Bloomberg to the rescue


Well-Known Member
Take a look at this Democrat running against McConnell in the Senate 2020 race in Kentucky. I would venture to say the epitome of "fit". This is something we must consider.
Without support of fellow seats it will not defeat Republican party power.
Yep, congress should award her an honorary set of balls (like miniature truck nuts, two adjacent circles when worn on a ribbon...), especially if she does in Moscow Mitch. Maybe she will have Mitch's balls, or his head, mounted above her fireplace one day.


Well-Known Member
Liz warren slapped him right in the cock sucker during the debate. I liked it. :eek:
A better metaphor would be: Bloomberg got gang banged like a fucking twink. He did not prepare properly, a lifetime of arrogance is not much of a preparation for a proper debate. I don't think Trump will debate Bernie, or anybody this election if he wins the nomination, Bernie will hand him his ass, what Bloomberg endured would be mild in comparison. Old Joe in his prime would have torn a strip off of Donald so bad he would yelp and charge the podium in a blind rage! Little Joe would have to move fast when the raging bull came charging.


Well-Known Member
A better metaphor would be: Bloomberg got gang banged like a fucking twink. He did not prepare properly, a lifetime of arrogance is not much of a preparation for a proper debate. I don't think Trump will debate Bernie, or anybody this election if he wins the nomination, Bernie will hand him his ass, what Bloomberg endured would be mild in comparison. Old Joe in his prime would have torn a strip off of Donald so bad he would yelp and charge the podium in a blind rage! Little Joe would have to move fast when the raging bull came charging.
Lets be real, Warren handed Bloomberg his ass.


Well-Known Member
Ya know this election could end up as:

Money talks (Bloomberg and his ads, etc)
Bullshit walks (Trump, no explanation needed)
But the truth sticks around, (Bernie with the same self consistent message for decades)

America has many problems that stem from the decades of pernicious lobbying and outright bribery that warped the tax code and policy favoring the rich prevalent in any capitalist society. Bernie might help to reset the game and level the playing field, perhaps hedge fund mangers will pay a reasonable tax rate and that the biggest most profitable American companies will pay some instead of none.

The combination of capitalism, technology, mass markets and trade has lead to rapid material progress, but at certain costs, both social and economic, one of those issues is the concentration of wealth into a few hands with social and economic consequences for the vast majority. This phenomena has been going on for a long time and when the railroads (and steel etc) became a major industry in the 19th century it produced the robber barons and the concentration of wealth of the gilded age, you need another kind of Teddy Roosevelt this time around. The internet is kinda doing what the railroads did in this regard today only on steroids and allowing the concentration of vast wealth into few hands.

An economy is an ecosystem and the little fish and plankton have to thrive for the big fish and whales to flourish, a balance must be struck and that's the job of policy. When policy is bought and paid for it distorts the playing field, the rich have built in advantages where they should not. Bernie's message is really and always has been an anti corruption message more than a socialist one, he is not against capitalism, he just doesn't want it to own the government.
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Well-Known Member
Lets be real, Warren handed Bloomberg his ass.
She did the best, but everybody had a shot at Mikey and he did not handle it well, he figured he could just buy his way to power and didn't do the preparation work and rehearsals required to play in the big leagues. Bloomberg' biggest concern seems to be Bernie and or Liz taxing him and his hedge fund buddies at a fair and normal rate. All those years of lobbying and bribery could be wiped away and they and the corporations would have to pay their fair share, I can see the concerns of the greed driven, they behave logically when their bottom line is on the line.


Well-Known Member
She did the best, but everybody had a shot at Mikey and he did not handle it well, he figured he could just buy his way to power and didn't do the preparation work and rehearsals required to play in the big leagues. Bloomberg' biggest concern seems to be Bernie and or Liz taxing him and his hedge fund buddies at a fair and normal rate. All those years of lobbying and bribery could be wiped away and they and the corporations would have to pay their fair share, I can see the concerns of the greed driven, they behave logically when their bottom line is on the line.
"seems" based on what?


Well-Known Member
"seems" based on what?
Based on the fact that Bloomberg only became concerned and jumped into the race when Bernie and especially Liz were in ascendency and there were concerns about Joe. He appears to be concerned with little else other than taxes and economic policy, it's like the right wing democrats are running Mitt Romney for fuck sake. Mikey will have to do more than spend money to win the nomination, he will have to acquire a personality and they are valued in a different currency. He will also have to do more than a Trump level of homework and preparation for debate, it was almost painful too watch.


Well-Known Member
Based on the fact that Bloomberg only became concerned and jumped into the race when Bernie and especially Liz were in ascendency and there were concerns about Joe. He appears to be concerned with little else other than taxes and economic policy, it's like the right wing democrats are running Mitt Romney for fuck sake. Mikey will have to do more than spend money to win the nomination, he will have to acquire a personality and they are valued in a different currency. He will also have to do more than a Trump level of homework and preparation for debate, it was almost painful too watch.
He said he would raise taxes in the debate last night, and something about him raising them in NY when he was mayor. He also had his strongest line when he said something about Bernie losing if he is the nominee, so I would still say there is more evidence that it is getting Trump out of office is his number one priority.
If it wasn't he could have just not ran, and helped Trump, because there is no way Trump is going to raise taxes.

It is being sold that Joe, Pete, and Amy are 'right wing' Democrats if that is who you mean, they are not right wing by any stretch of the imagination. Bloomberg and Warren were the only ones that used to be Republicans on that stage last night, and I would call Warren right wing anymore either.

He still has next debate to see if he can shake off the cobwebs. It will be interesting to see how he does.
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Well-Known Member
He said he would raise taxes in the debate last night, and something about him raising them in NY when he was mayor. He also had his strongest line when he said something about Bernie losing if he is the nominee, so I would still say there is more evidence that it is getting Trump out of office is his number one priority.

If it wasn't he could have just not ran, and helped Trump, because there is no way Trump is going to raise taxes.

It is being sold that Joe, Pete, and Amy are 'right wing' Democrats if that is who you mean, they are not right wing by any stretch of the imagination. Bloomberg and Warren were the only ones that used to be Republicans on that stage last night, and I would call Warren right wing anymore either.

He still has next debate to see if he can shake off the cobwebs. It will be interesting to see how he does.
Right and left are relative terms, Joe used to be on the left side of the party during the Clinton era. I'm not saying Bloomberg is evil, just that is when his public concern surfaced and there is too much of Mitt Romney billionaire about him for the democratic base these days. Everybody on the ticket is to the right of Bernie, Bernie is actually in the center though, if America were a normal democracy and not warped by racist politics that facilitated corruption to such a level that the public is getting tired of it. Half of the people want change and something done about corruption and the other half want a return to normalcy and stability, the two are not mutually exclusive either. Bernie is stable, represents change, has loads of integrity and character, traits sorely missing in the current POTUS.


Well-Known Member
Right and left are relative terms, Joe used to be on the left side of the party during the Clinton era. I'm not saying Bloomberg is evil, just that is when his public concern surfaced and there is too much of Mitt Romney billionaire about him for the democratic base these days. Everybody on the ticket is to the right of Bernie, Bernie is actually in the center though, if America were a normal democracy and not warped by racist politics that facilitated corruption to such a level that the public is getting tired of it. Half of the people want change and something done about corruption and the other half want a return to normalcy and stability, the two are not mutually exclusive either. Bernie is stable, represents change, has loads of integrity and character, traits sorely missing in the current POTUS.
Trump and Mitch and a whole lot of Republicans are currently showing the world what real corruption in American politics looks like.
So it is very hard to stick up for our government.

But I disagree with most of what you said above. Outside of the Republicans running the Southern Strategy since the 70's being pretty racist, but it is mostly out of self preservation than the need to hurt the 'other', until really when President Obama won the White House, then the racists really started their power grab with the help of the Russians (And Saudi's, and whoever else).


Well-Known Member
Trump talks loudly but carries a tiny twig (stick).

Polar opposite of George Washington.

:P :bigjoint:
Teddy carried a big stick, George would have run him through with a sword, in a duel of course, but Donald would run have away, he has no honor or guts, its a couple of his many missing virtues.


Well-Known Member
Teddy carried a big stick, George would have run him through with a sword, in a duel of course, but Donald would run have away, he has no honor or guts, its a couple of his many missing virtues.
You're right, Roosevelt coined that phrase. I must be suffering the beginning of senility, lol.


Well-Known Member
Trump cheated and stole the presidency, now Bloomberg wants to outright buy it, echoes of ancient Rome in its decline, back then they sold off imperial power at one point, near the end...
sayyyyyyyy, didn't someone try to sell obama's illinois seat, was prosecuted and went to jail..?


Well-Known Member
"“If Biden, Buttigieg and Klobuchar remain in the race despite having no path to appreciably collecting delegates on Super Tuesday and beyond, they will propel Sanders to a seemingly insurmountable delegate lead by siphoning votes away from Mike Bloomberg,” Bloomberg campaign advisers Kevin Sheekey and Howard Wolfson wrote this week."