OK then. Biden 2020.

You are about as interesting as a cold bowl of oatmeal. I was keeping it at your level.

Still, though, at least you don't fuck kids like Trump does. I don't care if you fuck sock puppets. Assuming people aren't in them or if there are, they are consenting adults. Weird conversation. Do you want to kkkontinue?
Cool story dude, yeah I'm down for weird conversations. Maybe I will see you in TNT or do you just stay here?
make posts on social media and public forums about how much Trump loves Sanders when the reality is the complete opposite

Everyone here is in full awareness that Trump is incapable of love at any level. Narcissistic, egomaniacal sociopaths are incapable of any emotion toward anyone.

Everyone here who has responded to you is also fully aware that everything that said narcissistic egomaniacal sociopath says is completely fabricated and untrue.
Was anyone else aware of campaign speeches from Robert Kennedy, John Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey and Neil Kinnock that Uncle Joe plagiarized on the campaign trail? What a hoot!
Yeah, Biden has some issues. He copied someone else's inspirational words and tried to be a good person.

He should have just said something original like "grab em by the pussy".

Also, Trump is an impeached president.
If Biden wins do you think the impeachment proceedings will take as long as Trumps or just right out the gate day 1?
Remember when Trump was tweeting random questions about if a president could be impeached for various reasons while Obama was president?

Those were especially funny while he was being impeached.
Speaking of the current impeachment process and not your thread topic, as you were; any special plans for 4pm this Wednsday?
I hope the guy who stole”make america great again” from Reagan and whose racist prostitute wife plagiarized Michelle Obama directly never mentions that
Biden was caught plagiarizing 5 pages in law school.

Besides, yall know you're getting barney as your 2020 candidate right?
