Random Jabber Jibber thread

Lacking actual muzzle contact those things are next to useless.
I've killed plenty of rats and gophers with them, might take a couple shots if you miss their heads. I don't think the neighbors would appreciate a .357 shot load. My 12 Ga is not an option. My .177 pellet gun works also, but it has a scope, wish I had iron sights sometimes. Choot 'Em Lizabet!IMG_0411.JPG
Yikes! How’d you manage that? I have a metal bar and 7 screws holding my shoulder together, so I can sympathize
Man I tripped in the parking garage. Brought the Mrs. to a doctors appointment up here. I was going to get in the car to pick her up. The cop ended up picking her up. I think I’m going to get an attorney and change the name of the University of Florida do University of Sunny.
Not sure when I get to go home yet. But hopefully not to a rehab center first. This nerve block is wonderful but I need weed bad.
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Image result for shakira 1/2 time gif

Yes, the first was 1983, the sequel 5 years later.

Both good, Winds of War (the first) was better, both are worth watching. WofW covers 1939 through Pearl Harbor, the sequel covers WW II.

There aren't many stories covering the lead up to and very beginning of WW II.

And the original had an early 40 something Ali McGraw playing a late 20's Natalie Jastrow Henry because she still looked super hot. She was replaced by Jane Seymour in the sequel which I didn't like as much after being used to McGraw. But Ali was almost 50 for the sequel and was too old for that character by then.
You might like "37 Days", a BBC production of the political events leading up to WW1 beginning with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.
You might like "37 Days", a BBC production of the political events leading up to WW1 beginning with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.
I'll see if I can find it on my cable system, I don't know enough about WW I.

That kinda reminds me of when I was young and my dad (WW II, Pacific) would drink beer and shots with my maternal grandfather (WW I, Europe) and they would argue about which war was the worst.

"Did you ever get strafed by formations of fighter planes with machine gun cannons, one right after the other?"

"Did you guys get mustard gassed over and over again?"

I got the impression I was glad to have been born after both of them. Lol.
I'll see if I can find it on my cable system, I don't know enough about WW I.

That kinda reminds me of when I was young and my dad (WW II, Pacific) would drink beer and shots with my maternal grandfather (WW I, Europe) and they would argue about which war was the worst.

"Did you ever get strafed by formations of fighter planes with machine gun cannons, one right after the other?"

"Did you guys get mustard gassed over and over again?"

I got the impression I was glad to have been born after both of them. Lol.

There was a documentary TV series in 2003 called "The First World War" which was highly rated. There was also another BBC production called "The Great War" 26 episodes 1964 , that I haven't watched but our library had it. Just watched "War Horse" yesterday. Did you see "They Shall Not Grow Old" yet?
Man I tripped in the parking garage. Brought the Mrs. to a doctors appointment up here. I was going to get in the car to pick her up. The cop ended up picking her up. I think I’m going to get an attorney and change the name of the University of Florida do University of Sunny.
Not sure when I get to go home yet. But hopefully not to a rehab center first. This nerve block is wonderful but I need weed bad.
Hope you’re doing well, and hope you got some weed to smoke!

Do you have that sling with a pillow between your arm and your body? Or was that one just for shoulders? Do you have a full on cast??

I hope you aren’t in too much pain! Thinking good thoughts for you