too. Maybe get to the bottom of Obama's birth certificate. And pizza. We've went nucking futs...
The GOP are in the majority, they can call whoever they wish and don't need the democrats permission. Let's hope Roberts starts asking for witnesses and documents. The democrats can call the material witnesses and the GOP can bullshit.
The GOP are in the majority, they can call whoever they wish and don't need the democrats permission. Let's hope Roberts starts asking for witnesses and documents. The democrats can call the material witnesses and the GOP can bullshit.
I hope they call that 400# guy sitting on his bed who hacked the DNC server.
I hope they call that 400' guy sitting on his bed who hacked the DNC server.
If Bolton, Mulveny and others testify I think Donald is done, it will be a long trial and look even worse for Trump and the GOP with lots of high ratings TV. Donald will go ape shit and wear out his smartphone tweeting insanity during the whole process, he'll attack Roberts if he calls witnesses and publicly refute sworn testimony (he already has) setting himself up for a subpoena, but ya don't really need to call him, the case has already been proved. This will make the GOP senate do the the right thing or pay a bigger price at the polls, I think no matter what they do with Donald the damage is done to the Republicans.

Donald is giving the SOTU speech to congress in a couple of weeks and it should be interesting if he's still on trial, if he's acquitted before then, the house hearings will start back up right away with Schiff charging in the lead.
Jeez no wonder Roberts hands were shaking when he swore in. He is going to take Trump out. I wonder if TrumpCo. Threatened his life as well.
If he calls for witnesses Donald will freak and tweet his head off, the base will howl and the death threats will begin. Ya don't wanna get caught threatening the chief justice of the SCOTUS though, the courts would not be kind at all and the FBI would be on ya like stink on shit!
If Bolton, Mulveny and others testify I think Donald is done, it will be a long trial and look even worse for Trump and the GOP with lots of high ratings TV. Donald will go ape shit and wear out his smartphone tweeting insanity during the whole process, he'll attack Roberts if he calls witnesses and publicly refute sworn testimony (he already has) setting himself up for a subpoena, but ya don't really need to call him, the case has already been proved. This will make the GOP senate do the the right thing or pay a bigger price at the polls, I think no matter what they do with Donald the damage is done to the Republicans.

Donald is giving the SOTU speech to congress in a couple of weeks and it should be interesting if he's still on trial, if he's acquitted before then, the house hearings will start back up right away with Schiff charging in the lead.
Limbaugh's take: the Republicans have the votes to acquit, therefore no witnesses should be called.

Lol, try that in court.
I have noticed in the past that you often overlook the obvious. I think you did so about the Ukrainian jet being shot down by accident.

Bolton has publicly said he has a story to tell. He has signalled his willingness to appear before the Senate. And he has written a book. So what? Maybe the guy has a story to tell and wants to tell it. It makes no difference to me that he will make money by publishing. If it's an interesting and important story, he can go ahead and tell it. He hasn't said "I have a story to tell and only by buying my book can you hear it." I think the guy wants to tell what he knows. I don't care how it got leaked - we have a right to hear it.
I dont disagree at all. I want to hear it too, I am just saying I am skeptical of why it was released by Trump's White House to this guy at this time.
I think Bolton should have asked the House to testify, and am not sure why he waited for the Senate to have it to ask to talk.

How many stories have been planted at opportunistic times by Trump's people. They start out salacious and then have some small detail that goes too far that Trump jumps on to discredit the press.

I am curious what you think I missed about the Ukraine plane being shot down, though, I don't think I said a lot about it other than something about I could see a conspiracy theory popping out of it about the fact that Russian equipment was used to shoot down a airplane in Iran right after a missile strike by Iran on a American base that happened to have Ukrainians on it.
Limbaugh's take: the Republicans have the votes to acquit, therefore no witnesses should be called.

Lol, try that in court.
It occured to me that Donald could go down as the biggest asshole in American history, biggest so far and when the history is written it will show that Trump was a bigger asshole than anybody thought!

Who could top Trump for American asshole of the century and most likely in all of American history? In 20 years if ya asked the average American who the biggest asshole in American history was, whose name would come up?
Adam Schiff: John Bolton's book blasts a hole in Trump defense

Lead impeachment House manager Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said that an unpublished draft manuscript by former national security adviser John Bolton, which was reported by The New York Times, blasts another hole in President Trump's defense. According to the report, the manuscript alleges Trump wanted to continue holding military aid to Ukraine until the country helped with investigations into Democrats.