Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

These numbers indicate a geometric growth rate of 53% per day. This has every bit of potential to be the most staggering epidemic in a century.

The problem is, there is also good reason to believe that the People's Republic of China is under-reporting.
Completely there with you regarding your concerns over this epidemic. Wondering if you think the Philippine government is up to the challenge? If not, any thoughts of bugging out?
Glad to hear about your soon to be fatherhood. Congratulations.

Completely there with you regarding your concerns over this epidemic. Wondering if you think the Philippine government is up to the challenge? If not, any thoughts of bugging out?
I wouldn't go spreading anything if I have it. We're staying put and spending saved money. Still working on getting the herb legalized here. ;)

I can tell you that it will spread here and the system is absolutely not equipped to deal with it. It only has a 20% rate of serious complications and of those, 10% fatalities (2% total fatalities, give or take) if you trust PRC stats, which I don't. I have pure O2, plenty of drinking water and a pretty good doctor who is over everyday and on call. We will in all likelihood be fine. I'm shitting bricks. I feel solidarity with the poor persecuted subjects of the totalitarian CCP who can't even get online.
Reading some articles that say this thing will likely not go away, and it will become a seasonal illness like colds and flu and people can get it year after year.
Reading some articles that say this thing will likely not go away, and it will become a seasonal illness like colds and flu and people can get it year after year.
I was speaking to a research scientist friend today at a University in Australia. He said the current DNA annalist is a little scary and as its a new virus it may gain a few tricks as time goes on.
As time passes you can see this is not just a flu like llness that will eventually just go away like SARs just kind of faded away. The 14 day thing on the ship is a fallacy because for every day someone else will become ill that period is extended. I’m thinking that ship is soon going to be a ship full of very sick people given the shared environment. Although I am not panicking, it is what it is, my prayers (figure of speech) do go out to all the effected. As far as the finding humour in this, to each his own as to how this is dealt with, I’m sure everyone knows this is not something anyone is taking lightly.
What I read was that it's closely related to SARS which makes it likely that it won't mutate a lot which seems good. Once people get it they will not become immune but may or may not get a milder case the next time they get it.
Deadliest day yet:

34,394 confirmed cases
4,826 in critical condition
2,084 confirmed recovered
720 fatalities

confirmed human to human spread in 28 countries
About that new hospital in Wuhan...
Netizens were shocked at the facility's strong resemblance to a prison, with many speculating that it was made from prefabricated components for the internment camps in Xinjiang.

"I knew it. It's not so much a hospital as a "medical" internment camp."

"Yeah all those rooms are prefab jail cells and nobody is asking why China has thousands of prefab jail cells ready to go at all times, which isn’t creepy at all and is very normal to have."

"I don’t know of any hospitals where doors open one way."

"Looks eerily like they used a prefab meant to build a Xinjiang internment/death camp. Considering how quickly they could scramble this together, it's not unlikely they took what they already had."
Just saw this on tonight's BBC America news.

Meanwhile the WHO would have us believe it's nothing to worry about. Beijing has been completely locked down for over a week. That cruiseship is a perfect macrocosm for the spread of this virus.

The Tencent leak has more credibility than the WHO numbers and we really ought to support the initiative in the house to allow Taiwan a seat on the WHO.