Bernie Sanders 2020

He's likely to show up at the convention with a plurality but not a majority. Once the convention goes two rounds without a candidate getting a majority of delegates, everybody is free to choose who they want. Delegates and super delegates will not be bound as committed delegates.

In my opinion, the best way to deplete Bernie of delegates, shrink his plurality and get the convention past the second round of voting is to have a wider field of choices, not a narrow one. The objective in the fall is to beat Trump. That means somebody other than Bernie.
If the objective is beating Trump and there's the strong possibility of Bernie winning the nomination, then it might be prudent for Dems to start rallying behind him now, instead of attacking him, which will backfire later when we get to the general.

In reality does it even matter if Bernie gets a majority or not, since Tom Perez can simply declare Sanders not Democratic enough, and pick an alternate?
If that’s true it’s great news because “I will take away your healthcare and raise your taxes” is the worst general election message I’ve ever heard
I can see that republicans like yourself would feel that way, but my fellow Union members who are Democrat see it differently. We see it as replacing healthcare to level the playing field, and that taking health care out of the equation in collective bargaining, bolsters out position to ask for higher wages. We understand that higher taxes to support the health of society as a whole will turn out to be a positive benefit for all in the long run, resulting in greater personal happiness and community strength.
If the objective is beating Trump and there's the strong possibility of Bernie winning the nomination, then it might be prudent for Dems to start rallying behind him now, instead of attacking him, which will backfire later when we get to the general.

In reality does it even matter if Bernie gets a majority or not, since Tom Perez can simply declare Sanders not Democratic enough, and pick an alternate?
Bernie can't even attract a majority of liberal voters. How can you believe he'd do better with centrist or moderate conservatives in the fall?
I can see that republicans like yourself would feel that way, but my fellow Union members who are Democrat see it differently. We see it as replacing healthcare to level the playing field, and that taking health care out of the equation in collective bargaining, bolsters out position to ask for higher wages. We understand that higher taxes to support the health of society as a whole will turn out to be a positive benefit for all in the long run, resulting in greater personal happiness and community strength.
You opposed graduate students who were striking for living wages. You then went after them on a personal level by falsely accusing students for pushing up rent in Santa Cruz. Not very Union, that. More like something that could have been found in the pages of Pravda.
Bernie can't even attract a majority of liberal voters. How can you believe he'd do better with centrist or moderate conservatives in the fall?
I'm confident that any voter with morals and standards of common decency would pick Sanders over Trump any day of the week.
I can see that republicans like yourself would feel that way, but my fellow Union members who are Democrat see it differently. We see it as replacing healthcare to level the playing field, and that taking health care out of the equation in collective bargaining, bolsters out position to ask for higher wages. We understand that higher taxes to support the health of society as a whole will turn out to be a positive benefit for all in the long run, resulting in greater personal happiness and community strength.
hey there racist liar

Go ahead and show me one time in my decade of posting here that I’ve ever supported the gop

Your desperate lies are only making you look dumber

Best regards,

You opposed graduate students who were striking for living wages. You then went after them on a personal level by falsely accusing students for pushing up rent in Santa Cruz. Not very Union, that. More like something that could have been found in the pages of Pravda.
It's a wildcat strike which the union doesn't even support. The fact is that even internally the strike only has 14% support of the current grad students. I have a friend who when thru the program recently who has told me that the whole strike has caused much division among the current grad students. I support the students asking for higher wages, but I think they should do it when their contract is concluding, not in the middle of an active agreement which they knew they signed up for coming in. We can talk more about this in a relevant thread if you like, but this thread is not the appropriate place.
I'm confident that any voter with morals and standards of common decency would pick Sanders over Trump any day of the week.
you support trump, that much is obvious. Racist liars like you all support trump

Hence why you’re pretending to be a liberal who supports Bernie, whose “I will raise your taxes and take away your healthcare” message guarantees a trump win
He's likely to show up at the convention with a plurality but not a majority. Once the convention goes two rounds without a candidate getting a majority of delegates, everybody is free to choose who they want. Delegates and super delegates will not be bound as committed delegates.

In my opinion, the best way to deplete Bernie of delegates, shrink his plurality and get the convention past the second round of voting is to have a wider field of choices, not a narrow one. The objective in the fall is to beat Trump. That means somebody other than Bernie.
If Bernie is the nominee Trump is going to rip him apart. Can you just imagine some of the trump ads on tv with clips of Bernie from his honeymoon in Russia.

But that’s only the beginning. The hours of footage include a scene of Sanders sitting with his delegation at a table under a portrait of Vladimir Lenin. Sanders can also be heard extolling the virtues of Soviet life and culture, even as he acknowledges some of their shortcomings. There are flashes of humor, too, such as his host warning the American guests not to cross the KGB, or else.

do I want to see Bernie turn America into a communist country?
hey there racist liar

Go ahead and show me one time in my decade of posting here that I’ve ever supported the gop

Your desperate lies are only making you look dumber

Best regards,

You voted for Bloomberg. You hate taxes. We're done here.
If Bernie is the nominee Trump is going to rip him apart. Can you just imagine some of the trump ads on tv with clips of Bernie from his honeymoon in Russia.

But that’s only the beginning. The hours of footage include a scene of Sanders sitting with his delegation at a table under a portrait of Vladimir Lenin. Sanders can also be heard extolling the virtues of Soviet life and culture, even as he acknowledges some of their shortcomings. There are flashes of humor, too, such as his host warning the American guests not to cross the KGB, or else.

do I want to see Bernie turn America into a communist country?
i highly doubt he’d have to do any of that but he could very easily

The rape porn Bernie authored would also be killer. But again, he wouldn’t even have to
I'm confident that any voter with morals and standards of common decency would pick Sanders over Trump any day of the week.
Based on what? What gives you that confidence?

I'm confident that voters will vote in what they perceive as their best interest at the time. Promising to strip people of their healthcare and raise taxes in return for a vague promise from a do-nothing Senator is the dumbest strategy to win the WH since Republicans ran on a "steady as you go" policy during the early years of the Great Depression.

I think you don't care if Trump wins in the fall. Is it your position "give me Bernie or I'll give you Trump"?
I think you don't care if Trump wins in the fall. Is it your position "give me Bernie or I'll give you Trump"?
close but backwards. This phony has let her act slip a few times, clearly showing her to be a right wing racist. She wants trump to win

So she’s pretending to love Bernie knowing he’s the weakest candidate in the fall
Based on what? What gives you that confidence?

I'm confident that voters will vote in what they perceive as their best interest at the time. Promising to strip people of their healthcare and raise taxes in return for a vague promise from a do-nothing Senator is the dumbest strategy to win the WH since Republicans ran on a "steady as you go" policy during the early years of the Great Depression.

I think you don't care if Trump wins in the fall. Is it your position "give me Bernie or I'll give you Trump"?
Not everyone votes in their own best personal interest, that's what republicans do not democrats. Democrats vote for what's best for the health of society, at least that's what I was taught growing up.

Give me Bernie or I'll give you Trump? Um, no I wouldn't want that at all. I'd be happy to have someone other than Bernie, if I didn't feel that they were a corporate sellout shill. Actually I had hoped that someone else would be leader of the pack, but I'm happy with Bernie. I had hoped for Julian Castro early on, but he never gained traction. I'm not a Bernie or Bust from 2016 kinda guy tho.
It's a wildcat strike which the union doesn't even support. The fact is that even internally the strike only has 14% support of the current grad students. I have a friend who when thru the program recently who has told me that the whole strike has caused much division among the current grad students. I support the students asking for higher wages, but I think they should do it when their contract is concluding, not in the middle of an active agreement which they knew they signed up for coming in. We can talk more about this in a relevant thread if you like, but this thread is not the appropriate place.
So what if its a wildcat strike? They had a point to make. Their wages weren't enough to pay for a roof over their heads. Fuck your friend who isn't available to tell his own story. I can make one up too but I'm not a liar. I bring this up because you cloaked yourself with the union label but here you are, sniping at people who are rightfully agitating for better wages.

Your divisive posts, your lies, your personal attacks, your bullshit and fallacious arguments are what I'm looking at and I'm absolutely free to cite them to call you out when you lie. All you have are more personal attacks and lies.
So what if its a wildcat strike? They had a point to make. Their wages weren't enough to pay for a roof over their heads. Fuck your friend who isn't available to tell his own story. I can make one up too but I'm not a liar. I bring this up because you cloaked yourself with the union label but here you are, sniping at people who are rightfully agitating for better wages.

Your divisive posts, your lies, your personal attacks, your bullshit and fallacious arguments are what I'm looking at and I'm absolutely free to cite them to call you out when you lie. All you have are more personal attacks and lies.
I guess you don't understand the difference between a wildcat strike (which their union doesn't even support) and a legitimate union sanctioned strike. Legitimate strikes are approved by a vote of majority of the membership (aka democratically). This wildcat strike is being put on by the minority. Union means to be united. These dissidents aren't united with their Union brothers and sisters. The reality is that this strike is hurting the Union's strength in bargaining. FWIW I went on sanctioned union pickets twice in the past couple of weeks, which were supported by the AFL-CIO.