Red stems

Hi, can sulfur deficiency cause fully red stems? Grapefruit leafes started to yellow, stems now ar red, and they look sad. What to do? Star dog with same nutes watering handles it better, some leaves at the tips getting copper colour, and stems are just a little red not like grapefruit.. Photo uploaded is grapefruit. Indoor growing.



Well-Known Member
Hi, can sulfur deficiency cause fully red stems? Grapefruit leafes started to yellow, stems now ar red, and they look sad. What to do? Star dog with same nutes watering handles it better, some leaves at the tips getting copper colour, and stems are just a little red not like grapefruit.. Photo uploaded is grapefruit. Indoor growing.
Watering with cold water can cause that. So can many deficiencies. Stress. Plenty of reasons. If you notice problems on your feeder leafs that's when to start taking action. Red stems isn't a major problem or at least hasn't been for me.
Watering with cold water can cause that. So can many deficiencies. Stress. Plenty of reasons. If you notice problems on your feeder leafs that's when to start taking action. Red stems isn't a major problem or at least hasn't been for me.
It's just never had fully red stems so thats why i was concerned. Water temperature is fine, guess just sulfur deficiency but cant find what nutes has enough sulfur, have rizotonic but cant use too much of it


Well-Known Member
There are many reasons stems turn purple.
You can only guess why the stems are purple but what can be studied and possibly figured out are the leaves.
The upper fan leaves are beginning to yellow, they don't look like lower fans in the pic so it is likely improper ferts, possibly to much of something related to bloom fertilizers or a ph issue.
Then again if those fan leaves are the lowest fan leaves on all the plants then it might be a deficiency, I can't tell if the are the bottom fans at this point or if healthy green fan leaves are below the yellowing fans.

Just Another One

Active Member
Hi, can sulfur deficiency cause fully red stems? Grapefruit leafes started to yellow, stems now ar red, and they look sad. What to do? Star dog with same nutes watering handles it better, some leaves at the tips getting copper colour, and stems are just a little red not like grapefruit.. Photo uploaded is grapefruit. Indoor growing.
Did you ever figure out what this was? Looks identical to what mine are doing right now