Biggest idiot in the pot haters world


that is absolutely fuckked!!! im speechless, i dont know what i would do in "alan's" situation


Active Member
what a fucking loser, i bet all the chicks who didnt want to fuck him when he was younger smoked the buddah.


Well-Known Member
Yeah your right, won't be hard to find , the sign says right next door. Dumb bastard, even more than dumb bastard I'm at a loss for words. He probably huffed that paint while he's was painting. Egg him one for me.


New Member
Guy's tryin to be all righteous .... and USING his kids to do this basically...uggggh people like him piss me off...Just stirring up sht for praise...Or he just has nothing better to do....

'unholy stench' - I've yet to meet someone who doesn't like the smell of sweet maryjane..

contact high ?? My ass... Can you even get contact high from just plants ? Especially if you're not even right near it ?


Well-Known Member
Guy's tryin to be all righteous .... and USING his kids to do this basically...uggggh people like him piss me off...Just stirring up sht for praise...Or he just has nothing better to do....

'unholy stench' - I've yet to meet someone who doesn't like the smell of sweet maryjane..

contact high ?? My ass... Can you even get contact high from just plants ? Especially if you're not even right near it ?

funny stuff. they give the street name. it's right down the block from me. well across town but easy enough to find. i should go knock on Alan's door. burn a fatty with him. :bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Sooo Just makes me wonder what the guy that wants us not to pull a home invasion on his house got, that he doesn't want us to get? HMMM