Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Should you be able to sue Budweiser if someone smashes into your car while drunk? Is Budweiser responsible for that?

So now Bernie Bros are defending the NRA for lobbying against rational gun regulations?

Yes, absolutely, liquor companies could be held liable for lobbying against drunk driver laws if one can prove they are why thousands died. Car companies agreed to endorse seat belt laws in exchange for immunity. No reason why we can't hold companies liable for manufacturing unsafe and dangerous products, especially when we can prove they did so intentionally.


Well-Known Member
Should you be able to sue Budweiser if someone smashes into your car while drunk? Is Budweiser responsible for that?
Huge distortion. Bernie has always voted in favor of military spending when he could get contracts in his district. He even had antiwar protesters arrested when they were sitting-in with only the hope he'd talk to them.

Your argument here is basically "guns don't kill people".


Well-Known Member
Every candidate has negative supporters, the only people who cry about it are the ones who lack policy substance
Not necessarily. People who dismiss what others are saying by diminishing the people and not their cause draw negative supporters too. Rightly so.

Trump does that.

So do Bernie Bros.

I have less argument with Bernie's policies than I do with his Bros. Your kind remind me of Robespierre's faction during the French Revolution. They found all manner of arguments to justify killing off their opposition.
who do you feel has been unfairly treated, new person?
You’re avatar for one . you are not black or gay .Thats a troll tactic & a 2 for 1 special lol!
Did you steal the pic from a gay biracial dating service ? I’d be pissed if I were one of those guys , with the shit you spout From you’re donut hole lol smh !


Well-Known Member
You’re avatar for one . you are not black or gay .Thats a troll tactic & a 2 for 1 special lol!
Did you steal the pic from a gay biracial dating service ? I’d be pissed if I were one of those guys , with the shit you spout From you’re donut hole lol smh !
aww, poor puppy. Perhaps you should keep your tender feelings away from the politics forum?


Well-Known Member
You’re avatar for one . you are not black or gay .Thats a troll tactic & a 2 for 1 special lol!
Did you steal the pic from a gay biracial dating service ? I’d be pissed if I were one of those guys , with the shit you spout From you’re donut hole lol smh !
Sounds like you been here before, did Buck burn ya bad? Back for more? Trouble getting over it?


Well-Known Member
You’re avatar for one . you are not black or gay .Thats a troll tactic & a 2 for 1 special lol!
Did you steal the pic from a gay biracial dating service ? I’d be pissed if I were one of those guys , with the shit you spout From you’re donut hole lol smh !
why do you think they’re gay


Well-Known Member
Slide your stove out and take a pic behind it. How often do you clean out your hvac system? Baseboards if you got them. Wash your curtains? Speaker cabinets? Unless you're a complete germaphobe or just looking for something to bitch about... you're just ridiculous. You didnt let your kids play outside?

All buck did was say you're crazy. Which I agree with if you're that afraid of a little dirt on jeans when the wood floor and carpet are clean. Then you got personal. Brought his wife into it. What the hell man?
You taking up for UB. cool noted. I would never bring in some nasty as shit around my child.

So you taking up for UB now ? UB brought up my mom so it is all fair game.
i thought your mom looked pretty decent in that one
You sure you want to pick sides on this ? As much shit UB talk about peoples mom, wife and all you pick to side with him GTFO.
And yes I clean behind my fridge and stove on a fucking regular. I'm ex Air Force that have some serious clean habits. My wife is a fucking nurse so she is a clean freak as well. If we are not cleaning our home we are assured to bring in someone twice a month to dust and clean. and hell no I would not lounge around with some dirty ass pants on in my fucking house. Are you a fucking caveman as well. My clothes hang in my closet facing the same way. still fold my t shirts, under-wear and socks to place in my drawers. My wife makes the bed with hospital corners. Change out my AC/heat filters every 90 days. Remove my shoes before coming in the house...every time. In fact visitors do also. My home has blinds behind the glass, just so we don't have to clean them. So yeah when I see some nasty fuck wearing some dirty muddy feces pants in a room were their child plays whilst eating dinner and sitting on furniture I call it NASTY AS FUCK. clean yourself up and then do all the above.


Well-Known Member
UB and London should make peace or at least try to keep it, you agree on many of the issues and will be on the same side in the political fight of your life soon, there is more to unite you guys than to divide you. If Bernie wins the nomination you'll all be Bernie Bros or Bernie Borgs if ya prefer, in any case you'll both be assimilated if he wins the nomination, so will many others here. Remember this is more like a civil war by other means than an election.

This shit always happens when Trumpers are scarce and folks get bored, they seem to come and go with the fortunes of Donald.


Well-Known Member
UB and London should make peace or at least try to keep it, you agree on many of the issues and will be on the same side in the political fight of your life soon, there is more to unite you guys than to divide you. If Bernie wins the nomination you'll all be Bernie Bros or Bernie Borgs if ya prefer, in any case you'll both be assimilated if he wins the nomination, so will many others here. Remember this is more like a civil war by other means than an election.

This shit always happens when Trumpers are scarce and folks get bored, they seem to come and go with the fortunes of Donald.
UB just needs to prep himself for defending Bernie against Trumpfucks.
Right now I'm just giving UB a taste of his own medicine that he has been dishing out for years on RIU. Who you think taught me.


Well-Known Member
Should you be able to sue Budweiser if someone smashes into your car while drunk? Is Budweiser responsible for that?
nope and that's the whole point.

my best tells me the ticket will be completed with Senator Nina Turner or Governor Stacy Abrams..if I had to choose..Senator Turner.


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