What did you accomplish today?


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Only 6 miles off a marathon what a pussy!!
I ran 6 on the weekend. By the 4th I regretted running so far from home, by the 5th I regretted the invention of running all together and by the 6th my body and mind gave up and I autopiloted home. My knees aren’t liking the running, so I’ll hit the pushie for a bit.
My nephew's friend signed up for an Ultramarathon & then received transfer orders so he asked my nephew if he'd like to run it (with no previous training other than his standard SF Army training & the kid did it! He's tough as nails to be able to just up & run 50 miles at virtually the drop of a hat.

I think twice about having to drive that far.


Well-Known Member
My nephew's friend signed up for an Ultramarathon & then received transfer orders so he asked my nephew if he'd like to run it (with no previous training other than his standard SF Army training & the kid did it! He's tough as nails to be able to just up & run 50 miles at virtually the drop of a hat.

I think twice about having to drive that far.
I don’t now how they do it some people are naturals.
This is my my favourite running story kind of the Aussie Forest Gump. 800 + km’s and 61 years old and turned up in overalls and work boots to run it. Plus wins it

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
I got an email from a recruiter on linkedin today. They want to do a phone interview on Thursday for a benefits administrator position. They couldn't tell me anything about the company other than it's downtown Toronto. :cuss: Crazy I haven't updated my linkedin page for five years, it still says I work for the company I left in 2015 lol. I have zero interest in joining the workforce full time or being a slave to a time clock, but I'm super curious to know who the company is and how they found me. I agreed to the phone interview on Thursday, I figured it can't hurt to hear them out and maybe it's position with flexible time and light responsibility.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
I can breath in it just fine, steady breaths, and I'm already used to wearing stuff like that when I was a welder and having to climb inside tankers to work. Use to bother me but not so much anymore.
I can't stand being under heavy comforters or big bulky jackets. I'd probably have a panic attack if I had to wear all that and exert myself.

playing with water sounds like fun tho.


Well-Known Member
Is your back all healed up now?

Thanks for asking, you are a sweetheart. It is MUCH better. It is still a little tweaky, but no real pain. I've been doing a lot of planking exercises to strengthen my core while keeping my back relatively straight, I never knew how challenging that is. I also have a sturdy brace to wear when I need to lift and carry heavy items. I want to make sure I'm ready for the hectic gig season coming up, I never want to be out of commission like that again...


Well-Known Member
I'm on Day 5 of a 7 day juice cleanse, and I've been quite hangry lately. I just wanted to detox and give my digestive system a break, but holy shit is this challenging. I didn't think I'd drop this much weight, either, but I'm looking forward to a few big meals to put a little back on. Some of my women friends are telling me not to just jump back in to eating normally when the cleanse is over, but to introduce solid foods back gradually. I believe I'll ignore their sage advice, and eat an entire large pizza by myself on Friday morning ;)


Ursus marijanus
I'm on Day 5 of a 7 day juice cleanse, and I've been quite hangry lately. I just wanted to detox and give my digestive system a break, but holy shit is this challenging. I didn't think I'd drop this much weight, either, but I'm looking forward to a few big meals to put a little back on. Some of my women friends are telling me not to just jump back in to eating normally when the cleanse is over, but to introduce solid foods back gradually. I believe I'll ignore their sage advice, and eat an entire large pizza by myself on Friday morning ;)
Mission Control reports that fueling is complete ...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I'm on Day 5 of a 7 day juice cleanse, and I've been quite hangry lately. I just wanted to detox and give my digestive system a break, but holy shit is this challenging. I didn't think I'd drop this much weight, either, but I'm looking forward to a few big meals to put a little back on. Some of my women friends are telling me not to just jump back in to eating normally when the cleanse is over, but to introduce solid foods back gradually. I believe I'll ignore their sage advice, and eat an entire large pizza by myself on Friday morning ;)
I'd suggest a steak to wash that pesky pizza down.


Well-Known Member
Wait, scratch that, you went up the stairs to go down the stairs? Shit this weed is good.
Ya, blacktop driveway, pop the trunk, carry groceries and 10 one gallon bottles of DW up a set of concete steps to the side door of the house, Front steps are farther from driveway and also concrete. Cellar is about 16 steps down off the kitchen......felt like a weightlifter today.....

Got lit soon after....:bigjoint:


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Ya, blacktop driveway, pop the trunk, carry groceries and 10 one gallon bottles of DW up a set of concete steps to the side door of the house, Front steps are farther from driveway and also concrete. Cellar is about 16 steps down off the kitchen......felt like a weightlifter today.....

Got lit soon after....:bigjoint:
I'd get a hose and put it through the basement window! Humping water is way to much work. Any reason you need to use distilled as opposed to RO or just plain tap?