The State of the Union?

Must have been before CNN went insane on Russia Collusion.
I think they were just reporting facts like how mueller sentenced trumps campaign manager to prison based on his lying about sharing trumps internal polling data with Russian spies, how his son and son in law had a secret meeting in trump tower with Russian spies, how his campaign advisor went to prison for coordinating the release timing and promotion of Russian owned Wikileaks with trump, who promoted them 160 times in the last month of his campaign before later claiming he knows nothing about Wikileaks, his son in law setting up a secret back channel with the kremlin, his secret trump tower Moscow deal that he lied about which gave Putin kompromat on him, his attorney general perjuring himself about secret meetings he had with Russians, the 100+ secret meetings his campaign had with Russians, trumps praise of Putin while badmouthing America in Helsinki, trump asking Russia to steal material from Americans which they began doing twenty minutes later, and other such collusion

Didn’t you say all of those facts are a hoax?

That’s only more proof that you’re brainwashed
Dems very unhappy. Maybe they have no choice but to look upset but not sure it plays well as Trump describes good stuff, like they are against the people doing well and rooting against America instead of against Trump.
last I checked 40% of Americans couldn’t afford a$400 emergency, manufacturing was in a recession, the deficit is over a trillion dollars, wages are stagnant, job gains are lower than Obama’s, and gdp is less than 2%

How is it that the people (who voted for Hillary btw) are doing well? What good stuff?

Do you mean like trump letting iran bomb us, give 34 soldiers traumatic brain damage, take over Iraq, and resume their nuclear program?

Please advise

Btw, nothing is as classy as locking children in cages, criminal trials for toddlers, and praising neo nazis who murdered heather heyer as very fine people. We simply cannot be that classy
last I checked 40% of Americans couldn’t afford a$400 emergency, manufacturing was in a recession, the deficit is over a trillion dollars, wages are stagnant, job gains are lower than Obama’s, and gdp is less than 2%

How is it that the people (who voted for Hillary btw) are doing well? What good stuff?

Do you mean like trump letting iran bomb us, give 34 soldiers traumatic brain damage, take over Iraq, and resume their nuclear program?

Please advise

Btw, nothing is as classy as locking children in cages, criminal trials for toddlers, and praising neo nazis who murdered heather heyer as very fine people. We simply cannot be that classy
Im good, how are you?
So more then 12 more years? I feel ya.
No, less. I think he should be removed from office and sent to prison for the 12 counts of obstruction of justice that are extremely well detailed in the Mueller report. The case should be prosecuted with extreme prejudice since he has so benefitted from the assistance of a hostile foreign power, which is treasonous, and also because of his obviously bigoted racial tendencies.
No, less. I think he should be removed from office and sent to prison for the 12 counts of obstruction of justice that are extremely well detailed in the Mueller report. The case should be prosecuted with extreme prejudice since he has so benefitted from the assistance of a hostile foreign power, which is treasonous, and also because of his obviously bigoted racial tendencies.

OMG still clinging to the muh russia hoax? I would have thought you guys would have put that embarrassing episode behind you.