Stale weed when smoking out of a bong....


Well-Known Member
What Exactly does it mean when your smoke is stale??

EDIT: Me and a couple friends were having a little hot box session in my friends garage and when one of my friends hit the bong i remember hearing my other friend saying that the smoke is stale (we were really stone but i just wanted to know what he meant i know stale means " lossing Freshness," "musty" ETC........)


Well-Known Member
Maybe you need to clean your bong.
and if you buy cleaner and you're using plastic bong, or even something held together w/some kind of bonding glue or plaster make sure that the cleaner won't eat thru it... i've had many bongs lost to friends cleaning them and then falling apart.!!!



Well-Known Member
...........Umm i wont lie the bong is pretty dirty but its not my bong its my friends he has like this blue 7 inch tall bong and i have a bong which is the same height different design but red and i keep mine clean as hell wash it up after every session, but i dont clean the bowl thou trying to build up the resin so i can get a resin ball

and if you buy cleaner and you're using plastic bong, or even something held together w/some kind of bonding glue or plaster make sure that the cleaner won't eat thru it... i've had many bongs lost to friends cleaning them and then falling apart.!!!
i clean my bong with Salt and 70% Alcohol and i have a red glass bong with a plain slider


Active Member
i think smoke goes stale when u dont hit and clear at the same time and hold your hand over the top of the bong to prevent the smoke from leaving and it just sits there. i think this smoke as it sits, loses thc and goes stale. just my theory and i think that might be where ur friends are coming from.


Well-Known Member
it must be drt with no moisture in it. try putting some fresh orange peels in thier in a bag with the bud it gets it a lil more moist and has an orangy sensation


Active Member
when the smoke sits in the bong it mixes with air. and causes the hits to be very harsh beacuse it is not as pure as taking a usial toke. we had a 6 foot home maid bong and it was horrible about doing this we maid it out of one of those beef jerky rope tubes you see in stores.


New Member
to me stale smoke is when you clear the bong...but leave a little smoke left in the chamber....then pass to a the first thing he gets is the old smoke which has just been sittin there...nasty stale...


Well-Known Member
i think smoke goes stale when u dont hit and clear at the same time and hold your hand over the top of the bong to prevent the smoke from leaving and it just sits there. i think this smoke as it sits, loses thc and goes stale. just my theory and i think that might be where ur friends are coming from.
Yea thats what i was thinking about when he said the smoke was stale i just wasnt sure thanks for the responds ppl


Well-Known Member
Smoke goes stale in approximately 8 seconds when it is left inside the bong chamber too long, then it tastes very bitter and has little or no effect.

What's worse is having to clear out a chamber fuill of smoke that you left sitting for awhile.:spew:


Active Member
I see, I was thinking it was when the herb got cashed but I understand now. (Remembers for next time I use my bong.)

Mr. Dro


Well-Known Member
Buy cleaner? Who would spend good money on that when rock salt and rubby alcohol works and is MUCH cheaper.


Active Member
The stale smoke comment (if you ask me) is deffinately refering to smoke that was left in the bong when someone didnt clear the chamber on their hit. The fix? If you get passed a pipe pr bong with lingering smoke blow it out.. IE pull the slider out and blow ait through the carb hole to clear. Don't blow too hard though. Your neighbor doesn't want a bong water facial, trust me.


Active Member
Hey 'pothead' yeah stale smoke is when the smoke gets bad as it mixes with air and it will taste pretty gnarley and will just be harsh on your lungs too so those are bad. Some people dont believe in it.. but man all i know is all it takes is one big ass, stale as fuck bong hit and youll know. Somebody needs to reallly hurry & figure out why smoke exactly gets stale and whatever, ha..fuckin stoners, but that way it wont have to be a theory..

scooby snacks

Well-Known Member
to me stale smoke is when you clear the bong...but leave a little smoke left in the chamber....then pass to a the first thing he gets is the old smoke which has just been sittin there...nasty stale...
^^^^^^this guy is right^^^^^^^^^

thats exactly what your friend ment, it's nasty, should also be a "party foul"

when you hit the bong, clear the smoke out before you pass it. if your a real smoker, you should be able to hit it then clear in the same inhale!!!!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
ya stale smoke is just leftover smoke that didnt get cleared.. for some reason, it seems extra harsh. anytime i smoke a bonghit that has been sitting for a few, it just kills my lungs... make sure you and those you smoke with can clear their hits and yall will have np :p