Just bought weed riddled with bugs


Well-Known Member
So i bought half oz to smoke, just grabbed my pack to make a joint & noticed its full of little tiny red bugs, there all over the packet & the buds coming from inside out.

What the actual fuck is this, ive already smoked one without noticing & am abit concerned now
That emoji is making me sick:spew:
Sounds like Spider mites! Won’t hurt you any but will alter the flavor a bit and make your buds crackle when smoked! I boycott dispensaries for a month or two when I find that, because I wouldn’t buy flowers from a garden center with bugs either! Makes me shake my head and ask why they would ever sell that?!
Coming from a guy who finds hair in his food, pulls it out, and keeps eating....

Id turn it into an extract of some sort. Or just freeze it long enough for the bugs to die, thaw it, and smoke it. Red Spider Mites aren't harmful to humans in any way, so id personally just figure a way to kill them off so i dont end up inhaling live bugs into my lungs, and enjoy my bug bud regardless

If your dealer (im guessing street dealer, as id HOPE dispensaries would have higher standards) sold you the bugs in the first place, doubt hes gonna give you a refund... so you either make it work in some way, or toss the shit and take a loss. Honestly, no option is a good option at this point, so do what works for you
Damn the vid wont work, top right hand side of this bag some are noticable


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Damn the vid wont work, top right hand side of this bag some are noticable

100% spider mites. Same things you used to find crawling around on cement when u were playing on the sidewalk as a kid.

not gonna hurt ya at all... just kind of gross to knowingly be smoking bugs. But hey... gotta do what ya gotta do
Damn the vid wont work, top right hand side of this bag some are noticable
Yeah as I blew the pic up I saw the red dot in top corner... take it back..@ least let him know..weed is plentiful and if he wants you to continue then he’ll take care of you..I don’t smoke bugs but rather buds!!
Right guys i need some advice here, after my problem with this shitty ass weed.. i need to enter my own grow to feed but dont want to track any of these cunts in. Ive binned the weed its gone out my house. Am i safe to just have a bath & change clothes afterwards and go in tonight? Or shall i avoid going in tonight
I get what your sayin mate, i do it most times its just because ino 100% ive came across them bastards today so just want to be extra cautious, dont want to take them in & its a double kick in the balls over a £100 half z
Right guys i need some advice here, after my problem with this shitty ass weed.. i need to enter my own grow to feed but dont want to track any of these cunts in. Ive binned the weed its gone out my house. Am i safe to just have a bath & change clothes afterwards and go in tonight? Or shall i avoid going in tonight

They were still alive crawling around in the bag?

If so wash clothes and take shower. Not much else you can do at this point.

Even though it makes me itch, I'm sure we have all smoked, and eaten worse...pesticides, paraquat, bugs, molds and mildews galore!

I put a dead spider in the bottom of a bong hit I gave one guy back in Jr High. He started coughing it out immediately and the smoke had a yellow tinge to it. It smelled pretty bad as well. He was mad but the rest of us just laughed. Oh how I miss those days. Good times. :bigjoint: Then there was the time we gave another guy a line of foot dust one guy had filed off his feet. I didn't do that one but I did laugh. Back then I didn't trust or turn my back on any of my friends as we were all known to do some pretty rotten pranks to each other.

I walk into my grow room all the time after working outside all day. I couldn't grow happily if I had to worry about every mold spore or pest that that might have gotten on me. Imo, I think you are fine. Especially after changing clothes

I have plants out on my patio right now enjoying the natural sun. I'll bring them inside put them back in my veg tent when it gets dark and put them back under light in the veg tent. I know some people say you can't just put plants in bright sun after they've been growing under indoor lighting but I do it ALL the time and have never had a problem with it.
I know some people say you can't just put plants in bright sun after they've been growing under indoor lighting but I do it ALL the time and have never had a problem with it.
It seems like uv might be the answer to that. Someone using indoor light with little to no UV and then you take them outside and they get a full sun dose of it and dont like it. Ive seen "its ok" and "its not ok" just about equally and that would make the most sense to make as to what the variable might be.