Bernie Sanders 2020

I hope the DNC superdelegates pick someone other than Bernie to nominate, since he is such a terrible candidate. They probably will too, since he's not even a democrat.
You're a fucking loon who attaches himself to insane candidates, I never needed a better reason to discount someone in conversation than that
Bernie, if he wins Iowa he will easily take new Hampshire, he's likely to get enough delegates to potentially win South Carolina which will boost him in California and Texas, he's got this if turnout is as high as in the last primary, which is looking to be under projected by most polling(like last time).
Bernie Sanders Can’t Win Class loathing feels so good, but it is ultimately self-defeating.

Bernie will be torn to pieces if he gets the nomination, all you have to do is quote his past statements and look at his record.
He'll get enough votes for the petulant Berniebabies to claim that it was RIGGED!!!! (by some other candidates not letting Bernie win) which will give them justification to effectively vote for Trump. Berniebabies are very much like Trump supporters.
It's the disregarding of Russian/Foreign military being used to amplify Bernie's chances that I dislike the most about them. If more of them would stand up against the obvious trolls for Bernie I would have more respect for his 'base'.
Screen Shot 2019-10-26 at 11.53.44 AM.png
It's the disregarding of Russian/Foreign military being used to amplify Bernie's chances that I dislike the most about them. If more of them would stand up against the obvious trolls for Bernie I would have more respect for his 'base'.
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do you know what disinformation and propaganda are? you're falling for're referencing what the russians let you see. jesus:wall:
Bernie Sanders Can’t Win Class loathing feels so good, but it is ultimately self-defeating.

He'll get enough votes for the petulant Berniebabies to claim that it was RIGGED!!!! (by some other candidates not letting Bernie win) which will give them justification to effectively vote for Trump. Berniebabies are very much like Trump supporters.

doesn't matter because Trump* will call rigged and won't leave..guaranteed as the sun rises in the east..he's not going anywhere and you're worried about Sanders?:lol:
Bernie will be torn to pieces if he gets the nomination, all you have to do is quote his past statements and look at his record.
They've tried. They've failed. Look at his past statements all you want, he's been consistent for 40 years. Look at his voting record, people like it.

That's why Trump doesn't want to debate him
Like you said, I too am pretty fed up with this narrative, probably in the opposite direction you are, nonetheless..

*No evidence* - there was lot's of evidence, multiple collaborations, same result

The part I don't understand the most is the bit about the number of collaborations that showed, conclusively, and admitted afterwards the guilt, only to then try to claim everything submitted didn't actually amount to anything. You guys tried to hide it, after it was already admitted to and confirmed third party.
No evidence. Hillary Clinton's campaign did nothing wrong or unethical by bailing out the bankrupt DNC. Bernie Sanders benefited from her doing so. There is not factual basis for claiming Clinton used the DNC to rig the election. Not only did Bernie's hacker steal files from Clinton using this system but he also did not pay for using it as he had agreed. He is slime.

If you still want to argue over this post a link that contains contains factual evidence that Hillary Clinton rigged the election. I can list your innuendos:
DNC was bailed out by Clinton, a debate question was leaked, back office hacks in the DNC didn't like Bernie and you guys -- they said so in e-mails. None of this is evidence that Clinton stole the election from Bernie. Cl

I can show you this but it gets in the way of your feelings so I already know you can't accept it as fact.

Brazile: I found 'no evidence' Democratic primary was rigged

The words are: no evidence.

It is too bad that this conflicts with your belief but that's how it goes. Bernie lost by a whopping large margin that was mostly driven by 80% of the black vote given to Clinton. Also 70% of the Hispanic vote. Also 55% of women Your theory of "rigged" depends on the assumption that minority and women voters are more gullible than you Bernie Bros. It is an odious theory and it is a bad look for Bernie's support.
Bernie, if he wins Iowa he will easily take new Hampshire, he's likely to get enough delegates to potentially win South Carolina which will boost him in California and Texas, he's got this if turnout is as high as in the last primary, which is looking to be under projected by most polling(like last time).
Bernie's got a good chance alright.

Will you vote for Biden if he wins the nomination?
They've tried. They've failed. Look at his past statements all you want, he's been consistent for 40 years. Look at his voting record, people like it.

That's why Trump doesn't want to debate him
Are you talking about Bernie's votes that he made when he tagged along with what Democrats managed to get passed? He didn't actually do anything other than occupy a seat in the Senate. He could have voted with Republicans, I guess. Is that what you are praising him for? Not voting with Republicans?