Should I Add More Airstones?


Well-Known Member

Things are going pretty good in my UC6XL but my root ball rarely looks like any of the pics I’ve seen. The roots seam to only grow near the air stones so my question is should I add more air stones? I don’t have the money for a dissolved oxygen meter.

The pump I am using is this one and I have 6 extra spots on my manifold.

I also have one of these if just adding stones isn’t enough.and I know these aren’t the greatest but they do pump a lot of air.


Well-Known Member
You don't need money for a dissolved oxygen meter.
It is almost impossible to not have maximum DO in any system with bubbles, sprayers, whatever.
Your problem seems to have more to do with DO-rich water not reaching all spots.


Well-Known Member
You don't need money for a dissolved oxygen meter.
It is almost impossible to not have maximum DO in any system with bubbles, sprayers, whatever.
Your problem seems to have more to do with DO-rich water not reaching all spots.
should I put two of these in each epicenter diagonal from each other? And should I add the extra air pump or Just use what I have with the extra stones


Well-Known Member
If your not using all the air the pump can push you create back pressure,this heats the pump and the air.Best to add some stones,your pump could run 10 or so big stones.


Active Member
If your not using all the air the pump can push you create back pressure,this heats the pump and the air.Best to add some stones,your pump could run 10 or so big stones.
Damn I've got that same pump running only 4 air stones. Looks like I'm buying some more air stones tomorrow