Bernie Sanders 2020

i highly doubt he’d have to do any of that but he could very easily

The rape porn Bernie authored would also be killer. But again, he wouldn’t even have to
Bernie is a lot more sick and twisted then I ever knew. He probably paid those women at his rally in Nevada to come up on stage topless because Bernie yelled to the crowd~“excitement at no extra cost! “
Now why wouldn’t Bernie be like , WHERE is security!! Get these people of the stage. If not then He is making himself be an very easy target to get hurt.
If Bernie is the nominee Trump is going to rip him apart. Can you just imagine some of the trump ads on tv with clips of Bernie from his honeymoon in Russia.

But that’s only the beginning. The hours of footage include a scene of Sanders sitting with his delegation at a table under a portrait of Vladimir Lenin. Sanders can also be heard extolling the virtues of Soviet life and culture, even as he acknowledges some of their shortcomings. There are flashes of humor, too, such as his host warning the American guests not to cross the KGB, or else.

do I want to see Bernie turn America into a communist country?
It's a good guess that @PJ Diaz want's Republican fascism to reign for four years and beyond that.

Agree with you. Bernie is a terrible candidate -- not exactly communist -- but very much a hard line-authoritarian socialist who vaunted Ortega during his years of sponsoring death squads in Nicaragua. I'm pulling for a contested convention to end his run. He's not a Democrat. Democrats should select a Democrat to represent the Democratic Party in the fall.
I guess you don't understand the difference between a wildcat strike (which their union doesn't even support) and a legitimate union sanctioned strike. Legitimate strikes are approved by a vote of majority of the membership (aka democratically). This wildcat strike is being put on by the minority. Union means to be united. These dissidents aren't united with their Union brothers and sisters. The reality is that this strike is hurting the Union's strength in bargaining. FWIW I went on sanctioned union pickets twice in the past couple of weeks, which were supported by the AFL-CIO.
Doesn't matter what you call it. They were striking for living wages. That's as legitimate a reason for striking as any.

You are descending into legalese when you talk about "legitimacy" of the strike. Yes, the strike was not legal and yes, administration COULD have legally chosen to replace those workers who failed to honor the contract. That does not change the facts around the reason for the strike. You, on the other hand cried about how students were pushing up rent. Some kind of union guy you are.
Doesn't matter what you call it. They were striking for living wages. That's as legitimate a reason for striking as any.

You are descending into legalese when you talk about "legitimacy" of the strike. Yes, the strike was not legal and yes, administration COULD have legally chosen to replace those workers who failed to honor the contract. That does not change the facts around the reason for the strike. You, on the other hand cried about how students were pushing up rent. Some kind of union guy you are.
Only 14% of the bargaining unit supports the wildcat strike.
If true, so what?

Citation or it isn't true.
I don't have a citation, because I was given this number from my direct conversations with UCSC faculty and grad students. I guess maybe they lied to me but I doubt it. If true then this is an anti-democratic strike pushed by a small minority which will end up negatively impacting the greater majority.
I don't have a citation, because I was given this number from my direct conversations with UCSC faculty and grad students. I guess maybe they lied to me but I doubt it. If true then this is an anti-democratic strike pushed by a small minority which will end up negatively impacting the greater majority.
Caught you out in another lie.
Bernie supports the wildcat strike, so there's something that you like about Bernie at least. I don't agree with all of his positions.
Bernie's policies are OK, he's just not a good leader or legislator. His Bros are lying assholes and I don't care for them one bit.
No you didn't bully.
Then cite it rather than quote somebody "you talked to" as if it were fact. The people at the strike were all in earnest and had a valid complaint.

I don't see anything about a 14% minority wanting better wages in this article:

They have a valid complaint. Bernie and I agree on this.
He's leading the pack of Democrats vying for nomination.
Oh. So that's different. His poor work history, his poor record as a legislator, his shitty healthcare plan, his totally crap strategy to beat Trump are all just fluff compared to "he's ahead with something like 4% of delegates counted".

Soooo funny that, Burt.
Those making claims based on electability, how did Sanders manage to win moderates/conservatives in Nevada, as well as progressives? No other candidate can say they appeal to people all across the political spectrum except Sanders, the results from Nevada prove it

A combination of Trump's trolls not having to vote for him in the Primary voting for Sanders, The Russians attacking the Mexican American community with racist propaganda aimed at making them vote anti-'establishment' since 2016, and him running there for about 5 years now?
Screen Shot 2020-02-23 at 12.12.05 PM.png
Oh. So that's different. His poor work history, his poor record as a legislator, his shitty healthcare plan, his totally crap strategy to beat Trump are all just fluff compared to "he's ahead with something like 4% of delegates counted".

Soooo funny that, Burt.

Your anger issues amuse me.
A combination of Trump's trolls not having to vote for him in the Primary voting for Sanders, The Russians attacking the Mexican American community with racist propaganda aimed at making them vote anti-'establishment' since 2016, and him running there for about 5 years now?
How would you be able to tell if it were effective or if Sanders' message/agenda actually resonates with minority voters?

You've set up an unfalsifiable scenario where all that has to happen is that the intelligence community says foreign influence targets minorities with populist rhetoric and that's all that's required for you to believe it

On this, I'd say Occam's razor is the much more likely scenario; Sanders supports the working class, so, working class voters support Sanders, across the political spectrum. Bloomberg is against raising the minimum wage, Biden supported freezing social security, Buttigieg's campaign is funded by 50 billionaires, and Klobuchar doesn't treat her staff very well. Opposing those sorts of views comes with the territory of being a working class voter.