Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

28,393 confirmed cases
3,863 in critical condition
565 fatalities
1,385 recovered

Only two deaths have occured outside of China but both were from Hubei province. This indicates that we're still waiting for the incubation of a mushrooming of all of these numbers.
Holly shit if this is real, that's almost 16%. I saw something else that claimed 4.9% death rate in Wuhan and 2.1% in the rest of the country.

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I don't get it. How does a virus that is infecting tens of thousands of people and killing hundreds, with projections to infect hundreds of millions of people have anything to do with some car?
Its a Toyota Corona... Actually i think it may be a Corolla but both different strains of the same make.
Flue kills a heap of people to.

Im more worried about the cruise ship in isolation. Ill be on one in a few months.
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Flue kills a heap of people to.
H1N1 killed 3% of the earth and infected at least half of it in 1918. It came back in 09 and infected a fifth of the world with a fatality rate of 0.02% and an r0 of 1.38. 2019ncov has a fatality rate of 2% and an r0 of 4. It's terrifying and it has killed hundreds of people in its earliest stages.

It's not a laughing matter, unless you think it's funny that so many people have died. I'm being accused of bigotry against Chinese people and you're joking about something that will almost certainly kill someone in your family. Your dismissal is asinine too. Yes, flu kills people, how the fuck does that dismiss this threat? If anything it should be an ominous sign.

If you think it's funny that this thing is causing so much anguish for Chinese people, it's clear who the bigot is but good luck convincing this virus to spare your white ass when it comes to Australia. And it will.
Holly shit if this is real, that's almost 16%. I saw something else that claimed 4.9% death rate in Wuhan and 2.1% in the rest of the country.

This sounds like it is more in line with what I am hearing from my many mainland Chinese friends here in the Philippines but we have to accept CCP approved stats for now apparently.
Most Chinese people do not believe CCP stats, so there's that.
Wuhan could now have 300,000 coronavirus infections: Study
HKU study says Wuhan virus infections to 'double every 6 days'
Taiwan News - Least Biased

These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased Sources.

Factual Reporting: HIGH

And the study, peer reviewed and published in the lancet, estimating numbers (since nobody trusts the CCP) along with a 6 day doubling.
Interpretation Given that 2019-nCoV is no longer contained within Wuhan, other major Chinese cities are probably sustaining localised outbreaks. Large cities overseas with close transport links to China could also become outbreak epicentres, unless substantial public health interventions at both the population and personal levels are implemented immediately. Independent self-sustaining outbreaks in major cities globally could become inevitable because of substantial exportation of presymptomatic cases and in the absence of large-scale public health interventions. Preparedness plans and mitigation interventions should be readied for quick deployment globally.
This thing won't peak for several months, but I won't be laughing after I have recovered from it and all of those people who don't believe it now are sick and terrified.
I saw a bunch of videos from different cities showing some scary shit, they were also spraying some sort of fog disinfectant everywhere and even making people walk through long walkways filled with it, and fires, some claiming they were burning bodies.
Read something today saying they don't know if once you have it if the body builds a immunity to it, if not we're fucked.
That guy's Twitter feed is some fucked up shit. Yeesh, "welding apartment building doors shut to quarantine" doesn't sound good at all.

All these fucking pigs around here (probably everywhere) better start washing their fucking hands. I haven't touched a public washroom door without a buffer of paper towel or toilet paper in 20 years, and open public doors with my foot, hip, shoulder or elbow whenever possible. I feel like I've been practicing for this my whole adult life.

People are nasty!!
That guy's Twitter feed is some fucked up shit. Yeesh, "welding apartment building doors shut to quarantine" doesn't sound good at all.

All these fucking pigs around here (probably everywhere) better start washing their fucking hands. I haven't touched a public washroom door without a buffer of paper towel or toilet paper in 20 years, and open public doors with my foot, hip, shoulder or elbow whenever possible. I feel like I've been practicing for this my whole adult life.

People are nasty!!
You dont lick door knobs to build your immunities?
H1N1 killed 3% of the earth and infected at least half of it in 1918. It came back in 09 and infected a fifth of the world with a fatality rate of 0.02% and an r0 of 1.38. 2019ncov has a fatality rate of 2% and an r0 of 4. It's terrifying and it has killed hundreds of people in its earliest stages.

It's not a laughing matter, unless you think it's funny that so many people have died. I'm being accused of bigotry against Chinese people and you're joking about something that will almost certainly kill someone in your family. Your dismissal is asinine too. Yes, flu kills people, how the fuck does that dismiss this threat? If anything it should be an ominous sign.

If you think it's funny that this thing is causing so much anguish for Chinese people, it's clear who the bigot is but good luck convincing this virus to spare your white ass when it comes to Australia. And it will.
I think the flu killed more people last year than this will. Human race needs a good cull and we are due something that wipes out a good % of the population. Im not one who is going to worry about what may or may not kill me that i haven't got to much control over. We all die sometime.
u can hate the Chinese all you like.
My sense of humour is my sense of humour- you dont have to 'get' it.
Its already in Australia..
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cmon man,

This isn't anything like the flu in many ways. This thread really is about how Chinese government authorities bungled their response and show how authoritarian information-oppressive regimes are a blight on humanity. To say so isn't racist. This isn't about the people of China. I hope the government of Australia responds better than the Communist Party of China did. I think they will.

The outlook is not bad if rates of transmission can be damped by putting up barriers to reduce transmission. So, I look forward to hearing your good posts going forward.