Please help ! Growing in super soil


urgent !!

i grew this lady in a super soil 5 gal container , i’ve been seeing the deficiency since pre-flowering . I tried to solve the problems by amending bone meals and adding in organic source of calmag . she has pale color and lower leaves start to turn yellow . I feed her with compost tea weekly , during the veg period she looks very healthy , lush green , big leaves . Now she is about 3 weeks into flowering

i have 4 plants in the tent growing with the same method , watering the same way but she is the only one looking sick .

FYI weekly feed her with compost tea and ro water when dried . No ph adjustment


Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Some strains need more than others. Whenever my plants start to look pale I top dress with fresh ewc and give them some liquid fish. Teas provide microbial activity but meager npk value. Give soluble npk for them to use right away; neptunes harvest with seaweed is really good but a generic like maxicrop works too.
In the future when you build you final size bloom containers try adding in a slow release fertilizer like say cow or chicken manure. I'm gonna say it again here like a broken record but chicken shit works great; I use Charlie's compost brand. I also push in a couple Jobes organic spikes into each pot just before flipping them which feeds for 8 weeks. Keeps them green and helps push nice big flowers. The only other thing I suggest is mycorrhizae: if you don't use this in your grow right now you should....helps with absorption.
Btw they don't look all that bad this is not as urgent as you think. They just need a nitrogen boost.


Some strains need more than others. Whenever my plants start to look pale I top dress with fresh ewc and give them some liquid fish. Teas provide microbial activity but meager npk value. Give soluble npk for them to use right away; neptunes harvest with seaweed is really good but a generic like maxicrop works too.
In the future when you build you final size bloom containers try adding in a slow release fertilizer like say cow or chicken manure. I'm gonna say it again here like a broken record but chicken shit works great; I use Charlie's compost brand. I also push in a couple Jobes organic spikes into each pot just before flipping them which feeds for 8 weeks. Keeps them green and helps push nice big flowers. The only other thing I suggest is mycorrhizae: if you don't use this in your grow right now you should....helps with absorption.
Btw they don't look all that bad this is not as urgent as you think. They just need a nitrogen boost.
I Top dressed with some EWC last week but nothing seems to change , i will try fish emulsion and chicken manure . Thanks for the input


Well-Known Member
Maybe topdress with alfalfa meal or kelp.. I still try to ph my water...or use distilled.. I’ve noticed some plants just use more..


Well-Known Member
Yea fish emulsion is good, I use Alaska brand 5–1-1, it can be a bit too strong on the N in flower after week 3 or 4 as it seems to take a week to really be absorbed by plant. I gave my plants some this last round in week 4 and the following week everything had some scorched tips on the leaves. Nothing major but I typically don’t see that so I’m assuming it was the fish emulsion.
Chicken manure or chicken bed compost rocks, I use that stuff by the dump truck load in my veggie garden. The bedding especially can be used on its own almost. But if it is real fresh I wouldn’t use it in flower, some well aged stuff should be gold though

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
I Top dressed with some EWC last week but nothing seems to change , i will try fish emulsion and chicken manure . Thanks for the input
Yeah should be noted that any manure should be composted first. Should be no smell. EWC is very good but these plants just need a little boost of N. You kinda have to give them what is needed before it is...


Yeah should be noted that any manure should be composted first. Should be no smell. EWC is very good but these plants just need a little boost of N. You kinda have to give them what is needed before it is...
these leaves are from 2 different plant ,now the another plant is starting to show the same problem.



Well-Known Member
I grow in hot soil and some strains just go yellow way too fast. If you're familiar with the strain that does turn early try to catch before it starts turning color using fish emulsion or EWC/etc. I have a strain that yellows fast and I just use 2 ml/gal of Dyna Gro FP twice a week. I usually don't use chemical nutes but on this strain I gotta. Didn't ever help top dressing this one. Other strains seem okay, maybe I need to up the EWC percentage for this strain.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
these leaves are from 2 different plant ,now the another plant is starting to show the same problem.
You have 3 options: give soluble nutrients, top dress with fertilizer, or just let it ride til harvest time. Look at the whole plant; a few pale leaves doesn't tell you much.


Well-Known Member
your plants are bushy. If the leaves came the bottom, it might mean your not getting light at the bottom. also, you are in flower. the plant really does not care about N as much as P and K. so keep doing what
Richard Drysift said. they need that love. and they might just yellow fast. but they are happy, just hungry