Bernie Sanders 2020

it's time to embrace the right and their winning ways..
yes, yes, we know that your Bernie Bros are unstable. Your kind should form your own party where you just repeat each other's beliefs. Less strain on your little hearts.

He has a good chance of winning nomination, though. I'll vote for him in the fall if he does.
I was hoping the tRUmp problem would be solved by a heart attack or stroke, I now have the same hope about Bernie, what does the cult think of that?
When my job ends, on a Friday, I want to get a game day chair, pack lunch, grab my dog and go sit outside at a corner and panhandle- I'm curious how much they make and what the experience is like..seems to work for them..they're there like clockwork..same people; same corner.

I want to do just like the rightie like a rightie.

think I'll buy me a lottery ticket..get me a lotto folder to carry my tickets around in:wink:
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Lol what's wrong with Bernie? Any one of them is magnitudes better than Dump.

Bernie and Warren are about the same to me except Warren wants to add onto Medicare for all with free tuition ect.

To me Pete is just a gay Republican. Choose to be on universal or choose to pay for private insurance? Ya that's accomplishing... Although I have come around to him a little bit and think he'd do very well in debates against Dump. Military thing going for him and he's quick and whitty and has a loud voice. Thinks on his feet but I just feel like the choose your healthcare option is silly, but perhaps I'm being short sighted.

Biden just runs on how vast his historical political connections are and that he can Beat Dump, which I don't think he can. His speech has improved but I think he's close to senile.

Klobuchar as much as I like her, seems too fragile come time for head to head with Dump.

Yang is my guy but doesn't have the votes yet.
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Lol what's wrong with Bernie? Any one of them is magnitudes better than Dump.

Bernie and Warren are about the same to me except Warren wants to add onto Medicare for all with free tuition ect.

To me Pete is just a gay Republican. Choose to be on universal universal
Just looking at their records,

Bernie: dropped out of college, bumbled about for work, eventually finished his degree, went on to more bumbling, eventually built a career in politics. Not one bill of importance that was submitted by Senator Bernie has been enacted into law. Moonlights as a political activist and actually managed to get something done for Starbucks employees. Does not work well with others. Does not exhibit the ability to produce detailed plans, does not exhibit the ability to serve the interests of Vermont.

Warren: PhD in financial law, worked as a lawyer and taught at several universities including Harvard. Asked to work in Obama administration to help deal with the 2008 financial crisis. Decided could do more in Congress, elected as Senator, chaired committe that had oversight of banking regulations. Was despised by Obama's administration for being to hard on them and banks. As senator, authored and got passed a credible number of bills. Works well with others. Demonstrates the ability to formulate detailed plans and enact those plans. Has passed many bills that are in the interests of Massachusetts voters.

True that their policy positions are similar. Warren's background and history of accomplishment differentiates them. I don't believe either Warren or Sanders will be able to enact all the policies they propose. I see Warren as somebody who can work with others to represent our interests.

Biden's OK when compared to Trump, not my first choice.
Well I guess the college dropout or bumbling in your 20's is less than important to me. Idk the whole story on why he hasn't passed much legislation, it seems to me he is a bit of a no compromise guy, but I'm not upset with what he's not willing to compromise on. Warren seems a bit hysterical in her appeal to the woke community. Makes me less than convinced that her plans are legitimate.

My vote cancels a trump voter regardless who it ends up being, but after primaries (and starting now too) we need to change some Trump votes to dem votes or Trump gets another term. What issue can achieve that? MJ? Crosses party lines... You want the younger vote? Maybe make it a primary issue of your candidacy?
This is what he did when he was bumbling about during his early years when Warren was earning her PhD and teaching law:

Drawing on the teachings of Wilhelm Reich that he had embraced in college, he argued in an essay for the Freeman that cancer may be caused by emotional distress. That was especially the case, he wrote, with breast cancer, which he attributed to sexual repression of young girls, referring often to The Cancer Biopathy, Reich’s 1948 book that proposed a direct link between emotional and sexual health, in particular the dire consequences of suppressing “biosexual excitation.” Reich had patented the Orgone Box, with which users could enhance their orgasms, the better to ward off cancer. The Food and Drug Administration had banned the interstate shipment of the boxes and jailed Reich when he violated the ban. He died in jail in 1957.

Ultimately Sanders was unable to stay in Stannard. There was no money in writing. The town may have been too remote for him and his infant son. He might have soured on the communal lifestyle. Or his citified upbringing and college life might have made him crave more human interaction. For whatever reason, Sanders migrated to Burlington and had settled there by 1971. He and Levi moved into the back of a small brick duplex at 2951⁄2 Maple Street, not far from the campus of the University of Vermont.

According to friends at the time, Sanders struggled to keep food in the refrigerator and lights on in the house. He attempted to make money as a carpenter, with little success. He sold a few freelance articles to low-budget publications. “He was always poor,” says Sandy Baird, who knew Sanders at the time. He went on unemployment for a while in 1971. At one particularly destitute moment, according to a friend who lived around the corner, he couldn’t pay his electric bill and had to get his power by running an electric cord up from the basement.
Well I guess the college dropout or bumbling in your 20's is less than important to me. Idk the whole story on why he hasn't passed much legislation, it seems to me he is a bit of a no compromise guy, but I'm not upset with what he's not willing to compromise on. Warren seems a bit hysterical in her appeal to the woke community. Makes me less than convinced that her plans are legitimate.

My vote cancels a trump voter regardless who it ends up being, but after primaries (and starting now too) we need to change some Trump votes to dem votes or Trump gets another term. What issue can achieve that? MJ? Crosses party lines... You want the younger vote? Maybe make it a primary issue of your candidacy?
Warren doesn't look likely to win so you have nothing to worry about. Yes, the "hysterical woman" trope is effective too. It's probably why Bernie appeals to men. Women, on the other hand find that Bernie hasn't been an effective advocate for them. I mean even less effective than he is for non-gender specific issues. I'm a wonk and a detail oriented person. I'm not scared of women who demonstrate the ability to get their work done. Sometimes you have to shake things up to do so. Women are often called hysterical when they are just doing their job.
Warren doesn't look likely to win so you have nothing to worry about. Yes, the "hysterical woman" trope is effective too. It's probably why Bernie appeals to men. Women, on the other hand find that Bernie hasn't been an effective advocate for them. I mean even less effective than he is for non-gender specific issues. I'm a wonk and a detail oriented person. I'm not scared of women who demonstrate the ability to get their work done. Sometimes you have to shake things up to do so. Women are often called hysterical when they are just doing their job.
Some people say that a woman can't win the Presidency.

Who was that who said that?

Well I guess the college dropout or bumbling in your 20's is less than important to me. Idk the whole story on why he hasn't passed much legislation, it seems to me he is a bit of a no compromise guy, but I'm not upset with what he's not willing to compromise on. Warren seems a bit hysterical in her appeal to the woke community. Makes me less than convinced that her plans are legitimate.

My vote cancels a trump voter regardless who it ends up being, but after primaries (and starting now too) we need to change some Trump votes to dem votes or Trump gets another term. What issue can achieve that? MJ? Crosses party lines... You want the younger vote? Maybe make it a primary issue of your candidacy?

Sanders, an independent, got the Vets COLA not any GOP figure who profess to LOVE the Vets..what does this mean? it means that Sanders does good for all regardless of party affiliation.

you have to stop and ask yourself..'shouldn't we have a president that works for ALL of us instead of SOME of us?'
tRUmp has been a piece of shit his whole life. What does that have to do with Bernie living with a woman and having a child, not marring her but abandoning the both of them to live on welfare.