Bernie Sanders 2020

Huh? Exactly 4 years ago today he had 36.4% support in the polls vs Hillary's 49.8% support, and that was when it was only between him and her. Today he's at 23.7% support against 11 other candidates who are splitting up the pie. Yeah, I think he's doing ok.
ok I guess it’s good to go from 69% to 30% then

How did his “expand the electorate” strategy go in Iowa btw
Huh? Exactly 4 years ago today he had 36.4% support in the polls vs Hillary's 49.8% support, and that was when it was only between him and her. Today he's at 23.7% support against 11 other candidates who are splitting up the pie. Yeah, I think he's doing ok.
As you point out in your post, Bernie Sanders is a very divisive politician. Exactly your kind of guy. What is it you told me? Something like "Bernie will be called a Democrat when he wins the Democratic nomination and you'll have to get over it" or some authoritarian bullshit like that?

Looks as if he lost in Iowa. Don't be so chipper about taking second. He can't win the nomination if he finishes second. Just like the last time, he placed second. You Sanders idiots thought that was good enough and Democrats should have just given him the nomination.
As you point out in your post, Bernie Sanders is a very divisive politician. Exactly your kind of guy. What is it you told me? Something like "Bernie will be called a Democrat when he wins the Democratic nomination and you'll have to get over it" or some authoritarian bullshit like that?

Looks as if he lost in Iowa. Don't be so chipper about taking second. He can't win the nomination if he finishes second. Just like the last time, he placed second. You Sanders idiots thought that was good enough and Democrats should have just given him the nomination.
Wow you practice name calling and then sew your own division while acting high and righteous all in the same post. Hypocritical much?
As you point out in your post, Bernie Sanders is a very divisive politician. Exactly your kind of guy. What is it you told me? Something like "Bernie will be called a Democrat when he wins the Democratic nomination and you'll have to get over it" or some authoritarian bullshit like that?

Looks as if he lost in Iowa. Don't be so chipper about taking second. He can't win the nomination if he finishes second. Just like the last time, he placed second. You Sanders idiots thought that was good enough and Democrats should have just given him the nomination.
Bill Clinton was fourth in Iowa in '92.
Wow you practice name calling and then sew your own division while acting high and righteous all in the same post. Hypocritical much?
I'm reacting to the divisive bullshit you spew here. I'm not creating it. You are the one who is doing that. Too bad it hurts your feelz that the harmful crap you post about, college students, for example is cited back at you.

Somebody else called you an asshole though. I think it was the time you were telling us that independent contractors were scum. It's hard to keep track of all the divisive shit you say.
We're gonna win this fucking thing!
The establishment are going to lose their fucking minds and it's already happening in Iowa, they're cheating Sanders using an app and mis-designating his delegates as well in several counties some went to Warren, some were switched and went to Buttigieg and to Patrick somehow. They're in the midst of fixing hundreds of modified results where Sanders was missing hundreds of votes. An Audit is in order.

Sanders is now in position to win, the movement is way stronger in the upcoming states, the rest don't have the money to compete aside from steyer and Bloomberg, Buttigieg bet the house on Iowa and came out looking like a corrupt cheater.