Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

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Forcing somebody to serve you is an act of offensive force, defending your right to chose your associations. on your own property even, is an act of defensive force.

Which part of that statement would you like to expound on and prove wrong gun lover?
”I am defending my store from black people like you who want to shop at it”
”I am defending my store from black people like you who want to shop at it”

"While I don't own you or your property, I insist you serve me against your will, I am okay with taking others money to pay men with guns to force you to serve a slave"
People are against health care for all...until they lose their job. Time for America to go progressive.
I think @Rob Roy is the only one here opposed to universal health care. Bernie has never accomplished anything. If you think he could accomplish M4A with so much of the country so adamantly opposed to it when Obama had so much trouble getting universal health care passed that people actually like, then you're even stupider than I thought.
Democratic socialists do not want to create an all-powerful government bureaucracy. But we do not want big corporate bureaucracies to control our society either. Rather, we believe that social and economic decisions should be made by those whom they most affect.
Today, corporate executives who answer only to themselves and a few wealthy stockholders make basic economic decisions affecting millions of people. Resources are used to make money for capitalists rather than to meet human needs. We believe that the workers and consumers who are affected by economic institutions should own and control them.
Social ownership could take many forms, such as worker-owned cooperatives or publicly owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives. Democratic socialists favor as much decentralization as possible. While the large concentrations of capital in industries such as energy and steel may necessitate some form of state ownership, many consumer-goods industries might be best run as cooperatives.
Democratic socialists have long rejected the belief that the whole economy should be centrally planned. While we believe that democratic planning can shape major social investments like mass transit, housing, and energy, market mechanisms are needed to determine the demand for many consumer goods.

Public schools
Public hospitals
Fire department
Public airports
Public roads
National parks
Social security
Public sewage
Public water
Ect ect

Taxes aren't so bad, government isn't the boogie man, it can be when corruption sets in which pretty much goes hand in hand with centralizing power, hence de-centralized democratic socialism.. For the important stuff I think its a no brainer, I'm not saying capitalism is all bad either, but we're way too capitalist now imo. The government was created for the people, by the people, it wasn't created for the 1% to take advantage of the people.
You mean, like a system of checks and balances.

So maybe like a House that represents the will of the people that have to get reelected every couple years. One to be the check on the government and corporate interests. You can have a President elected every 4 years. Since regional businesses and land owners will need their voices to be heard, you can then have a Senate to represent the state interests too, they are Americans too after all and have a lot riding on how we do things. Then we should have most decisions made on a local level, so have State and local government to deal with the things in the places they happen.

Calling yourself a 'Democratic Socialist' is just nonsense, it is what we already have but with a edgy name to make yourself seem special, new and cool, but still lay claim to running on the coattails of an established political party.

If you want the system to be more inclusive and better for everyone, vote out the Republicans, change the election laws so that every American Citizen of voting age can more easily vote over an extended time, and lets get on with our lives.

Our government needs to clean up the Russian/Foreign influence in our elections so we can start to all see and understand the facts. Only then can we move forward together as a country.
I think @Rob Roy is the only one here opposed to universal health care. Bernie has never accomplished anything. If you think he could accomplish M4A with so much of the country so adamantly opposed to it when Obama had so much trouble getting universal health care passed that people actually like, then you're even stupider than I thought.
Your opinion means absolutely nothing to me. You are some muppet on the internet. Right now Bernie has accomplished being the front runner in the Dems primary...and getting my vote.
I thought you were more moderate than that.

Bernie wants to give everything away, including the election.
I avoid labels forced on self. Out of all who is running Bernie and Warren can do the most to help the little people. My concern is for the little people, Voting for Bernie actually is a vote against myself, but sometimes you have to do what is best for the people. Not so happy about having to pay everyone I hire 15 an hour but I will survive and it helps the people. After seeing war/conflict it would be nice to have someone in office who is against that shit. Why in the fuck does our nation not have health care for all ? I could keep going but why. You vote your way and your beliefs and I will do the same
I avoid labels forced on self. Out of all who is running Bernie and Warren can do the most to help the little people. My concern is for the little people, Voting for Bernie actually is a vote against myself, but sometimes you have to do what is best for the people. Not so happy about having to pay everyone I hire 15 an hour but I will survive and it helps the people. After seeing war/conflict it would be nice to have someone in office who is against that shit. Why in the fuck does our nation not have health care for all ? I could keep going but why. You vote your way and your beliefs and I will do the same
If you weren't so vocal about your investments in defense stock I could take you more seriously.

You must really hate the idea of bloomy or Biden, huh?
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