Over or Under Watered? Yeah, Im a Rookie


Well-Known Member
Looks a bit over watered, let the soil dry out completely before next watering. Here is a pic of my auto gigabud at 7 days20200202_102832.jpg


haven't watered very much at all the last 8 days
when I prepared the air-pots I wet much of the soil and packed in 20 quarts of potting soil (approximately 3 quarts of water into the pots...

Medium is happyfrog and 'living soil/supersoil' in bottom 1/3 of pot, remaining is 1/3 straight happyfrog then 1/3 warrior lite starter mix on top and down the center in a funnel shape




then about 5 quarts of dry starter mix (light)

...then I just kept the center wet for germanation...

When I stick in a cheap moisture meter in the pot I get a - wet reading around the edges of the pot and near the bottom of pot..
But up around the top / center of the pot ( about 5-inches in diameter and 3-inches deep, I get a medium to light moisture reading...
So I have been watering every-so-slightly around the plant stem every-day (about a ounce or less)
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