Bloomberg to the rescue


Well-Known Member
Again, you project.

Sanders has a very strong cult-following. Sanders is a charismatic leader that feeds his followers the lies they want to hear. Like that whopper he tells about Medicare for All. He promises what he cannot deliver.

Democrats follow their beliefs and values. We choose a leader accordingly. One value that I hold to is I don't like being lied to.
excuse i in the angry, old drunk section?


Well-Known Member
It's not that I think it matters. It's that I'm not a nice person and enjoy bashing right wing liars, trolls and Trumpers. I'm the kind of person who as a kid bashed the retarded kids, not that I'm proud of that. Looking back, I feel remorse for that, which is why I stick to bashing the ones who support harmful actions and policies. Its not a good look but I wear it.
Yer doing it for your country Foggy, giving your immortal soul in it's defense! War on!


Well-Known Member
I'm clearly much more liberal than you are. Have never voted right wing in my life, and support open immigration. I've studied and support social justice, and condemn racism in all forms. If you misunderstood my original point regardless of my attempts at offering explanations, I am left to only assume that you don't want to understand. You preach against sewing division, but you constantly sew division here yourself.

If my original statement seemed to somehow have racist undertones to you, all I can do is say that perhaps I should have communicated differently, and that it was not my intent. I support people of all colors to have equal opportunities and fair treatment.
your opinion is fine; he's Strawman.


Well-Known Member
Your preferred Dem candidates are former republicans. Makes complete sense. At least you finally abandoned the GOP party when Trump because the new leader. I give you credit for that at least.
his wife has a portfolio he doesn't wish to part with..


Well-Known Member
One can not have more than one reason to support their position?

You vote for someone to piss someone else off? Wow those are some wonderful ethics you have. I'll have to search back to see when you said that you and your wife liked Warren. You forgot about it?
his in-laws (those who provided said portfolio, are clintonites; they do the fundraiser circuit) they probably live in the uber swank area of Cherry Creek in I close @UncleBuck?:wink:

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
he also polls the best against trump too and pisses him off more

Bloomberg polls better than Bernie against trump
Except for the fact that it isn't actually true.

Today's poll says otherwise:

Oh, and it isn't just today's poll that says that. Recent polls tell the same story. Democrats don't want to vote for a Republican like Bloomberg:



PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
It's not that I think it matters. It's that I'm not a nice person and enjoy bashing right wing liars, trolls and Trumpers. I'm the kind of person who as a kid bashed the retarded kids, not that I'm proud of that. Looking back, I feel remorse for that, which is why I stick to bashing the ones who support harmful actions and policies. Its not a good look but I wear it.
Got it, you're a common school yard bully. Makes complete sense now. Push others down to lift yourself up. smh


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Got it, you're a common school yard bully. Makes complete sense now. Push others down to lift yourself up. smh
Yeah, it's not a good look and I'm not proud of it. So, I stick it to people like you, now. Your divisive bullshit troll-posts make you a worthwhile target. Nothing to be ashamed of.

Explain, if you can, how college students in Santa Cruz pushed up rents to what you call exorbitant levels but are actually are not different from anywhere else in that area? Explain, if you can, why workers in any situation, be it a school or a cannery, should not be engage in collective action to advocate for wages that cover the cost of living?

Explain why you say an independent contractor is scum?

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
that statement was true when I made it last night

But then again I expect you to lie. That’s what you’re here to do
It wasn't true last night. If you look at the poll dates, the most recent ones concluded yesterday. Try to keep up.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's not a good look and I'm not proud of it. So, I stick it to people like you, now. Your divisive bullshit troll-posts make you a worthwhile target. Nothing to be ashamed of.

Explain, if you can, how college students in Santa Cruz pushed up rents to what you call exorbitant levels but are actually are not different from anywhere else in that area? Explain, if you can, why workers in any situation, be it a school or a cannery, should not be engage in collective action to advocate for wages that cover the cost of living?

Explain why you say an independent contractor is scum?
Go away bully. I got no time for people like you.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
youre a racist
you're a republican posing as a democrat resorting to ad-hoc attacks which you know to be lies in an effort to discredit anyone who points out your fallacies. go hang out in your bully circle with foghat because the other kids don't want to be around you.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I'll hit with facts. You have no defense from them.

Tell us again why college graduate students should be punished for asking for wages that enable them to live.
I don't think anyone should be punished for that. Don't be obtuse.