Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Bernie Sanders is dying and unelectable. The delegates won't nominate him. Will you still vote against Trump?
I dunno who the right wing of the party will put up against Bernie, Bloomberg blew it and spent a bundle to get publicly eviscerated at the debate, more prep work and less money I should think. The only one who appears to have a shot is old Joe and he did pretty good in the debate, I guess we'll know more after super tuesday. Bernie's got momentum, the lead and lot's of ongoing cash from small donors, he's also apparently got a good ground game too with lot's of volunteers. I figure he can beat trump in November, Joe might have a bigger margin and coattails though. The center in America has drifted too far to the right in the last several decades and needs to be pulled left a bit towards the center and common sense.

We are all dying conflict and old Bernie might outlive us both, Ashkenazim Jews (statistically speaking) are very long lived people and many make it to 100 years or more, most with clear minds too. Bernie might not be the best choice or even mine (if I had one), but he might be the only one you have. To not vote against trump is to vote for him, there is nobody on the democratic side who should make anybody stay home. If there are shenanigans and Bernie loses while going into the convention with a majority of delegates there will be trouble though. Trump has to go and a sure way to political suicide is to fuck with the democratic nomination this time around, it would be the kiss of death. Let the chips fall where they may and get behind the winner, even if ya gotta hold yer nose while pushing his ass real hard.


Well-Known Member
If Sanders picked a good running mate it's possible he beats Trump. It can't be another far lefty tho, somebody like Kamala Harris might work.

If Sanders gets 30%+ in Nevada he will be a force to reckon with.


Well-Known Member
I'm a Sanders supporter. I've been vocal about this the entire thread.

I hope whoever performed your lobotomy is fired, he only made you retarded.


Well-Known Member
You people better get used to the fact he's the winner, bend the knee or be trampled over, simple as that.

Sanders 2020

The only candidate who believes in democracy.

Rumors are swirling about Neil Young and David Crosbyay be performing for Bernie Sanders as they both recently endorsed him and now this


Retweeted by Crosby

Getting the Boomer vote will be easier than people think. Bernie is going to win.


Well-Known Member
I dunno who the right wing of the party will put up against Bernie, Bloomberg blew it and spent a bundle to get publicly eviscerated at the debate, more prep work and less money I should think. The only one who appears to have a shot is old Joe and he did pretty good in the debate, I guess we'll know more after super tuesday. Bernie's got momentum, the lead and lot's of ongoing cash from small donors, he's also apparently got a good ground game too with lot's of volunteers. I figure he can beat trump in November, Joe might have a bigger margin and coattails though. The center in America has drifted too far to the right in the last several decades and needs to be pulled left a bit towards the center and common sense.

We are all dying conflict and old Bernie might outlive us both, Ashkenazim Jews (statistically speaking) are very long lived people and many make it to 100 years or more, most with clear minds too. Bernie might not be the best choice or even mine (if I had one), but he might be the only one you have. To not vote against trump is to vote for him, there is nobody on the democratic side who should make anybody stay home. If there are shenanigans and Bernie loses while going into the convention with a majority of delegates there will be trouble though. Trump has to go and a sure way to political suicide is to fuck with the democratic nomination this time around, it would be the kiss of death. Let the chips fall where they may and get behind the winner, even if ya gotta hold yer nose while pushing his ass real hard.

Funny you mention the Ashkenazi Jews. My grandmother was a Hasidic Jew that came to Brooklyn Crown Heights in 1924. She lived to be 104. At the age of 100 her Doctor insisted that she stop walking 3-5 miles a day on a treadmill and do light resistance band exercises. Her last miles was 88 days before her passing, she walked 6 miles that day :) She never smoked, drank, and ate kosher. She retired at 90 years old. She woke up everyday at 430 am. She was a real OG by todays standards!

Yet here I am debating on whether I should get up off the couch and make some ice cream all while puffing a spliff and downing some afternoon suds. Im gonna put these Jewish genetics to the ringer test!


Well-Known Member
If Sanders picked a good running mate it's possible he beats Trump. It can't be another far lefty tho, somebody like Kamala Harris might work.

If Sanders gets 30%+ in Nevada he will be a force to reckon with.
Remember, even if Bernie picked Liz as a running mate and went after wall street and the 1% with a hammer and sickle, they would be preferable to Trump and the GOP. The democrats function like normal folks and so would a democratic congress, anything would be a compromise like in normal times, their policies would be moderated by congress. To not vote is to vote for Trump, Bernie would be an annoyance to some, but Trump would mean the end of constitutional government. Swaller real hard and do the right thing, it only takes one hand to vote, you can use the other one to hold yer nose!


Well-Known Member
Faux News and Trumpers have asked right wing nutjobs to vote Sanders in all democratic primaries where its possible for them to vote. Sander supporters fail to realize he is the opponent the rightwingers want.