Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
What if Sanders wins a plurality of votes but doesn't reach the 1,900 threshold and the DNC votes in the second round to elect Biden?

What if Sanders and Warren trail Biden, nobody reaches 1,900, but together, Sanders and Warren have more delegates than Biden and the DNC chooses Biden?

Will you blame Trump's inevitable reelection on Sanders supporters, again?
While we're at it, what's up with ol' Joe's plagiarism during past campaigns?
Jeez, pad

How about saying something?

My points were: This "surge" just means primary polls are saying Sanders and Biden are too close to call. Also, the election won't be decided in California. If you are trying to make a point with your leading questions then make that point.

How about answering your own question about what you'll do if Sanders doesn't win the nomination? Simple question. If the majority of Democrats choose Biden will you vote for him in the fall? Are you going to let Trump win or vote the choice of the majority of Democrats?

Regarding your "what ifs". All the candidates are leagues better than Trump, so my choice will be simple. Fuck Sanders, I hope he doesn't get the nomination regardless. I like Warren, though. Still, it's up to Warren to win it by June. If convention is contested and Biden takes the nomination there, my thinking is: he's leagues better than Trump, so my choice will be made there and then. I'm guessing you will never accept this.


Well-Known Member
I think Yang and Gabbard's supporters are likely going to Sanders, I think Warren will come in 3rd or 4th in Iowa and NH, and she'll drop out before Super Tuesday and endorse Sanders. I think Buttigieg and Bloomberg supporters are the most likely to go to Biden, probably Harris supporters as well. But I think Sanders is poised in a pretty good position, as he has a really strong voter base of support with excellent fundraising. I don't think Biden has the support behind him to defeat Trump in a general election.


Well-Known Member
Will you blame Trump's inevitable reelection on Sanders supporters, again?
If Sanders wins, the Democratic nomination, I'll honor the decision of the majority and vote for him. He's much better than Trump. What about you? If somebody other than Sanders wins the nomination will you vote for them?

What's with this "again" statement? Any Sanders supporters who vote for Trump are pretty fucked up. Still, in 2016, about 10% of Sanders supporters voted for Trump. There are always crossover voters in every election and the number of Sanders voters who crossed over were less than others in other elections. Sanders crossover voters aren't why Trump won. The reason Trump won in 2016 is because white racists and misogynists voted for him. I blame white racist misogynists for Trump, not Sanders supporters. You flatter yourself if you think your kind make that much difference.


Well-Known Member
Here's another what if..

What if Warren drops out before the convention and endorses Sanders? Would you vote Biden or Sanders?
I think Biden would be a better president than Bernie ever could be. Sanders has done nothing and doesn't work well with others which explains why he doesn't get anything done. I'd take a hard look at Klobuchar but if my only choice were between Biden and Sanders, it would be Biden.

What if Sanders drops out and endorses Warren. Would you vote for her?


Well-Known Member
I think Yang and Gabbard's supporters are likely going to Sanders, I think Warren will come in 3rd or 4th in Iowa and NH, and she'll drop out before Super Tuesday and endorse Sanders. I think Buttigieg and Bloomberg supporters are the most likely to go to Biden, probably Harris supporters as well. But I think Sanders is poised in a pretty good position, as he has a really strong voter base of support with excellent fundraising. I don't think Biden has the support behind him to defeat Trump in a general election.

Much ado about speculation.


Well-Known Member
If Sanders wins, the Democratic nomination, I'll honor the decision of the majority and vote for him. He's much better than Trump. What about you? If somebody other than Sanders wins the nomination will you vote for them?
I would be happy to, so long as the election is conducted fairly. If the DNC cheats Sanders and progressives out of another primary I would be very hard pressed to vote for the candidate they cheated with, even against Trump. I think a lot of people feel the same way, definitely enough to sway an election. The best advice I can give to the DNC handlers in charge is; don't cheat this time. If Biden wins without shuffling numbers around at the convention, I'll vote for him. If we find out later they cheated progressives out of the nomination by abusing their own rules, handing out answers to debate questions, etc. Then I won't be able to vote for them. It's really up to them. I've shown my cards on this one.
What's with this "again" statement? Any Sanders supporters who vote for Trump are pretty fucked up. Still, in 2016, about 10% of Sanders supporters voted for Trump. There are always crossover voters in every election and the number of Sanders voters who crossed over were less than others in other elections. Sanders crossover voters aren't why Trump won. The reason Trump won in 2016 is because white racists and misogynists voted for him. I blame white racist misogynists for Trump, not Sanders supporters. You flatter yourself if you think your kind make that much difference.
Many people, including members of this forum, blame Sanders supporters for Trumps win

It's refreshing to see that you don't


Well-Known Member
Bernie Sanders leads Trump, all 2020 candidates in donations from active-duty troops
The Vermont senator outpaces Trump in military fundraising and has doubled his nearest Democratic rival


Well-Known Member
I would be happy to, so long as the election is conducted fairly. If the DNC cheats Sanders and progressives out of another primary I would be very hard pressed to vote for the candidate they cheated with, even against Trump. I think a lot of people feel the same way, definitely enough to sway an election. The best advice I can give to the DNC handlers in charge is; don't cheat this time. If Biden wins without shuffling numbers around at the convention, I'll vote for him. If we find out later they cheated progressives out of the nomination by abusing their own rules, handing out answers to debate questions, etc. Then I won't be able to vote for them. It's really up to them. I've shown my cards on this one.

Many people, including members of this forum, blame Sanders supporters for Trumps win

It's refreshing to see that you don't
I don't blame Sanders supporters. The evidence in 2016's election showed that your complaints about the last election were baseless. You couldn't get over your bias, as I recall. In any case, this is a new election and Sanders had plenty of opportunity to re-write the rules. It's up people to review results and make up their own minds. We'll talk about any new complaints if Sanders loses.


Well-Known Member
Bernie Sanders leads Trump, all 2020 candidates in donations from active-duty troops
The Vermont senator outpaces Trump in military fundraising and has doubled his nearest Democratic rival
jumping on the Bernie bandwagon, jj?


Well-Known Member
I don't blame Sanders supporters. The evidence in 2016's election showed that your complaints about the last election were baseless. You couldn't get over your bias, as I recall. In any case, this is a new election and Sanders had plenty of opportunity to re-write the rules. It's up people to review results and make up their own minds. We'll talk about any new complaints if Sanders loses.
The opportunity to rewrite the rules came at the expense of a lot of people believing Sanders simply stayed in the race until the convention to stifle her chances, even though he campaigned for Clinton in 37 events. He stayed in the race until the convention to ensure superdelegates didn't get to vote on the first ballot in 2020, this election.

I still don't see how you can believe the allegations against the Clinton campaign rigging the 2016 primary are baseless, when the results are clear. It's one of those things where you feel like you have to stand by the candidate regardless of the evidence.

Either way, it's very troubling that you claim solidarity in 2020 while proclaiming what happened in 2016 was false. I'm not posting to rehash the past. Just pointing out that fact.


Well-Known Member
The opportunity to rewrite the rules came at the expense of a lot of people believing Sanders simply stayed in the race until the convention to stifle her chances, even though he campaigned for Clinton in 37 events. He stayed in the race until the convention to ensure superdelegates didn't get to vote on the first ballot in 2020, this election.

I still don't see how you can believe the allegations against the Clinton campaign rigging the 2016 primary are baseless, when the results are clear. It's one of those things where you feel like you have to stand by the candidate regardless of the evidence.

Either way, it's very troubling that you claim solidarity in 2020 while proclaiming what happened in 2016 was false. I'm not posting to rehash the past. Just pointing out that fact.
No evidence the primary was rigged. Multiple reviews and same result.

What part of that don't you understand?

I get that you can't. I'm not going to discuss this farther. I'm simply pointing out your inability to differentiate feelings from facts.


Well-Known Member
No evidence the primary was rigged. Multiple reviews and same result.

What part of that don't you understand?

I get that you can't. I'm not going to discuss this farther. I'm simply pointing out your inability to differentiate feelings from facts.
Like you said, I too am pretty fed up with this narrative, probably in the opposite direction you are, nonetheless..

*No evidence* - there was lot's of evidence, multiple collaborations, same result

The part I don't understand the most is the bit about the number of collaborations that showed, conclusively, and admitted afterwards the guilt, only to then try to claim everything submitted didn't actually amount to anything. You guys tried to hide it, after it was already admitted to and confirmed third party.


Well-Known Member
I hope the DNC superdelegates pick someone other than Bernie to nominate, since he is such a terrible candidate. They probably will too, since he's not even a democrat.