Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
not since his heart attack.

"Long after fulfilling the promise to release his medical records, some are moving the goalposts and saying, wait, he hasn’t released enough information. The implication is that there’s something being hidden, as if his physicians are not being honest. So we have folks now clamoring to see the “long form health certificate,” as it were.

In the last presidential cycle, our candidate, Hillary Clinton, released her medical records — i.e, a description of her health status from her physician — after she had clinched the nomination.

This cycle, we are getting such information earlier."

"After he canceled three presidential campaign events in September in order to rest his voice, Sen. Bernie Sanders made a pledge to release his medical records before the Iowa caucus on February 3rd, NBC News reported.

That was before he suffered a heart attack on Oct 1. Still, Sanders has made good on his promise. He released letters on Dec. 30 from his primary physician and two UVM cardiologists that said he's healthy, able to campaign without restriction and fit to serve as president."



Well-Known Member

"Long after fulfilling the promise to release his medical records, some are moving the goalposts and saying, wait, he hasn’t released enough information. The implication is that there’s something being hidden, as if his physicians are not being honest. So we have folks now clamoring to see the “long form health certificate,” as it were.

In the last presidential cycle, our candidate, Hillary Clinton, released her medical records — i.e, a description of her health status from her physician — after she had clinched the nomination.

This cycle, we are getting such information earlier."

"After he canceled three presidential campaign events in September in order to rest his voice, Sen. Bernie Sanders made a pledge to release his medical records before the Iowa caucus on February 3rd, NBC News reported.

That was before he suffered a heart attack on Oct 1. Still, Sanders has made good on his promise. He released letters on Dec. 30 from his primary physician and two UVM cardiologists that said he's healthy, able to campaign without restriction and fit to serve as president."

Just like Trump's taxes, if it isn't a big deal, he should just release his actual medical records and not doctors notes to shut everyone up.


Well-Known Member
Just like Trump's taxes, if it isn't a big deal, he should just release his actual medical records and not doctors notes to shut everyone up.
"Long after fulfilling the promise to release his medical records, some are moving the goalposts and saying, wait, he hasn’t released enough information. The implication is that there’s something being hidden, as if his physicians are not being honest. So we have folks now clamoring to see the “long form health certificate,” as it were."


Well-Known Member
"Long after fulfilling the promise to release his medical records, some are moving the goalposts and saying, wait, he hasn’t released enough information. The implication is that there’s something being hidden, as if his physicians are not being honest. So we have folks now clamoring to see the “long form health certificate,” as it were."
Are you an American?



Well-Known Member
He released letters on Dec. 30 from his primary physician and two UVM cardiologists that said he's healthy, able to campaign without restriction and fit to serve as president."
In December, Mr. Sanders’s campaign released three letters from doctors declaring him healthy. One of the letters, dated Dec. 28 and signed by Dr. Brian P. Monahan, the attending physician of Congress, characterized Mr. Sanders as “in good health currently.”

Mr. Sanders had said in October as he was recovering from his heart attack that he would release his medical records by the end of the year, saying that they would be “comprehensive.” Letters from doctors are not the same as full medical records.
His campaign has tried to brush off criticism about Mr. Sanders’s decision not to release his full medical records by comparing what he has released to what other candidates have done.


Well-Known Member
"Long after fulfilling the promise to release his medical records, some are moving the goalposts and saying, wait, he hasn’t released enough information. The implication is that there’s something being hidden, as if his physicians are not being honest. So we have folks now clamoring to see the “long form health certificate,” as it were."
In December, Mr. Sanders’s campaign released three letters from doctors declaring him healthy. One of the letters, dated Dec. 28 and signed by Dr. Brian P. Monahan, the attending physician of Congress, characterized Mr. Sanders as “in good health currently.”

Mr. Sanders had said in October as he was recovering from his heart attack that he would release his medical records by the end of the year, saying that they would be “comprehensive.” Letters from doctors are not the same as full medical records.
His campaign has tried to brush off criticism about Mr. Sanders’s decision not to release his full medical records by comparing what he has released to what other candidates have done.


Well-Known Member
not since his heart attack. he released 3 notes from his doctors. and he's been saying he won't release his full medical records.
stents can be placed for non heart attacks but rather blockages.

tsk tsk, still lying Pada.
I'm sure Sanders will release as much info as Trump* regarding health, taxes etc.


Well-Known Member
The report quoted internal documents from the Internet Research Agency, a troll factory sponsored by Russian intelligence, in an order to its operatives: “Use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest except for Sanders and Trump — we support them.
Russia owns the USA now......we bow to Putin.....well, some will bend the knee
McConell's muppets allow it.