Lowlife White Russian Autos first grow... lets see what we got!


Well-Known Member
We will for sure put the debate to rest, I started this auto grow because of the people on here. I saw a couple of grow journals on the auto AK and it looked dank. Also all the growers say it is good as hell sure it isnt sensi star, but fuck it is done in 70 days. I think we are doing the right thing Illusinz and in 7 more weeks(Eight for you) we will be smokin on some dank and growin again.

I was checking out that hiduXak and I would do it if they sold feminized seeds. I wish lowlife would put some more strains on Attuitude. All the diffrent seed markiting companys are sold out of the diffrent low life strains. So hopefully they will reintroduce those MIA strains because I have been checking for a few months now so its not because they didnt breed more.


Well-Known Member
Oh for sure Jim! I'm ready to pluck these bitches eight wks (please god!) from today and lay back blazin dank watchin the lil bitches sprout... if they show a lot of promise in a month or so, I'll prolly order another auto strain and say fuck the SOG for another cycle and begin another auto grow with a month left of these russians just to keep the rotation going because I know if I love it... it'll be gone FAST! I only got three out of five so I'm REALLY hoping for 3oz's!

But WR1 and WR3 are really showing their roots on the bottom of their cubes so I transplanted them into bigger pots (too big in my opinion... lemmie know what you think). I'll do the other one tomorrow or wednesday.

Pics!- WR1, WR2, WR3, GROUP SHOT! Don't mind the little ones, they're just some bagseed I plan on flowering in about a week and a half for shits and giggles so see if it's anything comperable to pazzo's 2wk veg'd widows! Thanks again for the idea's buddy!



Well-Known Member
Yea I only got 4 out of 5 and all four are seperated by a day so they all look diffrent, it's pretty bad ass. I still dont know what I am going to do next, probably auto because it is just so fast. I want to grow sensi star, white berry, and nebula next grow but its all up in the air at this point.

When you go to Attitude its like "What the fuck do I want to order" I cant ever decide

Good call with the bag seed its always fun to throw some random shit in not careing what the outcome is, I too have been contemplating throwing in Nirvana AK/Shiva and flowering that when my russian is done. My last/First was bagseed and holy fuck is it dank, I have smoked alot of dank but but holy shit I am always so high now, this shit is CRAZY!!!:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yea I only got 4 out of 5 and all four are seperated by a day so they all look diffrent, it's pretty bad ass. I still dont know what I am going to do next, probably auto because it is just so fast. I want to grow sensi star, white berry, and nebula next grow but its all up in the air at this point.

When you go to Attitude its like "What the fuck do I want to order" I cant ever decide.
White berry was the strain I was gonna go with!! But then I read on and learned what autoflowering ment!

It is pretty intense browsing through the many many selections they got! I really wanna go off the wall and just get 3 wild strains like ice cream, white berry, and ICE or Alaskan Ice and start a perpetual SOG with 4 ebbs trays that'll hold 2 clones of each strain and harvest hopefully 3oz's every 2wks! At least thats the thought that Pazzo gave me... gonna maybe try it next! However, Attitude does offer the fem variety pack that has 5 different strain in it! They need an auto sampler!!!!


Well-Known Member
Illusionz Let me give you my set up.
Secret Jardin
400W HPS Extra Light Reflector
Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
Earth Juice Grow, Bloom, Catalyst

What's your setup besides what I see in the picture, and includeing what I may have missed n past blogs and am too lazy to read over again.


Well-Known Member
But yea, the bagseed is the start of the SOG shit I want to try... in a couple weeks, flower the bitches and see what they give me... I have NO IDEA whether the seeds were from swag, dank, mid... whatever... I know its a seed, it sprouted pot, and potentially will get me high!

BTW... you ever heard of some swag budding out nice? I've never heard of it... I suppose it just depends on the genes...


Well-Known Member
Yea the best setup is to harvest every two weeks by constantly cycling plants arond from clones too harvest. I want to get to that level so bad I have never cloned before and I cant try on these autos. I really want to buy Jack Here from Sensi just because of the way they describe it on the site.


Well-Known Member
When you say Swag you mean brick with black flatend seeds, and tast like shit? In that case I would never try to sprout those seeds. My bag seed last grow where from some mediocer bud I ahd and turned out to be dank when keep sensimila.


Well-Known Member
I have....

400w hps Sun Systems reflector (not air cooled... yet) with a hortilux bulb 20/4
Fox Farm Grow and Bloom
1x1 and 4x4 Rockwool cubes till they're ready for pot and clay pellets
I have a 6 nozzle drip system hooked to a water pump in the resivour running with just distilled water for now twice a day
2x3ft storage container for $15 at home depot... I wasn't gonna pay almost $75 for one! I just cut it in half so it wasn't so high!
Mylar lining the walls
16" oscolating fan
340 squirrel cage blower sucking out and venting to my attic and dryer ducted my chimney vent where I use to have a fireplace!
Oh, my grow space is 2x6x8... I plan on separating for sog vertically... mother/veg/clone on bottom and flower up top.


Well-Known Member
haha... I had a buddy try it... he planted like fuckin... 30 in one pot and... well.. you can prolly guess how it turned out... was fun for a week, then he realized the need light... much more light... heh!

But the are actually from some pretty good outdoor beasters... I'm guessing... mexi-brick hasn't enter my home in a long time! Dude said it was blueberry and I got a mess of it since it was pretty cheap, got me rreeaalllyy high... but look shitty... guess it was prolly just an outdoor crop... plant as many as they could and didn't bother picking males out or nothing... oh well, hope they're the same seeds!!


Well-Known Member
People that talk shit about auto's should check out my Diesel Ryder Grow harvested well over 160 grams in 2 months. Can't wait to see how well yours do!!


Well-Known Member
Very nice a much more sophisticated set up then mine. How much work is it to have that hydro system, I am scared to ever make that leap. I was planing on doing a SOG with my next grow but since I have to pull the pots out and water them I scrached that. I think I will get some bamboo and do some strategic spaceing beween the branches.

Have you always grown Hydo or did you use to use soil. I would love to get a nice hydro system but I am scared of screwing everything up.

Jesus my girls have got to be taking sterioids because everyday when i come home from work they have a new set of leaves. This ruduralis stuff is insanily fast I cant believe my eyes everyday.


Well-Known Member
People that talk shit about auto's should check out my Diesel Ryder Grow harvested well over 160 grams in 2 months. Can't wait to see how well yours do!!
I will for sure check this out bro thanks for the input. I will be damed if people talk shit about what im growin when they havent even tryed growing autos.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I've been busy with work and haven't been able to keep a consistant update... but this one is rather bitter sweet!

WR2 is a gonner I think! The past couple days her leaves have been browning badly... I water and feed all of them the exact same, but this one is tempermental!

WR3 is doing awesome! Already begining to flower!

Here are some pics at just over 20-22 days!

WR1- pics 1-2
WR2- pic 3
WR3- pics 4-5
bagseed- pic 6 (13-14 days)



Well-Known Member
Hey Illusionz,
I encountered some problems too, I found a male so I have thee females left that are huge and flowering even on the bottom nodes. These girls are growin like crazy but I am pretty disapointed there was a male and I think some pollen escaped. I wouldent mind seeds though since they are SOLD OUT already those auto's go so fast.
I Started some Nirvan Northern Light X Shiva and I am pumped for them too.They just popd out of the soil today all ten I will definitly buy from Nirvana again there seeds are cheap and great variety.


Well-Known Member
hey illizionz,

plants are looking good, shame abou the runt one,

it might still pull through, dont give up on it just yet.

were about the same timeline with out plants i think,

check my journal if ya like.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the male jim! Hopefully our autos will previal and make up for the losses!

I'm looking at beans right now... Hard to decide! I know for sure I'm starting a perpetual harvest with moms in soil and clones in ebb and flow for flowering... SOG STYLE! Can't wait! Thinkin of NL#5XBig Bud, Twilight, and good reliable White Widow and AK... there are way to many to choose from... I also want to try a chocolate and fruity strain! Guess i should do pick and mix!!!

'Preciate the support Fyfe! Hopefully she'll pull through, but if all fails, I'll just flower the bagseed I've started for trial and error experiments! I will most definitly check out your grow man! Thanks!

Hey! Question... what effects would switching my light to 12/12 have on the autos so I can start flowering the bagseeds? If I started to flower now I can harvest them within the same week as the autos!


Well-Known Member
the auto's will still flower fine at 12/12 but i think you would lose a considerable amount of yeild from them. so you might only end up with a few grams :eyesmoke:

your bagseed would prob take 8 or 9 weeks to flower mate.


Well-Known Member
hey illizionz,

plants are looking good, shame abou the runt one,

it might still pull through, dont give up on it just yet.

were about the same timeline with out plants i think,

check my journal if ya like.
the auto's will still flower fine at 12/12 but i think you would lose a considerable amount of yeild from them. so you might only end up with a few grams :eyesmoke:

your bagseed would prob take 8 or 9 weeks to flower mate.

yyyyeeeeeppp... ya know what Fyfe... you are absolutely right! I've read it on other posts and I guess I just had to throw the fishing line out for one more try... hhhmmmm... I know my autos have about 6.5wks left... what do you think if I just removed them from the light into a cabinet with a fan (light sealed) for 12hrs of night and leave them in with the autos 12hours for light... but then, it's sounds easy, but am I really gonna do that? Naw... I'm too lazy... well damn! Guess I gotta ride the autos out!

Really bums me out man! I started with 5 Fem beans and now down to two! I really was trying to get my return on my investment here, but not looking so good as I think I'm goin to have to keep it all for myself till next harvest!