Ive had hella bad luck. Advice please ?

I do currently have a terribly slow growing tangerine at 5 weeks. Ill post her so you can see but currently i have a new seed soaking and can get through germination fine. When i plant in the pot after the tap root has formed is when things go wrong. Im fixing to try the miracle grow simply organic soil. Black and gold bag. I need advice on how to handle the new seed up until sprout. Just any good grow advice in general. Im tired of failing. On seed 4 and only one stunded baby growing ):


Well-Known Member
I do lots and lots of autos ....
Autos need very little to run .... simple feed run to last approximately 90 days ( average autoflower life ) ... not miracle grow as it “ feeds “ at EVERY watering due to controlled release fertilizer. Which continues at too high an amount even during flower.

A better controlled soil fox farm , happy frog , EB stone or similar ( veg garden mix ) . FFOF will run an auto well into the first 6 weeks of life on just water.
And if you “ needed “ to feed plant all you do is “ Top Dress “ soil with more FFOF and water in .
Ridiculously simple.

Lastly lurk the strain review section of RIU to see what others think of certain breeder strains. Some great autos : Mephisto , Speed , Samsara , G13 , Dinafem , etc.


Well-Known Member
Germ seed in a rapid rooter then put RR in a double shot shot glass with plastic wrap over top wait for root or seed to pop out then put in soil. Or straight into soil. You can transplant a auto.....I've found that if I wait to long to re-pot it will slow down. This is just how I've done it lots of ways to skin a cat.


Well-Known Member
Good looking plant but I wonder about that soil. I can see perlite on top but how much is actually mixed in with the soil? You want at least 25% perlite and if the soil is fairly dense a full third should be perlite to get good drainage.


Active Member
All you people and your needless seed soaking. There's really no need in using the glass of water / paper towel methods of popping your seeds. So many people waste seeds doing that :P Just grab some Jiffy pellets, put your seed in that ...in a few days it'll sprout and then rip the netting off and plant the whole Jiffy pellet directly into your final grow bag/container. To many people being crazy and adding a bunch of unnecessary work and thus adding to the chance of failure. It's a seed, keep is simple...put seed in soil, water. I just Jiffy'd a new group 3 days ago and they've all already popped their little heads up.

I test the NPK in my soil before, during (usually midway), and after a grow on every grow and I've rarely come across an auto that actually "needs" additional feeding if they were put in a fresh container of soil (the soil normally has all the nutes necessary for the full life cycle of an auto - assuming a 5 gal. container). If you just can't help yourself and want to add additional nutes, then mix up a nice NPK meal in the next bit of water when you water.


Well-Known Member
I do currently have a terribly slow growing tangerine at 5 weeks. Ill post her so you can see but currently i have a new seed soaking and can get through germination fine. When i plant in the pot after the tap root has formed is when things go wrong. Im fixing to try the miracle grow simply organic soil. Black and gold bag. I need advice on how to handle the new seed up until sprout. Just any good grow advice in general. Im tired of failing. On seed 4 and only one stunded baby growing ):
I use the same method as RStone77. Out of curiosity, this last germ I did a side by side comparison using a heat mat, 68hr. germ, no heat mat 142hr. germ. Note - I cut away netting top and bottom after hydrating Jiffy, prior to placing seed pointy end down.

