Well-Known Member
Supporting Trump is treasonous. I will enjoy seeing that traitor hounded by authorities for the rest of his life. All of the corrupt GOP members who have aided him are a big part of the problem too. All of them should be voted out. It has nothing to do with revenge, but I'm not offended by the idea of vengeance against all of them. They have shown that their interests are not aligned with the interests of the country and you're just here to make stupid fucking troll comments.
Have you considered suicide?
I'm not sure your comments really helped to prove that you aren't un-american. The pledge of allegiance says liberty and JUSTICE for ALLl. Not Justice only for people I like. Thats what makes this country great is that justice should be for everyone. You disagree....therefore your beliefs don't fall in line with American values.
And why would I commit suicide shit we have at least 3-4 more terms with DJT being POTUS. Who would want to miss that.