The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

It occured to me that Donald could go down as the biggest asshole in American history, biggest so far and when the history is written it will show that Trump was a bigger asshole than anybody thought!

Who could top Trump for American asshole of the century and most likely in all of American history? In 20 years if ya asked the average American who the biggest asshole in American history was, whose name would come up?
Maybe he wasn't as abrasive but Herbert Hoover was a bad one. His actions at the beginning of the Great Depression put millions into desperate poverty. Throughout the last years of his presidency, he shunned advice from those who knew better. A lot of blood is on his hands. He called in the military to break up Hoovervilles and showed the people of the US that Republicans suck.

Stories of those times told by my family say that Trump is bad but Hoover was worse.
Starr is getting no where. I thought this guy was going to bring something. Trumptards cant understand half of his sophisticated vocabularies and his history briefing on impeachment. Wake up old man, we are living in much different times now with high tech and social media. His words are so outdated and irrelevant for this day and age.
Or it breaks the news on Trump's terms being leaked by him at a time of Trump's choosing because he knows this guy will publish it. I may be wrong, and at this time I am not going to pay for a NY times subscription so can't look up the 'leaked' stories he has done to provide evidence of my point.

I haven't seen where it was said that it was the "NSC" that leaked it, I just heard that very few people in the top of the White House had access to the book, so unless someone big gets fired today by Trump, Trump leaked it on purpose.

But in the mean time, I find this dude suspect.

The NY Times has done some suspect stories in the last few years pushing the Russian/Trump propaganda. And buried it when they turned out wrong.
It's at 1:50 in this video, Boltons lawyers said they only gave it to the NSC at the WH for classified info review.
Trump Denies Explosive Bolton Claims | Morning Joe | MSNBC

In his new book, former national security adviser John Bolton writes that the president personally tied aid to Ukraine to investigation of Democrats, including the Bidens, according to new NYT reporting. Aired on 1/27/20.
Maybe he wasn't as abrasive but Herbert Hoover was a bad one. His actions at the beginning of the Great Depression put millions into desperate poverty. Throughout the last years of his presidency, he shunned advice from those who knew better. A lot of blood is on his hands. He called in the military to break up Hoovervilles and showed the people of the US that Republicans suck.

Stories of those times told by my family say that Trump is bad but Hoover was worse.
He was a republican too and if ya have the kinda economic meltdown that Obama inherited with Trump incharge you'd be fucked in a heartbeat! Give Trump a chance, times are good and the fucker wants to cut medicare, food stamps and social security, I'll bet Mitch shit a brick when he went on about cutting medicare last week.

It's at 1:50 in this video, Boltons lawyers said they only gave it to the NSC at the WH for classified info review.
Trump Denies Explosive Bolton Claims | Morning Joe | MSNBC

In his new book, former national security adviser John Bolton writes that the president personally tied aid to Ukraine to investigation of Democrats, including the Bidens, according to new NYT reporting. Aired on 1/27/20.
"Bolton sent the manuscript to the White House for review at the NSC" is not the same as 'Bolton sent it to the NSC and the White House'.

This looks to be a White House leak unless Trump sent it on to the NSC.

I stand by my cautiousness that shit wasn't added in by Trump.
I dont disagree at all. I want to hear it too, I am just saying I am skeptical of why it was released by Trump's White House to this guy at this time.
I think Bolton should have asked the House to testify, and am not sure why he waited for the Senate to have it to ask to talk.

How many stories have been planted at opportunistic times by Trump's people. They start out salacious and then have some small detail that goes too far that Trump jumps on to discredit the press.

I am curious what you think I missed about the Ukraine plane being shot down, though, I don't think I said a lot about it other than something about I could see a conspiracy theory popping out of it about the fact that Russian equipment was used to shoot down a airplane in Iran right after a missile strike by Iran on a American base that happened to have Ukrainians on it.
I could be wrong about my recollection.
I could be wrong about my recollection.
You could be right too, I try to just be really skeptical/cautious and not get my hopes up. Sometimes it gets hard to not get sucked into being optimistic that something will matter. I was more curious if you saw something I missed.
"Bolton sent the manuscript to the White House for review at the NSC" is not the same as 'Bolton sent it to the NSC and the White House'.

This looks to be a White House leak unless Trump sent it on to the NSC.

I stand by my cautiousness that shit wasn't added in by Trump.
I believe it was sent to the NSC who "may" have passed it along to the WH, it is the NSC who would normally review such a manuscript for classified info, he submitted it to his old department, the NSC and he probably still has friends there.
Ken Starr's mental capacity is just as diminished as our president. :dunce:

Once again, all he talked about was process and "traditions" (that are not required by the constitution).

Nothing about evidence. :roll:
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Starr is getting no where. I thought this guy was going to bring something. Trumptards cant understand half of his sophisticated vocabularies and his history briefing on impeachment. Wake up old man, we are living in much different times now with high tech and social media. His words are so outdated and irrelevant for this day and age.
I'll never forget being in school in DC when "The Starr Report" dropped. There were boxes and boxes of bound reports lying in every building free for the taking. I grabbed several and we spent the day reading salacious sections aloud in the student union. Couches and tables with broken legs all over the city were propped up with these things all year. I still have at least one in my library.
I am thinking he looks like a hostage that was told if he didn't defend Trump, they would leak how he got Epstein such a sweetheart deal in 2007, and why.
I heard all that was really needed with their little disclaimer at the start that they were just using the information from the record. They are cherry picking like mother fuckers. It is all just fluff until there is another vote on if the Republicans will bring in witnesses for Fox news and their bullshit propaganda websites like OANN to run for their bubbles.

They continue the lie on when the Ukrainians knew about the withholding of the funding by Trump (among other things. This is just going to get sadder and sadder.
I predict the orange turd will declare the next presidential election invalid after he loses to <insert candidate here>.

He will claim that it was a 'deep state' operation conducted by George Soros, Lev Parnas, Hillary's emails, and the environment (windmill revenge).

Then he will claim that everything has to go to court before anything changes -- all while he bleeds our economy & obstructs justice.

It would go something like this...

Mr. President, you lost the election and need to step down.

"What happens if I don't?"

I predict the orange turd will declare the next presidential election invalid after he loses to <insert candidate here>.

He will claim that it was a 'deep state' operation conducted by George Soros, Lev Parnas, Hillary's emails, and the environment (windmill revenge).

Then he will claim that everything has to go to court before anything changes -- all while he bleeds our economy & obstructs justice.

It would go something like this...

Mr. President, you lost the election and need to step down.

"What happens if I don't?"
Pam Bondi is just going full conspiracy theory on the Bidens.

I would say if it was me in Biden's shoes, I would just say, fine if you think there is smoke, as soon as I beat Trump, the Democrats can open up a impeachment hearing. If he did anything wrong, impeach him, but after 50 years in office with being squeaky clean and not cashing it in, and with all the conspiracies that the Trump minions have spun over the years, I call bullshit on their hit job.

The Republicans just want to turn this into a impeachment trial of Joe Biden to deflect from Trump.

It is the 'emails' all over again.
Dersh is killing it. The whole obstruction argument was pretty ridiculous to begin with.
Great, then I guess we'll hear from the witnesses and see the documents that Trump is illegally withholding. We will see what Dersih's peers think of his arguments, not much so far from what I've seen, the experts all say he's full of shit.